It’s been an interesting experience, having and watching a TV.
It’s been an education for the most part, which I did not expect.
I’ve traveled a lot in online circles that frown on TV watching, for some very good reasons, and I’ve subscribed to those views myself in the past. I ditched my last TV, an old CRT, a long time ago- I think in like 2006 or so, because of those very reasons.
Why, you ask? The political slant of everything, the general dumbness of the programming, the ads, the general awfulness of “reality” TV, the “time sink” aspect of the medium, etc. You know, the kind of stuff that you probably would expect me to object to.
So it was with some trepidation that I bought a new smart TV for myself as a Christmas present last year. I was… curious, about it’s capabilities. I wanted to see what they could do, as I knew I could do more than just “watch TV” with them. And I wanted to see in general how the TV tech had advanced since my last set.
But, as I said, I approached the purchase with caution. TV when misused is an ugly, toxic thing. My parents’ behavior are a good example of what can happen when you use TV wrongly.
They are news and “reality TV” junkies, and it shows not just on the set, but in they way they talk and in the things that interest them. They obsess over Trump and every minor political thing. It’s ugly, and it’s completely warped their understanding of… everything.
They think all of what they see on TV is actually real. All of it. And because of that it consumes them. If they see a particularly upsetting story about Trump they will obsess over it and complain about it for hours. And all the while, they will have no idea, and I mean not an inkling of a clue, as to how what he did or didn’t do had to do with me.
It’s kind of funny. Bafflingly, they still haven’t caught on. Even after all these years, they still don’t get it. I keep hoping that they will I guess stumble onto reality at some point but they never do.
I’m not even sure of what to think about that. How can they be so… IDK, dense? It’s baffling. After all this time, they have no idea that their own kid is the AntiChrist of all people. You’d think something like that would be obvious. Like… blindingly so. But it never occurs to them. Really odd.
I don’t know, maybe that’s a good demonstration of the power that TV has over them. It’s like… their entire worldview is shaped by CNN. And since CNN never talks about the AntiChrist or yours truly, none of that is relevant.
But still… holy shit, lol. I mean, they have the AntiChrist in their house, living with them, and… they don’t have a clue. LOL, wow.
Sometimes I refer to the way they live as “The Boomer Bubble”.
But… yeah, back to TV. They actually think reality TV is real. As in, like what they are seeing isn’t scripted, and is in fact spontaneous and… IDK, real.
Again this is baffling behavior. I don’t get it. How can they not see that all of these shows are scripted? It’s really weird. I mean, shows like Gold Rush. They’re faaaaake. LOL. It’s so obvious. Even ignoring the logistical impossibility of any of this stuff being real, you just need to watch a few minutes of any episode to see the acting and writing, full on display.
So… yeah. I guess part of why I was apprehensive was that I didn’t want to turn into one of them, IDK, the pod people, the normal types. The kind I used to work with, who would spend their entire lunch hours talking about American Idol and being absolutely fascinated by it’s challenging content and top notch humor.
Well, so I got the TV. I do use it, but not too much, I think, and I think I use my set more responsibly than my parents do theirs.
I like having apps on the TV. Some of the games are cute. The gallery apps are nice.
I like the music channels too. They are very cool, mostly.
I watch shows as well. I try to stay away from “adult” shows that feature dumb characters, immaturity and unrealistic behavior, and choose to watch “kids” shows instead, since those have good characters, smart dialogue, and a keen sense of how people really act and think.
The kids shows are good. I enjoy them. I like how they are just entertainment, and try not to take themselves too seriously. I find adult dramas tiresome and ridiculous. Their setups and characters are just as unreal as those of the kids shows, yet they take the material with a straight face, no matter how… stupid that makes the show look.
I was surprised at how many channels were on the offer. My TV goes into the thousands of channels. Wow. I was tho disappointed at how little there was to watch on many of them. Man, are there a lot of cop shows. Wow, lol. It’s just… wow. And lawyer shows, and stuff like that. And they all seem the same to me, or at least too similar to bother with any of them.
I like CW stuff. I mean, obviously, lol, but I do. It’s different.
I don’t like the ads. They suck. They are not as good as they used to be, and man are they everywhere. The ads alone during a show can ruin it. Everywhere, there are ads, and they are all political, except during kids shows (thank god), but even there the political ugliness crops up occasionally.
There are even ads that show up inside of the TV setup menus and stuff. When I saw this I did a double take. I couldn’t believe it, so I googled, and yup, I was seeing what I thought I was. I got a Samsung TV, and they’re embedding ads into the TV software itself now. There were people online already complaining about this when I googled it.
Since I’ve had the TV (like 4 months now) I’ve gone from seeing no ads in my music channel of choice to seeing little ads in the corners sometimes, to then larger ads taking up chunks of the screen a little more often, to now huge ads taking up the whole screen with annoying looking people in them, often.
There are ads in the apps, too. I like a particular app, a featured one called “Relaxing Nature”. It features calming, quiet ambient music set to slow moving visuals of nature and oceans. But the ads, oh gods, THE FUCKING ADS. Every five or ten minutes, they cut away to an ad, and for the last few days, it’s been this godawful thing featuring Aretha Franklin.
The app itself is quiet; subdued. The perfect thing to zone out and meditate to. But then every every ten minutes I have to hear this LOUD caterwauling courtesy of Aretha. It’s ugly and horrible, and completely ruins the experience. The ad itself is some bullshit political garbage from one of those financial companies, IDK which one, because I mute the TV as fast as I can when that ugly thing comes on.
I don’t get why the app guys would allow such a thing to air during their shows. I understand the need for ads, but gods, why THAT one? Don’t they understand how jarring it is?
Well, there are other apps. I will be hunting for something better, I suppose.
Ugh, the ads. Yeah, they just… ruin so much. They try to be as attention getting (i.e. loud, abrasive and annoying) as possible, and they almost always detract from the shows themselves. It’s getting to the point now where I’m watching shows based around the content of the ads rather than the shows themselves. It’s like, when I’m flipping through channels and I see something interesting, I might think to myself “Nope. The ads shown during this are going to be nasty.”, and then I will continue flipping. Yeah, it’s that bad.
IDK, it’s… kinda sad, I think. All this amazing technology and it feels like it’s being hamstrung and crippled intentionally.
The picture on my new set is great. It’s a 4K screen with a nice display and a good sound setup, I think. It’s a beautiful piece of tech but it’s potential is being squandered, apparently on purpose.
Really, is it any wonder that people are cutting the cable and abandoning TV?
I really tried watching the Oscars the other day. I saw the first twenty minutes of it before giving up in confusion and boredom. I had no idea WTF was even going on, lol. I didn’t know who any of the people were, or what anyone was talking about. I didn’t understand the jokes. Like… I honestly didn’t even know who the hosts were, let alone who they were referencing. I occasionally tuned back in to the awards to see if maybe things had changed for me but they never did.
I didn’t see the famous slap live, and I’m glad I didn’t. That whole thing was just stupid.
IDK, the Oscars just suck. I do appreciate them for the dresses and gowns and such they let my girlfriends wear but man… the show itself is just… oy. It gives me a headache just thinking about it.
IDK if anything can be done to save the Oscars at this point. I see that the ratings for this year’s show were the second worst ever, after last year’s dreadful performance.
Last year, didn’t the show have COVID to blame for it’s ratings? How much do you want to bet that if COVID hadn’t been a thing then, that it’s ratings would have been higher than this year’s show? And thus, a continual ratings decline would have been in evidence?
In a couple years, I think they’re going to institute new diversity rules, or something like that. Ugh. The only point of interest then will be to see how low the ratings for something like this can possibly sink.
I might watch parts for the trainwreck factor. That slap was like something out of the 2003 Source Awards, lol. It could be some horribly ugly yet funny shit.
Well, I’m kinda tired of this topic, for now, so I’ll think I’ll close this post out here.