Archive for July, 2024

Olympics 2024

Friday, July 26th, 2024

Ok so… the Olympics started. Opening ceremony was pretty good. Céline was fucking awesome.

I suppose there’s kind of a limited number of ways you can do these, since there’s like a format you need to follow, with the huge number of athletes and all that that has to be managed. But the French did put some creativity into it, at least, as much as could be allowed, and that was nice. It was a pity about the rain, but nothing could be done about that. I guess in some ways it enhanced things, kind of added a romantic touch to the songs etc.

Other stuff… I think the commercials are a bit subdued this year in comparison to previous years, which is nice. I have found them in the past to be distracting and too loud and in some ways they even overshadowed the athletics which I didn’t much appreciate, so maybe this will be a nice change. I guess we’ll see. There’s still too many of them, in general. Man- they are really pushing the commercial envelope these days with what they can get away with and still hold an audience on broadcast TV.

IDK, every time the Olympics roll around I think to myself… “Self… this time, you won’t get involved. Maybe I’ll watch a thing or two, just to see something, but you know- that’s it, really.” But then- BAM. Right back into it, and it just… I don’t know what it is, really, but I just get… drawn into it, and then… yeah.

So, there it is, then. You know, the Olympics have received some flack in recent years from people but I’ve never thought much of it or in fact maybe any of it was deserved. Even from a libertarian viewpoint- the Olympics are a drop in the bucket, spending wise, compared to things like international wars, and failed government social programs like the war on drugs.

They build out infrastructure, improve the general environment, etc. etc. yeah I’m not going to write a college essay on this lol. But I personally like them.

It’s good to see people doing stuff that’s in some ways inspiring on the boob tube instead of… what is normally shown on broadcast TV, which I don’t watch voluntarily anymore, ever. Some things are best avoided, perhaps.

And the commercials. The fucking commercials. Holy fucking hell, are those things vile. And so… numerous.

Well… I will watch the Olympics, tho. They’re good inspiration.

Well… that’s it, for now.

A Brief Outline of a Working Model of All This

Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Alright, so here goes a weird and blind and dumb stab in the dark at all of this stuff.

IDK, it’s the middle of summer and I’m lazy and bored so here goes, IDK and IDC TBH.

Alright, so- just to stay within the grimy confines of the Disney paradigm- I realized something else the other day: nearly every Disney girl I’ve dated, past and present, has symbolized herself as Alice in some capacity, in some way.

Case in point, and to kind of stay on subject (And yes, I realize this is starting to sound like a broken record, but hear me out on this) Cady Groves, who I just realized seems have had her appearance modeled quite strikingly after the original Alice in the Disney oeuvre, Virginia Davis.

But- Kathryn Newton, Audrey Whitby, Olivia, Dove, etc. etc. I’m not going to run through the list again.

Interestingly, they’ve all referenced Atlantis, as well.

Alright, here’s what my conspiratorial, paranoid side thinks is happening.

All of this “Alice” stuff is basically is reference to CERN and the ALICE octagon. The Atlantis stuff is a reference to the ATLANTIS stargate, i.e. the “Island in the Sun”.

I think “Alice” is a codeword for Lucifer (The Light-Bearer). In other words, the guy who will open the portal to the stars (the “stars”, celebs, get it?), the Anti-Christ, i.e. me (which would make sense, since all of these people are basically splinters of my own personality).

So *I* am Alice. And all of these people are just pretending to be me, basically, by emulating Alice or whatever.


Disney was just one way of getting to this conclusion, I’ll bet. Anime would have been another, I think, and the martial arts another still, politics maybe as well, and in fact there probably would have been hundreds or thousands of roads to this place, but this is just the one I took. IDK, the girls are prettier here, lol.

Well, I think that’s it for now.

Cady Groves, Part XXXI

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Ah, OK. Yeah. Holy fuckballs.

Hoooooooly moly, Jeesus H Fucking Christ on a fucking stick.

You know- I’m not even mad at this point. I’m more in awe. Or- actually, more resigned. Like… it’s ok, really. It’s like, I get it, you know?

And this time, I think I really get it.

I… think.

So, we follow the clues.

Like we did with the Dorseys. Walt liked Tommy Dorsey, the two were friends- he invited Tommy to perform at Disneyland, I’ve read, at least once. Hence, we get Kerris Dorsey. I mean, this is oversimplifying things to a huge extent, but you get the idea.

Laura and Vanessa, I still believe, come from Mae Questel.

So… whence Cady?

Today I made a slight revelation. Well, a few, to be honest.

First was that Cady was more plugged-in to the Disney system than even I had realized. And THAT was what left me with the resignation that I was just… outclassed. But, it also made me curious.

On a whim, I brought up the IMDB page for Peter Pan. I scrolled a bit, looked around. Got a bit interested in a few things. Read a few bios. Then… hit the Eureka moment I was waiting for, looking for. And expecting, I guess.

Is this right?

Am I right, Cady? What do you think of this?

So I was reading up on Peter Pan star Bobby Driscoll’s biography, and I was immediately struck by a few things:

  1. His shocking, almost uncanny physical resemblance to Cady herself. I mean for fuck’s sake they look like gender swapped clones.
  2. His shocking, almost uncannily similar life trajectory, to the point of them dying, supposedly, at almost the exact same age, in almost the exact same way.
  3. Their shocking, almost uncannily similar career interests and personal styles.

I went back into Cady’s oeuvre and noticed what I think are pointed references to now not just to Peter Pan, but to other things done by Bobby Driscoll. And am I just seeing things, or do their gravestones even look eerily similar?

We were told that Bobby Driscoll died a pauper, that Disney tossed him out onto the streets and he died alone, penniless, drug addicted, etc, and all sorts of other ridiculous crap.

But what if… what if all of that ridiculous crap is, in fact, a bunch of, in fact, ridiculous crap?

What if he didn’t die? What if he lived and had kids? What if he had grandkids? Who would know?

Look, her music was great, but does it make any fucking sense at all that a random girl from the south would get a recording contract and just… start hanging out with Disney stars, start working with Disney company behind the scenes on projects, start giving interviews on the Recording Association (the Grammys) youtube, perform on the Warped Tour, etc? Song of the South, anyone?

Alright, I’m going to just say it- I think that Cady Groves is most likely a descendant or at least a relative of Bobby Driscoll, star of Peter Pan, Song of the South, Treasure Island, and many other projects.

Look, the stuff I’ve figured out cannot be rationally explained any other way.

You know- I could list the reasons, further, why I think this. I could lay out my case, go through it line by line, explain all the details, but… fuck it. I’ve developed a sixth sense when it comes to these things. I just know. Literally, it’s the only thing that makes sense, given the absolutely overwhelming preponderance of evidence.

You know, I’m not mad. Really. I’m awed, tho, I guess. I mean, if I’m right. I’m more stunned.


Suddenly a whooooole lotta shit makes sense now, like Cady’s fascination with my adventures in Iowa, since you-know-who was also from Iowa. It makes perfect sense that she would find the Iowa part of my life so fascinating, since those would be her family roots, too, if my hypothesis is correct.

And alll the other crap on the rest of her socials makes sense too, like those treasure hunts she used to advertise- a reference to Treasure Island, probably. Holy fuckballs!

What even the fuck!

Absolutely amazing!

Again tho, I’m not even mad, but I am shell shocked.

But… there you go.

You know… even if I’m wrong, I’ve learned so much from all this. Kinda unreal.

Be broke or be wealthy, but never accept mediocrity, indeed.


A Few Thoughts on the Maranos’ Saving Zoë, Part III

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Still bored, so here we go.

It did occur to me earlier that perhaps Disney still felt a debt to Mae Questel, and that this is why they named the protagonist of How to Build a Better Boy Mae, you know, in honor of. I was wondering about that during the time of watching it. I was like… this name has to have some significance. And in light of my recent brainstorm… perhaps I found it.

But to continue my earlier thoughts to their logical conclusions, I basically hit the nail directly on the head, didn’t I?

I must’ve. Literally nothing else makes sense, unbelievably.

So to follow this stuff to it’s ultimate, baffling and head-spinning finale, I/we are now forced to figure out The Great Mystery Behind All of This, specifically, who/what is “The Valley”?

Alright, some background info: The Valley is a song in the middle (natch) of Laura’s album, a music video, and, interestingly, a re-occurring scene in Saving Zoë. WTF is “The Valley”, actually?

I posit that it is an actual place. If you pause the music video about halfway through (in “The Valley” of the video) you see a book on the floor titled California, which is… kind of an obvious clue, lol. The Valley is a place in California, and mostly likely in Los Angeles, owing to the angel symbolism found in the music video.

To skip to the end here, I think “The Valley” is Laurel Canyon, birthplace of the Fanning sisters, the hippie movement, Scientology, Lookout Mountain Studios, and who the fuck knows what else.

Laura Valley, Laurel Canyon. Hmmn.

And am I correct in thinking that the music video for The Valley is filled with symbolic references to Lookout Mountain Studios? The ivy, the lockers, the graphs, the paper airplane? And the lyrics? “Come back, come back to the valley?” That’s a callback, correct?

Oh, and how could I forget? The baseball symbolism! Obvious is obvious, no? The first one third of the video occurs on a baseball diamond! Is this a reference to Mae Questel herself, whose last role was in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and whose last words put on film were “Play Ball!”?

Wouldn’t THAT be something? Holy Macaroni!

Jeebus Christ!

IDK, I could be wrong about these things, but man, what a group of amazing… speculations! Holy moly!

And you know, if these ideas are right, it would logically explain many many things, at least from my point of view.

Very interesting indeed.

Random Thoughts on Recent Posts

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

I guess I could just follow this line of thinking into just… IDK, some kind of pointless space out in the middle of nowhere (if we’re not already there), but, IDK, I’m bored and it’s the middle of summer and I’m feeling lazy so… lol.

A few random thoughts on those grisly Cady posts… IDK why she triggers me. I think it’s because she’s not “there”. So, she’s free to analyze freely. I don’t have to be nice, and hold back. And also, I think it’s because she was mentally linked to yours truly at such a young age.

What I think is that if my brainstorm is in fact correct, and what we’re seeing here is pirate scripted MKULTRA style programming coming from her career, what we’re seeing is my own thoughts, re-packaged and stylized and sent back to me (and to others). What I think I see / hear here are some of my own happiest experiences and thoughts from my own childhood being recited back to me by a cute chick with a nice voice.

After thinking about it the other day, the feeling that I get listening to her music is identical to that which I felt when I was a kid relaxing on the shores of the Mississippi river, watching the gulls, listening to the boats and collecting sparkly seashells on the beach. So *that* is why it appeals to me.

What it kinda seems as though happened is that some people took those experiences and feelings, my experiences with the Monkey Island series of PC games, and my experiences riding the “It’s a Small World” ride at Disney World, put them all in a blender and came up with… all of this stuff that I’m talking about here, whatever this stuff even is.

Regarding the ride… I cannot believe I didn’t see the connection earlier, but it’s as obvious as anything else. Song titles like One World? And the YT channel… the “Cooking” series is probably a callback to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Geddit? With the food. Jeezus.

I could on, and on, and on, but there’s no reason. The music videos, the references to me watching Peter Pan in Iowa, etc. At a certain point the evidence piles up enough.

Well, there you go.

Is this… useful info? IDK. But, it’s info. lol. Better than doing nothing, I guess. lol.

Other things to consider: I think I mae (sic) have finally discovered the reason the Maranos are plastered everywhere all over Disney+. I *think*, and this is just a hunch… I *think*… that Laura, Vanessa and Ellen are related to Mae Questel, infamous voice of Betty Boop, Olive Oil, and… Minnie Mouse.

This is just a guesstimate, based on a huge, huge pile of circumstantial evidence.

Well… IDK. Stuff to mull over this summer, when I’m not doing anything else I guess.