Archive for November, 2021

New Rule: Don’t be an Ungrateful Cunt, Part II

Saturday, November 20th, 2021

I should probably explain more of what’s going on here, so people have more of a context.

Here’s the thing: I’m a forty one year old male.

Regardless of how I appear physically, that fact has not changed. And that fact changes everything when it comes to romance.

The interests I had when I was a twenty or thirty something are not the same ones that I have today. And that isn’t me being “stubborn”. It’s a simple truth that people change when they get older, and this applies to everyone.

What I’m getting from some of my girlfriends and ex-girlfriends is a kind of stubborn anger about this. There’s this sense of “Well, you were interested in this fifteen years ago! So why not now?!?!?!”

Well, because it isn’t fifteen years ago, lol. The romantic interests of a middle aged man and those of a twenty something are going to be different, and they are often very different indeed. That’s life.

A good part of the reason I’m angry is because few seem to realize this, and those that do don’t seem to appreciate it. They don’t understand it’s implications.

So it feels like we’re basically fighting each other, now. And that isn’t good.

As I get older, I am definitely losing interest in things like sexual experimentation. In wild girls and crazy sexual experiences and stuff like that. My interests are more aimed at stable, typical, long term relationships. And that means one guy (me), and one girl. Of course I am still polyamorous, so it’s more like one guy (me), one girl, and then the next day one guy (me) and one girl (a different chick).

I still like the whole variety aspect to this stuff, clearly, lol. But I like the variety in a more typical way. I’m not really a swinger.

I’ve tried out literally everything I could, sexually. There’s nothing left to experiment with. No new experiences to be had, really, save for that of a much more traditional, non-telepathic relationship.

I’m not looking to experiment, really, like at all. And it’s not for lack of trying- I’ve actually tried on occasion to change my tastes now, to get them back to how they were twenty or even ten years ago. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t “take”, and those experiences are all so oddly unfulfilling. I don’t feel good or happy afterwards. Clearly, I’m a different person now.

So, that’s basically where we’re at, at this moment.

Such is life, lol.

But I guess the general gist of this is to understand that as I change, if you want to stay with me, you will need to change too, to accommodate those changes. You know, like any successful relationship.

And- part of that includes being able to predict future changes in me, before they happen. So that you can adapt better.

But as it stands, shoving things in my face that are inherently aggravating or tiresome to me at this point in my life isn’t going to work. It’s going to cause conflict, frustration and resentment.

Telepathic relationships are not easy, clearly. They take a lot of time and understanding. And if you don’t put in the work, it isn’t going to work out.

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful relationship. And in these cases, where no physical communication is apparently possible, well, there is extra work involved. That’s just how it is.

Such is my spiel. Well, off to do something else, now.

New Rule: Don’t be an Ungrateful Cunt

Friday, November 19th, 2021

Let me tell you a story. One day, there was a middling actress (both in talent and looks) named Brie Larson, who went on a public rant against how she didn’t want to be seen or have anything to do with people like me. I forget the exact quote and it looks as though google has tried it’s best to bury it, but she railed against traditional, old-school Marvel fans and those who created her Captain Marvel character, and derided them them publicly as nerds, eeevil white males, etc., and I remember her saying something to the effect that she didn’t want anything to do with them.

Ah, I thought, OK with me. See- there was a young version of her character in her movie, and it was played by McKenna Grace. OK, I thought, I will just skip the old chick who doesn’t want anything to do with me anyways and head straight for McKenna, instead. Which is what I did, and I have a great relationship today with McKenna. All’s well that ends well, you know?

There’s a moral to this story, here. It’s this: don’t be a cunt.

There’s only one of me, everyone wants me, and truthfully, I am too dangerous and powerful to not properly respect. These days I am more powerful than I have ever been by a huge margin, and I can directly control the minds of I think millions of people, all at once. I have not used this power for much, yet, at least not intentionally, but I think it is there.

That being the case, I think it bears repeating: don’t be a cunt.

Treat me with proper respect. You want to be with me? Fine, then do it. Break up with your boyfriend / fiance / S.O. or whomever and make yourself available. And again: don’t be a cunt.

I haven’t started enforcing strict exclusivity yet, but honestly I really and probably should. This last year has told me the truth of my existence and I think that this new knowledge changes everything.

There is no reason for a living god to compete with idiots, losers and douchebags. That is nuts and a waste of my time. I like things simple; the life of a god is complex enough without he-said/she-said normal human shit to deal with too.

Basically, back when I didn’t fully realize my own importance, I thought it fine that others could or would fool around on the side. After all, I did it, so why not them? It’s just fair, I thought. Well, it wasn’t fair. I had no idea that they had been stealing my thoughts since the day I was born, to the point that the entire U.S. economy has been built on an edifice of my ideas. With that being the case, what’s “fair” has suddenly and irrevocably changed.

Seriously, don’t be a cunt. And leave others out of the picture if you are interested.

And this goes for everyone. I’m pissed off beyond belief right now at Elle Fanning, of all people. See, I finally got to see her topless and the whole thing was marred by her being with what’s-his-name on The Great. Does she have any idea how annoying it is to have to edit out some loser? And frankly, I wanted that to be a special moment, something for us. Now I have this annoying dickhead to deal with, too.

Dammit, I feel like I wasted time, again. Years of waiting, for this. Ugh. I can’t even use what I was given I’m so epically disappointed and peeved at this bullshit. Seriously, people. It’s hard to think that my distaste for this hasn’t permanently damaged my relationship with Elle, in some way.

It’s like these people don’t really know me very well, or something. It’s fucking baffling. You idiots, you have been inside of me constantly for decades. How could you fuck this stuff up so bad?

Well, I’m angry. Seriously: don’t be a cunt. My needs always come first. Always. There are no other needs, anymore.

Don’t make me have to use my power against you. I’m nice, so I don’t do this, but I could.

As it stands, I need a lot of space right now between Elle and I. I’m not happy.

Remember the name: Tom Jacobsen. This is who you are with, if you want to be with me. Worship the ground I walk on. Kiss my fucking feet as if your life depended upon it, because it does. Cherish the name, cherish the man. I’m the Anti-Christ, bitches. Leave the douchebags elsewhere; I don’t want to see them.

For me, there will always be another tomorrow. If you don’t want to comply, move along. I can always wait for someone else.

Remember: Tom. Jacobsen.

Don’t forget.