In politics, it’s OK to tell lies, provided you get the important stuff right.
The same applies to culture. So long as everyone is happy, lies and misdirections are a source of gossip. They make peoples’ boring lives a bit more interesting. In good times, political intrigue provides a bit of entertainment.
The situation changes when things turn sour. What might have been fun and interesting 10 years prior can be a source of immense anger and frustration in times of great hardship or decline.
Enter stage right the grand doofus himself, Barack Hussein Obama. Or whatever his name is. Many stories, very few of them positive, will be written about this character for as long as people write about history.
The worst politician in American history? Check. A goofy looking, all around incompetent buffoon? Check. A symbol of America’s decline? Check. A dishonest, corrupt, eighth rate dictator in training wheels? Check. The most divisive figure in American history? Check. A Muslim? Who knows, really. Black? Who knows. Gay? Who knows. Is his name actually Barack Obama? Is he even American? Who the hell knows, really.
We’re told a bunch of stuff about this character, and who knows if any of it is true. Is this person a Muslim? We were told so, initially, but then that was backtracked and erased from the official narrative. Is he black? Half black? Possibly, but he looks somewhat neither, from my perspective. He looks vaguely Arab to me, like he might have some North African ancestry. *Shrugs*. Is he gay? I don’t know. Could be. Is Michelle even a woman? Joan Rivers said that “Michelle” was actually a transvestite, and then she died a very suspicious death. Who knows.
Does this person even make decisions? Possibly, but probably not, considering his activities. We have four massive wars going on right now- one in Afghanistan, one in Iraq, one in Syria, and one in the Ukraine, and there are catastrophic economic problems and meltdowns happening in many nations across the globe, and Barack Obama spends his time… golfing.
Seriously. That’s all he does, besides fundraising and playing basketball. He has logged way more time on the golf course than any other President in history. So does this person actually make any decisions? Does he even know what’s going on? Could he spot the Ukraine on a wordless globe if pressed to do so?
Who knows.
My suspicion is that this person, whoever he is, doesn’t have a religion, in the same way that he doesn’t have a country, a race, a name, or any seemingly ideas of his own that aren’t given to him by the teleprompter. He looks like a puppet. He certainly acts like one.
I’ll never forget the last time I actually sat down and listened to this person give a complete speech. It was after the “assassination of Osama”, which so conveniently happened after the government released a very, very suspect “birth certificate” as “proof” of “Obama’s” “American citizenship”.
I remember sitting there in disbelief as this squat, funny looking gremlin was trotted out in front of the world as being my leader. It was ridiculous, and made even more so by the stupid, incomprehensible reactions of my family’s liberals, all of whom insisted that this was some important moment in history, and no, I couldn’t go upstairs yet because that would be rude.
So I had to just sit there and watch as that whole preposterous ventriloquist show played out in front of me. And then I had to sit and watch as CNN showed a “spontaneous celebration” on some college campus, I guess, somewhere, that showed that things were OK, somehow, so go back to sleep, America.
It was so very weird and creepy.
Well, it was a lie. Of course it was, and everyone in the world knows it besides the dupes, like my family’s liberals.
Remember the poll that said that over a third of Americans believed that the President didn’t even like America? I mean, it wasn’t them being asked if this person was an American citizen, it was a poll asking people if the guy even liked living here at all.
And people, not even I would go that far. I would absolutely say that that person likes living in the US. I mean, look at how much time he spends on the golf courses here!
So we have a situation in which maybe the majority of people, and certainly the majority of conservatives, distrust “Obama” more than I do, and I absolutely despise him. This is such a stupid, stupid situation, and one that can’t possibly end in anything but disaster.
Back to my original point… there are too many lies. Way, way, wayyyyyy too many. Even if “Obama” had been a competent and respectable leader, even if the economy were actually doing well as opposed to falling into the abyss, there still would be too many lies, I think, for the liberal establishment to escape from his Presidency with its credibility intact.
There are so many lies that in my view it discredits completely the entire order. It’s laughable to see the GOP debate some African born illegal alien “President” about his domestic policies as though he even knows what country this is. The GOP is presumably run by people with education over the third grade level, so they must know that his character isn’t even American. If we know it, than so do they, and the fact that he was allowed into the political order in any way discredits so much of the whole system. The future of politics here is a gaping abyss. I mean, even more so than it is now.
And everyone else sees this, too. This is why other nations- essentially all of them at this point- are turning away from “Obama’s” leadership. They can see plain as day that this person has no credibility in his own country. They can see clearly the gaping divisions within the US, divisions that all of the regime’s clumsy attempts at fixing only make worse.
The fact Americans themselves refuse to stand behind the clown in the Oval Office means that Obama has no legs to stand on internationally. Why would another country follow Obama when he can’t inspire his own country?
I don’t know of what the ultimate fallout of Obama’s Presidency will be, though I do believe that at least one race war is inevitable at this point. And it seems as though I’m not alone in the line of thinking, as it looks like Obama’s puppetmasters recently tried some more stupid, clumsy things to get some kind of gun control rules onto the books to disarm their enemies here before things get even more divisive and fragile.
I’m referring to the recent attempt by the ATF to ban some types of rifle ammo.
This was dumb, dumb, dumb. Any fool could see that this would backfire, but Obama and his clique of idiots went ahead with it anyways, perhaps out of desperation. It looked sad. So very, very sad. Here, let me help with why this initiative failed:
1) There is zero trust between the conservative public and “Obama”. No lasting agreement on any subject can be made without trust.
2) There has been no attempt, and I mean none, by anyone within the government or media to alleviate the immense problem of black on white crime. Obama won’t even mention it as existing, let alone offer up any solution. See, let’s compare Obama’s immature foolishness with Bill Clinton’s expertise:
Clinton was the last President to successfully curtail the proliferation of guns in America, and he was able to do this because he went after the black criminals *first*. It was during Clinton’s Presidency that the black prison population exploded. What Clinton did was he made a show of aggressively targeting the black neighborhoods for cleaning before his ban, to solidify support for the ban with the conservative public. So he threw the criminals in prison first, and *then* he passed his assault weapons ban. See, that’s how you do it.
What you *don’t* do is try to change gun laws like that blundering fool in the White House. You don’t publicly make friends with criminal, white hating rappers like Jay-Z and Kanye West and then afterwords try to ban the ammo and guns that conservatives use.
3) It’s the economy, stupid! The US is now in its seventh year of economic depression. Its SEVENTH YEAR. We’re neck deep in the longest and most pronounced economic decline in US history, and the preposterous, stupid as hell official line from Obama is that things are going well, even though the average ten year old in Zimbabwe wouldn’t be naive enough to believe that at this point.
4) To expand on point 2, you can’t disarm a country if everyone in it thinks you sympathize with the criminals. Whatever his puppetmasters have him do, it’s clear the Obama himself has a major problem with “lower class” white people. Witness his repeated praises of thugs like Trayvon. Witness his schmoozing with white-hating racialist demagogues like Sharpton. Read the passages that appear in his books when he talks about whites.
Why would anyone willingly give his enemy his weapons? That isn’t how things work!
This is all just so dumb, dumb, dumb.
The fallout from all of this is going to be dreadful, utterly dreadful, for the left. They’re going to lose everything. They’re not going to be getting out of the corner they’ve boxed themselves into. IMHO, that couldn’t be done by the best. The clowns running the show now have no hope.