Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXII

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Ugh, another one of these, and I don’t even feel like writing this one.

Blah blah blah, Trump sucks. He’s a terrible president, blah blah blah.

I don’t care about Trump’s immigration bill for some reasons: 1) It’s only a bill, and not a law, so who cares; 2) it wouldn’t do enough anyways; 3) Trump has a history of not delivering because he doesn’t care enough to make an effort; 4) mainstream conservative types like Coulter and vdare and such love the bill, so you know it’s dumb and not what people want anyways; and 5) he’s obviously doing it only to serve himself, since he seems to have finally realized that he’ll need at least a sliver of support amongst his voter base if he’s going to leave office as “not a total embarrassment”. As it stands, he’s now probably not as bad for his base as his predecessor, Dubya, who was arguably the worst president this country has ever had.

Ugh, fuck all these people.

As it stands, the loser here is the oligarchy, since it’s obvious now that their big play to remain relevant with Americans has failed massively and spectacularly. Trump’s approval ratings are at some historical lows right now. Good. Fuck him and his entire family.

The oligarchy here is really and truly terrible. It’s almost incomprehensible how greedy and childish these people are.

In the wake of Trump’s posturing and pretending to care about his base with this immigration bill, the MSM is predictably filled with whining from our billionaires about how they “can’t afford” to hire American workers. Leading the charge as always are the tech companies, who of course have more billions hoarded than anyone else these days.

Always, it’s companies like Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft that complain loudest about not being able to hire American workers because of salary demands, in spite of their being famous for having more cash stashed away than most governments. Apple in particular has at least like 50 billion dollars just sitting there in their bank accounts. And they are always amongst the loudest to protest about the “unreasonable demands” that having American workers puts on them.

American companies in total have literally trillions of dollars just sitting there, untouched, in their savings accounts. I’m not going to point out again how dumb and selfish that is, because its obvious, but it is interesting how the assholes who run these companies can just sit and brazenly lie to everyone in the world.

I mean, everyone knows they’re lying. There isn’t a person on this Earth who can’t see it. But, they lie anyways, and then pay off the politicians here to game the system to let them get away with it, all in plain view of the entire world.

It’s amazing, how brazen and obviously dishonest it all is. But yet, there it is.

Considering all the money hoarded by Apple, they could easily just take one percent of it, go out to Appalachia, and train a new workforce for their company, and mold people into whatever kind of employees they want, to fill any number of positions they could possibly think of. I mean, one percent of their hoard would be 500 million dollars. Fuck, they wouldn’t even need that much. Maybe one percent of one percent would be enough.

With Apple’s money, they could easily come up with a workforce of Americans of any size, to do anything they want, whenever they want it. But, since Apple doesn’t even like this country… there you go.

America doesn’t need immigration. At all. From anywhere. We have something like 100 million people of working age right now not working. It would be child’s play for American companies to use a fraction of their hoarded trillions to train people here to fill any positions they have. But they won’t, since they’re too greedy to part with even a small portion of their “profits”.

And that’s just the companies. I’m leaving out the personal fortunes of assholes like Gates, Bezos and Trump.

As it stands, I still believe that the jerks that run the US economy will get what’s coming to them. Our oligarchs aren’t nice, or relatable, unlike those of other countries, and especially like those that used to run the show here, back in the day. This particular current group is just so noxious, vile and greedy that nobody even likes them, let alone wants to emulate them.

With Trump’s downfall, IMO it’s game over for the oligarchs. They have failed in the most important way. Trump’s failure has sealed the GOP’s fate. No longer will they ever be able to trick people into thinking that they will represent the concerns of the white working classes here. They’re finished; done. Even if Trump’s bill passes, IMO it’s too little, too late. Trump’s approval ratings are already the lowest ever at this point for a president, and they’re still falling. Game over, man.

And the Democrats are obviously out. Trump’s failure will not give any amount of success to them. Any white person not in the club would be a fool to vote for them. Obviously. And so, the nation’s largest demographic is out the door, and will work to create their own destiny, elsewhere.

We’re in no-man’s land, here. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXI

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

The game continues. Another day, another week, another month.

How long can the distractions last?

It’s August 1st, now. What kind of nonsense will we sit though, this month? What flavor of music will we be hearing as we watch the flames?

More garbage, last month. I’m not going to waste time talking or thinking about any of it. Who cares, anyways?

The issues we’re having can be neatly exposed, as usual, by reading the orange one’s twitter. Here’s this morning’s haul:

@realDonaldTrump 2 hours ago
Only the Fake News Media and Trump enemies want me to stop using Social Media (110 million people). Only way for me to get the truth out!

@realDonaldTrump 3 hours ago
“Corporations have NEVER made as much money as they are making now.” Thank you Stuart Varney @foxandfriends Jobs are starting to roar,watch!

@realDonaldTrump 3 hours ago
Stock Market could hit all-time high (again) 22,000 today. Was 18,000 only 6 months ago on Election Day. Mainstream media seldom mentions!

More crap. Distractions, obfuscations. Garbage, all of it.

Nothing that has happened lately has shaken me from my belief that the stock market is a contrary indicator for the economy. A high stock market= bad economy. The logic is simple and obvious, and evident in the real world. Higher stock prices= rich people invest in paper “wealth”, instead of investing in the country, since paper “wealth” gives them a guaranteed return, as the stock market never goes down. The real economy then suffers. Money dries up, and the lower classes die of starvation. Inequality soars. Economic downfall ensues.

Prove me wrong.

Corporate profits are the enemy. A uniformly high rate of corporate profits indicates several things, none of them good: 1) large corporations are not being allowed to fail, even when they should be; 2) there is a lack of small business of activity, since small businesses aren’t the kind to rake in tons of profits; 3) corporations are not hiring, since “profits” here means take home pay for CEO’s; and 4) economic inequality is rising, since we all know by now that rich people only invest “profits” in themselves personally, and never the country, or anyone else.

Corporate profits are like the stock market. You will know that a recovery is in the works when they fall through the floor.

In a sound economy, corporate profits would be smaller, as companies would use their resources to hire people, increase wages, and invest in new products, ideas and machinery. Profits are the enemy of growth and success in a business. “Profits” here means CEO take home pay. And who the fuck besides Trump wants these people to get MORE money?

Fuck that.

This is why economic inequality keeps going up, in spite of how many records it continually breaks.

And Trump’s other tweet today about “fake news” is just more crap. I won’t even bother dissecting it.

All of this begs the question: at what point is there going to be some kind of effort on the part of our politicians to fix our problems? Or is this circus something we’re all going to have to suffer through in perpetuity?

Ugh, to all of it.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLII

Tuesday, July 25th, 2017

Some thoughts.

1) No change on the political front. The greatest depression continues, unabated, with no end in sight, anywhere. No politician will even admit the problem exists, much less offer up a solution to it. 2 graphs, here, both proving the point:

These are graphs of the nation’s money velocity. Both were provided by the St. Louis Fed. Both graphs represent two broad surveys of it.

Money is the lifeblood of an economy. It’s what makes an economy run. Money gives an economy life. No money velocity= no economic activity. It means no jobs, no new businesses, no new ideas or products. And the money velocity in today’s America is the worst in it’s recorded history. It surpasses the lows found in the great depression era. Not shown here, but google can find that info in you want it.

The economy is dead. Not in recession, even, but dead. There is no activity, anymore. The rich have all the money- and I mean ALL of it- and the rest get nothing, and even worse, get no chance of finding any, either.

And still, no word from Trump or any politician about fixing any of the problems we face.

It’s horrifying, what is happening to the country. It’s like we’re sitting here enduring the ultimate nightmare, and the media just sits and laughs at us by shoving everything that nobody cares about in our faces 24/7.

2) Which brings us to Russia.

Shame on all of you. On Trump, on that twerp Kushner, on that Ivanka brat, on the media, and on all the rest of the spoiled, ignorant losers involved in this thing.

What I hate most about all of this garbage is how arrogant and unbelievably self-centered it is. It’s like, we’re sitting here living in the real world, concerned about what matters- i.e. THE ECONOMY, and other such civilization defining things- and the idiots and fools that run the show seem to think our concerns should be focused on the minutiae of this Trump-Putin garbage. AND THEY JUST WON’T LET IT GO.

It’s just oligarch squabbling. That’s literally all it is. It’s he said/ she said amongst the billionaire crowd. And it’s being shoved down out fucking throats again and again no matter how often we puke it back up.

You know, I wouldn’t mind it so much if perhaps this stuff was actually going somewhere, to some kind of destination. But no, we go nowhere, with any of it. It’s like everything else in that it’s so goddamn FRUSTRATING. So are we enemies with Russia or not? We’ve been focusing on this stuff to the exclusion of all other issues now for fucking half a year straight. Do we know, yet? This crap is so goddamn CONFUSING. It’s complicated as hell and weird as fuck.

Why are we even putting more sanctions on Russia, again? Because of their actions against ISIS, or something? It’s not about the Ukraine, at least. I haven’t even heard about that war in years, so it’s not about that. But then, what? For the crime of selling oil to the Chinese, as if we have a right to control that? For this “election hacking” nonsense that seems didn’t even happen at this point? Who can even figure this crap out, anymore?

You know, I suggested once that Russia and the US should become friends. This was years ago, on Twitter. I was thinking of making an alliance between the two countries for the mutual benefit of both. As in, Russia has resources, and those resources could be used to rebuild the destroyed American economy. Russia gets a customer, and America gets rebuilt. Russia enters the world stage as a superpower, America gets an ally, and everyone wins! Fantastic. And the basis for this alliance would be, simply, an ethnic bond between the two countries.

Simple, easy, and workable. And understandable. And easily digestible to the masses. But, instead, we get… THIS. Whatever the hell THIS even is.

The problem here isn’t Russia, by the way. It’s the United States, or to be very specific, the ruling families of the United States, who will not bow down to reality. They refuse to bend on any issue unless you drag them kicking and screaming into something, and once in they always complicate things and make it difficult as hell to work with them.

3) WHY, for fucks sake, is JESUS playing so big a role in our national politics? Why? Is this the 1400’s or something? And the same thing about Islam, and the Jewish crap. I thought that the whole point of the enlightenment and thus Western Civilization was that we put this garbage behind us and moved on, to create a society based on rule of law, and rational thought and logical discourse.

And no, I’m not going to stop pointing this out because it’s the root of our problems, here.

Just like the ruling families in the decaying ages of Rome flocked to Jesus to prevent themselves from having to look at the world around them, so too do our oligarchs turn to the Bible of all things for answers to the real life problems that they REALLY SHOULD be dealing with.

So instead of looking at charts of money velocity, they’re reading crap from the bible, of all things. As if that will help them, or us, somehow.

It’s insulting. And stupid. And hopeless. If this is their answer to things- to the problems that our society has- than we’re truly leaderless.

Christianity is the last refuge of those without a clue. The bible is a mistranslated mess of words and completely incomprehensible stories, most of which openly contradict each other. In no way should any of that crap play a part in fixing any problem we have in real life.

Need I point out again the reality that atheist China is currently kicking everyone’s asses on the world stage?

With power, comes history. And progress.

Guess who the next century will exalt. Hint: it won’t be Jesus. Or Mohamed. Or Moses. Or any of those idiots, or their followers.

It will be the great atheist and secular thinkers, like Marx, Nietzsche and Jefferson, I’ll bet. They are the ones who created the future, and paved the way for China’s success. That they would have paved the way for us, had we listened, is moot at this point. The future will be what it will be. Let’s leave the past behind us, please! Not that we’ll have a choice.

4) The more this stuff drags on, the more and more it’s looking like the last days of Rome, revisited. And it’s creepy in that every time I point that out, the ruling families try desperately to make it not seem so, only to fuck it up and make it seem more like that than it used to be.

Never before has the “news” cared so much about so extremely little. Yesterday, the big news in the MSM was that Kushner, that living embodiment of nepotism, had no comment about the Russia stuff. As if that was relevant somehow, or that anyone cared.

Every day, the Trump admin looks not so much like Caesar and his senate, as it does like the evil, deranged clique of criminals and hangers-on that surrounded Caesar’s horribly corrupt, isolated, and inbred 15th successor. Whoever that was.

5) This is all so depressing. I’m going to stop here.

But I want to say- no recovery, no change.

It just DOESN’T END.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XX

Saturday, July 15th, 2017

The eternal problem with Trump can be neatly described using his tweets today.

Let’s investigate, shall we? Here they are, in order:


1) Stock Market at new all-time high! Working on new trade deals that will be great for U.S. and its workers!

2) Stock Market hit another all-time high yesterday – despite the Russian hoax story! Also, jobs numbers are starting to look very good!

3) Will be at the Women’s U.S. Open today!

4) Next week the Senate is going to vote on legislation to save Americans from the ObamaCare DISASTER. #WeeklyAddress


6) Just got to the #USWomensOpen in Bedminster, New Jersey. People are really happy with record high stock market – up over 17% since election!


The issue here is the same one I’ve been hammering at now for 5 years if not longer. The stock market is a contrary indicator for the economy. A high stock market means a bad economy, and vice-versa.

A good economy is one in which money flows into the creation of jobs, businesses and material goods. A bad one has money directed into crap like stocks.

The stock market is an oligarch circle jerk. That’s literally all it is. It’s a kind of universal guaranteed income for lazy rich people. In a healthy economy, money would be flowing down from the top into the middle class, in the form of job opportunities and raises and such. But, it doesn’t, anymore, because it’s stuck up at the top because the stock market literally never goes down. So the wealthy make money in stocks to put money in stocks, because all the government and federal reserves’s policies are about is making people who put money in stocks richer.

We either have 1) a high stock market and a malfunctioning economy, or 2) a low stock market and a functioning economy. But, we don’t have and will never get either.

The problem with the US economy is that we have too many rich people. And until this problem is taken care of, no recovery is on the horizon.

This is not a difficult concept to understand.

A recovery means that the stock market takes a 75% hit. That way, money will leave stocks and go elsewhere, such as hiring workers. And then the economy will begin to recover.

We’re not going to get that with Trump. Or with anyone in the political scene, right now. Nobody will work towards this. The system we have is permanently broken, and as it is, the US has no economic weapons with which to counter China or Russia or anyone else, for that matter.

We’re headed down, down, down into the gutter of the 3rd world, and there is no process with which to stop this since the entire system is corrupt. They’ve lost their purpose and cannot fix anything, or even mention what needs to be done to fix anything at all.

And Trump is by far the worst of the lot.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XIX

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Just to throw another note out there:

Trump isn’t dumb no matter how he looks, it’s just that everything he does is designed to distract, no matter how stupid and bizarre said distraction may be.

Hence his idiotic and nonsensical idea of creating a Russian-US cybersecurity alliance, or whatever that was. What Trump is trying to do is baffle everyone so much that they forget to press him on immigration.

And this is the reason behind “covfefe” and the rest of that nonsense, too.

That’s what all of this is, really. What Trump is trying to do is stall for as much time as possible, so that he doesn’t have to act on immigration. And it doesn’t matter how he stalls, or what he does or has to say, no matter how idiotic.

The overriding theme of everything Trump does is that he has zero respect for anyone who voted for him, and he will work as hard as he can to avoid representing them or their interests so that his daughter can benefit from their downfall.

This is the arc of Donald and his entire career, basically. Trump isn’t a leader. He’s a natural salesman, which means that he doesn’t believe in anything besides that which benefits himself and those in his own inner circle.

Once he makes the sale, in his mind, that’s it. A deal’s a deal. He’s in the office, so screw you, you suckers who supported him. He has your money, and there are no refunds.

The problem with this approach is obvious: that’s not democracy. From the peoples’ point of view, they should be getting the things they voted for. And they didn’t vote to see Ivanka acting as President during G-20 meetings while Trump goes out golfing, that’s for sure.

And they didn’t vote for any kind of “cybersecurity” pact with Russia, that’s for damn sure. In fact that whole idea is just another direct inversion of everything that the people who voted for Trump want.

What people want is ECONOMIC and PEACE ORIENTED ties to Russia. In fact, they might be open anything with Russia BESIDES the whole “Internet” thing. Which… may be the reason we’re getting it, of course.

And they sure as hell didn’t vote for more Jesus, either. In fact, Trump’s whole appeal was that he was in the GOP and he *wasn’t* an evangelist. And they didn’t vote for Trumpcare, or for the infrastructure crap, or for any of the rest of it.

People, especially the common public masses, are very simple. They find a meme and stick to it, and Trump’s was Build The Wall. Which means: Reduce Immigration. This is why people voted for him, and this is the only reason people voted for him.

And if they don’t get it, and get in in spades, they’re going to get pissed off like hell.

We’re reaching the point now of the public being fooled once too many times. The public might be gullible- or at least conveniently forgiving- provided people have jobs and the opportunity to get out of debt and build up some savings, and such.

But when they can’t, and they remember that the damn punch bowl has been yanked away from them, time and time and time again, they’ll get angry.

See, that’s what the ruling families don’t get, clearly. “Democracy” or whatever this is that we have doesn’t work if the people never, ever get what they vote for, ever. Then, the system stops operating.

What happens after that is of course anyone’s guess.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XVIII

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

And so the national embarrassment train rolls on, endlessly. It’s getting sickening. Trump the impotent fool is still being upstaged by his own liberal daughter at every turn, Putin is still laughing at us, and the Chinese are still hard at work constructing their own, better version of what we used to be, back when we had a clue and a future.

And off in the wings, that idiot, roid-addled pinhead Dwayne Johnson is looking to bring the WWE into the Oval Office, as if that would be an improvement over the reality TV ratings bonanza that is the Donald Trump admin.

At this point, 1984 seems like such a utopia. At least there, the ruling elite were competent and non-embarrassing. What a slice of heaven that would be!

Oh God, it’s just so embarrassing. I mean, it’s not even that it’s tyrannical. It’s that it’s tyrannical in the most stupid and mortifying way ever. It’s like the circus that is DC is literally morphing into it’s own metaphor. I’m starting to think that Jerry Springer should have stayed in politics. Who knows? Maybe he could have been President, too! And truth be told, he probably would have been better than any option we have today. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that.

God damn, does this country suck at politics. I mean, we really, really suck.

So, obviously, Trump has no interest in doing anything at all for his own voter base. 6 months in, and our issues get barely a passing mention from him, or from anyone under him. As usual with Trump, it’s all about himself and his own family. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

To date, Trump has done NOTHING for his own base. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

And yes, I am aware that Trump recently made a public overture to “building the wall”. I don’t believe him. I mean, why the hell should I? Why should anyone? When was the last time that any GOP President kept his campaign promises that didn’t involve spending the nation’s savings to bomb the crap out of a foreign country to distract from problems here at home? And I ask that question in all seriousness.

President Chump doesn’t seem to get it. In spite of his once-in-a-blue-moon tweet about reducing immigration, somehow, he’s still focusing his actual policies on literally everything besides that, as if anyone in this country or in his own base cares about other issues. He’s still talking about Russia and ISIS and healthcare and Jesus and his daughter and the rest of that crap. Again, it strikes me how the totality of Trump’s admin is about doing everything except the things that his own base wants him to do.

It’s crazy, how stupid this all is. And you know, if Trump actually had ever wanted a border wall, it would already be here. He has what is today the most powerful government in the world and an infinite amount of money at his disposal. And it’s just a fucking wall. I mean, didn’t we build one of these things over in Israel at some point? And we built a huge one all the way over in Korea, remember? And that was like 60 years ago! And Trump is trying to tell me that he can’t get it done now, in Texas, with modern tech and endless billions of dollars in front of him? Nonsense. Absolute nonsense, and it insults my intelligence to pretend otherwise.

And still, the Jesus crap is just baffling to me. Who in their mind voted for fucking Donald Trump because they thought that he would bring JESUS back to the nation? Seriously! What the fuck even IS THIS? It’s Donald Trump! Nobody and I mean nobody has ever associated Donald Trump with Christianity. Ever. So why the hell are we getting it?

And all of what could be considered Trump’s “successes” in the domestic arena are the fault of circumstance, like the apparent reduction in illegal immigration into the US. That, I believe, is more likely being caused by our lack of jobs, money and hope, rather than any fear of President Chump. Seriously- the immigrants go where the jobs are. It’s the only reason for immigrating! If they’re not immigrating here, and instead going to other countries in the Americas, why do people think that is?

Honestly, Trump supporters. Your desperation at trying to make that fool into some kind of hero is just embarrassing. Please stop.

Trump’s real agenda is about himself and kids. He cares nothing for this country or for any of the idiots who pulled the lever for him. True to his roots at a spoiled, self-centered rich kid, his concerns are still, and apparently, always will be, chiefly wrapped around the myopic nonsense that consumes the attention of the super wealthy.

Trump clearly thinks very little of people who don’t have money. He thinks the unrich are dumb, simply put. Witness his recent proclamation that being born the daughter of a billionaire “hurt Ivanka’s chances at being successful” in this country. IDK if he was being tongue-in-cheek or not, that him even saying something like that illustrates the immense self-absorption of himself and his fellow oligarchs.

In fact, that’s still all we’re getting, here. I still cannot believe how unspeakably and undeservedly arrogant the Chump family is regarding Chump’s stupid daughter. Having her sit in his place during the G-20 meeting was a slap in the face to everyone in the United States if not to the entire world. It’s sickening, what that implies. It says that the ruling families here are not serious about treating anyone else with respect. I mean, holy fuck, Trump goes out golfing even more than fucking Obama, but he can’t attend the fucking G-20 meeting? And he sends his unelected, absolutely unqualified for a cashier position at Wal-Mart DAUGHTER instead? And then we wonder why other nations in the Americas are turning to the Chinese for leadership and business development? Trump, what the hell are you DOING?

Ugh. You know, I’m done with this rant, I think. All of this is just too depressing to even think about. I think I’ll go back to or something.


The Key Problem With Trump, Part XVII

Friday, June 30th, 2017

Look, I can already tell you how all of this is going to end. It’s going to end with the ruling families and the oligarchs here losing everything they have that they value.

They’re still not getting it.

I’m referring now to the rumors circulating about how Trump is preparing some meaningless tariffs against Chinese imports, as if 1) that would actually hurt China, anymore, and 2) the American people actually want that, and 3) that would benefit the US economy, somehow.

These plans, if true, are like tossing rocks at a battleship, hoping to sink it. This kind of stuff isn’t going to do anything good to the US, or harmful to the Chinese.

The problem that the US economy has is wealth inequality, not Chinese imports. The Chinese imports are just filling in a void caused by our real problems, which is that people like Trump, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Gates are literally hoarding all of the money in the country, so that none of it circulates in a normal, healthy manner that might create jobs and businesses.

Cutting off Chinese imports would leave this country starving, since businesses can’t grow here because people lack money to make them run. We would be left with nothing. Not increased production, not jobs, not anything, really. We would be left in shambles. The Chinese imports are *helping* this country, not hurting it. Without cheap Chinese goods, this place would be in ruins, since we can’t make anything ourselves, anymore.

This is the same problem that Trump’s equally dumb infrastructure project has. That project is hopeless and nonsensical as well. Take a look at the news: people here are driving less and less, each passing year. Each year, more stores close than open. Electricity usage is down, year over year. Shipping is down, year over year. So, what good is a road that is built if nobody uses it? What good is a mall that nobody goes to? Or a power plant that provides redundant energy?

Infrastructure is not our problem. Our problem is that we have far, far too many billionaires. We have too many rich people. They are strangling the country and destroying it’s future.

Nothing that Trump has done or proposed thus far addresses this problem, or even hints at a solution to it.

And until this problem is solved, China and Russia- ostensibly America’s enemies- will continue to make inroads into the places that the US thinks are it’s own backyard. I mean, read the news these days about how many countries in South America are making grandiose business deals with China. Why? It’s because China has a healthy economy (or at least, one much healthier than ours). They have a middle class; they have businesses that revolve around things not related to managing the wealth of billionaires. Thus, they can relate to others in ways that our own economy can’t. They can provide services that we cannot, since our whole country these days revolves around the whims of the rich and those connected to the ruling families.

Look, to the oligarchs- you must make some hard choices, here. You’ve been dodging this for generations now, but your time is up. The world is calling you out. Are you prepared to give up your wealth and position to ensure the survival of your country, if not yourselves? If the answer is no, you will lose everything.

I’ve been saying this now for like 5 years on twitter and on here. You need to give up, somehow. Cut your losses and throw in the towel on some of this stuff. Bow to the public, here, and cave in on some issues, like immigration. You don’t have the choice, anymore. If you don’t do this, like NOW, the Chinese will continue to make inroads up until the point that they own this country as well, and then you will be really and truly fucked, here. You will lose everything you have, including your religion. The atheist Chinese government will not put up with the kind of Jesus crap that you’ve been foisting on people. Christians are a persecuted, powerless minority in China. They are spat upon, basically. If you think that won’t spread to the Americas after China takes over, you are mistaken.

The Jesus crap has got to go, and the same with Islam and Judaism. This is the 21st century, here. The future is now; take the road or get run over.

Oligarchs- you have wasted waaaaaaaaay too much time, here. Way too many years. You need to start making an effort, here, to fix some of the problems that this country has. And you can start with an immediate cut off in ALL immigration.

And it you think this isn’t a good idea, you’re not using your head. At the rate that other countries are pushing the US out of South and Central America, it will be only a couple of years before this country is an isolated, third-world banana republic in our own hemisphere. And we’ll get everything that goes along with that, too, like violence against the rich, and extreme class conflict and endless revolutions.

To avert that- we need a middle class, and we need one like next week, which means that ALL immigration must end, like this week.

The ruling families here are still very, very confused. They still act as though they have time to “fix” things, with stuff like tariffs and taxes and plans, when in fact they don’t, anymore. The truth is that now, as in this week, the hard choices must be made.

The world is getting sick and tired of yelling at the oligarchs, here. That’s enough, you guys. You need to fold up the empire and actually rebuild the middle class in this country. And the first step MUST BE a severe reduction in ALL immigration into the United States. If it is not, don’t bother trying.

Trump Sucks

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

You can always tell how much a white person sucks by looking at the amount of fake tanning they’re wearing.

None = someone you probably want to know.

A little = Maybe a problem, maybe not.

A lot = avoid like the plague. Human waste, and not just in looks.

AFAIK, there are no exceptions to this rule. Romney? Trash. The Jersey Shore idiots? Trash.



Always, the whiter a white person tries to look the better he is. The Founding Fathers here used to powder their faces, to cover up for scars, yes, but also to make themselves look whiter. And you know what? It made them look better, too. And because they were better people dammit.

Has there ever been a respectable or admirable white person who liked wearing bronzer, or who used fake tanning?

God, do I just hate Donald Trump. He is such a disgusting, slimy, misbegotten wretch of a man that he turns my stomach every time I see him.

Where is his honor?

Now that he’s President, why has he still as of yet refused to give his base even the smallest of table scraps, even in word? Trump refuses to stand by his promises. He won’t act for the best interest of his own base, for any reason at all, because doing so might upset his enemies, or maybe his daughter. He is the basest, most cowardly person to ever sit in the Oval Office.

At least Bush Jr. had the excuse of not knowing what his base really wanted.

See, that’s the thing. Trump refusing to deliver isn’t a matter of him just not knowing, because he does, because he already echoed his base’s concerns on the campaign trail. So he KNOWS. It’s just a matter of him having the balls to actually do the things he was hired to do.

This is the reason the democrats won’t leave him alone. It’s because his base won’t stand by him because he refuses to stand by them. He is isolated because he pushed his voters and all of his allies out the door the day he took office. I mean, of course he’s isolated. When you purposefully turn your back on your own base the second you have no more use for them, of course you wind up isolated.

So? Fuck Trump. He sucks, and the people who still support him at this point are fools at best.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLI

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

Just to finish a thought, here.

What is amazing about all of this stuff isn’t even so much that the US oligarchs refuse to compromise, it’s that for all appearances they refuse to even acknowledge the validity of other viewpoints. It’s as if they can’t even understand that other people might have differing views, and that these views might have some kind of value.

Take Russia, for example. The view amongst the ruling families here seems to be that Russia has no place on the world stage, at all. The oligarchs here have an almost unfathomable arrogance towards Russia, like they don’t think that they should have any say in anything, at all.

The fact that Russia is by far the largest country on Earth, and has more mineral wealth than anyone else in the world, does not seem to be details of importance to them.

Take Russia’s mineral wealth, for example. The US government recently passed yet another round of sanctions on Russia, to try to stop them from selling natural gas to their next-door neighbors in Europe, as if that was 1) logical, 2) moral, 3) reasonable, and 4) able to be accomplished, somehow.

What these people are thinking at this point is beyond me, and beyond the rest of the world too, I think. I don’t get it. I mean, it just doesn’t even make sense. How is the US, over in the Western Hemisphere, going to stop Russia from selling natural gas via underground pipes to their next door neighbors? By what supernatural process does the government here expect to do this?

What does our government expect Russia’s neighbors to do? To live without natural gas, and/or other natural resources? I don’t get this. This is WTF politics writ large.

The same with China. How is the US government going to stop Russia from selling gas and oil to China?

I have a better idea, here. Why not just let Russia sell it’s fucking resources? You know, stop meddling and just get out of their way and let them manage their own economy? I mean, that way, when these sanctions fail in the same way that the old ones did, we might not look so unbelievably ridiculous!

Why not just let Russia have a say in it’s own policies with it’s next door neighbors? What is so awful about that?

The rest of the world has spent the last 9 years, since Obama’s inauguration, trying to make the US oligarchs listen. Trying to at least get their attention. I mean, whether it’s voters here at home, or people elsewhere. And no matter what happens, the viewpoints of others are never heard within the halls of power, here. It’s like it never even occurs to them that other people even have opinions, let alone that these opinions might have actual value.

At home, it’s diversity, always. Always, always, always diversity as being the only possible answer to every problem that is presented. Diversity can fix the economy. Diversity can fix the school system. Diversity can fix the culture. Diversity can fix the political problems. Diversity can fix the deficit. Diversity can fix fucking everything, including the problems caused by diversity.

So people just keep ramming their heads against the wall, here, trying to at least get some kind of respect, somehow. I mean, some kind of acknowledgement that there might be a solution to a problem that somehow doesn’t revolve around increasing “diversity”. And they don’t get anything, ever, from anyone, at any point. I mean, they don’t even get an acknowledgement that their ideas exist 99% of the time.

It’s baffling how truly thorough and complete the oligarchs’ dismissal of everyone else in the world really is. It’s as if they really believe that the rest of humanity is there to serve them, to the point that the others’ basic value as human beings is in question.

And so, the world turns away, and looks to others. As they should. Because who the hell wants to deal with people like that? The ruling families here are just abominable. I mean, they don’t even like the people in their own country, let alone others’. Morally, they’re the scum of the Earth. They see nothing of bombing and warring against other countries to deflect attention from the problems they themselves create here at home.

They’re moral trash, the garbage of humanity. No matter how much money they have, that’s all they have, in the end. They have no desire to see anyone else as their equal, so they refuse to work with anyone else, ever.

And so, the other great powers in the world continue to advance and make inroads into the ruling families’ former backyards, like South Korea, Japan, and South America, and the oligarchs here can do nothing but sit and count their money, as if that matters to anyone else besides them.

And so they sit and watch as their own country’s economy burns to the ground around them, while they squabble amongst themselves like toddlers, thus earning themselves the undying contempt of the rest of the world.

It’s just beyond parody, at this point. Beyond hope, beyond redemption.

It’s really sad, when you think about it. Ten years of others trying to make them listen has resulted in nothing. They will not change or budge, one iota.

Really sad.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XL

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

One more of these things.

The problem with Trump is the same as always: he just adamantly refuses to represent his base, on anything. He’ll do everything but that of course, and he’ll do all of that with as much effort as he can muster. But when it comes to doing the things that the people who voted for him actually might like, he sits there and does nothing.

In that sense, he’s like the rest of them, in that he just doesn’t care about anyone besides himself, and perhaps his immediate family of course.

Our foreign policy still doesn’t make sense. Nobody knows who we’re fighting or why, or why we’re even fighting at all. That whole Russia/ISIS confusion is just such a perfect symbol of this. Which of these two is our enemy? Do we stand against Russian secularism or fanatical Islam? Does anyone even know? Is it even possible to tell?

It’s just confusing as hell, and frustrating beyond belief for others to even figure out what we’re doing, anymore. Case in point: Germany, who is pushing the US out for a rapprochement with Moscow, which is something I talked about as being inevitable on twitter like 5 years ago.

Nobody gets what we’re even doing, anymore. We’re attacking everybody in the world, all at once, for no logical reason.

The problem here is the one I keep talking about, over and over again, which is that the US oligarchs refuse to compromise on anything, even a small amount. They will not even consider budging on any one issue, even an inch. It kills…. everything. It destroys any hope of a successful agreement with anyone.

And it isn’t just international. It’s domestic. Time and time again, decade after decade, generation after generation, the people here in the US express their interest for reduced immigration. They try over and over again to make their point heard, to put their ideas out there, and they get nothing, ever, for their efforts. It’s baffling and endlessly frustrating. Even Trump, who is literally only in office because of this one issue, has refused to budge an inch on immigration after being sworn in.

It’s amazing, really. It just is. If Trump had just built the wall, like everyone in the country wanted him to, and like I recommended he do, he would have left office as one of our most beloved Presidents ever, regardless of his other actions. But instead, he worked on… a whole bunch of idiotic crap that nobody wanted or cared about, like Trumpcare, the Jesus nonsense, and other stupidities. He literally did everything besides the one thing that would have immediately and permanently made him one of the most popular Presidents in American history. Logically, it’s baffling to the point where one suspects deliberate sabotage of his own base, you know, like every GOP President has done since WWII.

And so it goes, exasperatingly, endlessly. The ruling families here are trapped within their own little opulent bubbles. They’re so trapped that their isolation seems to have driven then insane, so they lash out at everyone, everywhere. And so the world turns to others, then.

So China and Russia forge ahead with their own projects, which are built on compromise and LISTENING to others- and most especially, listening to those people within their own borders- and the world turns to them, instead. And so the US sinks further and further, with each passing day, down into the morass of the third world. Every day that passes now, this country more closely resembles a tinpot South American narco state rather than a developed nation.

The comparisons to late-collapse Rome are still poignant, too, with the Jesus stuff still on my mind, here. Late Rome tried a bunch of tricks to keep their empire together in it’s final stages, with the forcing of Christianity on the public being one of them. It was a way for them to try to enforce a kind of universal conformity on the too-diverse and upset people of Rome. Ultimately, it failed, for the same reasons that it will fail here, too. Because fairy tales are a poor substitute for fixing real problems.

The whole point of this essay is just that there’s no talking with these people. The oligarchs, I mean. The ruling families and the rich people. Nobody can even sit down and discuss anything with them.

So, they don’t.