Ok so… the Olympics started. Opening ceremony was pretty good. Céline was fucking awesome.
I suppose there’s kind of a limited number of ways you can do these, since there’s like a format you need to follow, with the huge number of athletes and all that that has to be managed. But the French did put some creativity into it, at least, as much as could be allowed, and that was nice. It was a pity about the rain, but nothing could be done about that. I guess in some ways it enhanced things, kind of added a romantic touch to the songs etc.
Other stuff… I think the commercials are a bit subdued this year in comparison to previous years, which is nice. I have found them in the past to be distracting and too loud and in some ways they even overshadowed the athletics which I didn’t much appreciate, so maybe this will be a nice change. I guess we’ll see. There’s still too many of them, in general. Man- they are really pushing the commercial envelope these days with what they can get away with and still hold an audience on broadcast TV.
IDK, every time the Olympics roll around I think to myself… “Self… this time, you won’t get involved. Maybe I’ll watch a thing or two, just to see something, but you know- that’s it, really.” But then- BAM. Right back into it, and it just… I don’t know what it is, really, but I just get… drawn into it, and then… yeah.
So, there it is, then. You know, the Olympics have received some flack in recent years from people but I’ve never thought much of it or in fact maybe any of it was deserved. Even from a libertarian viewpoint- the Olympics are a drop in the bucket, spending wise, compared to things like international wars, and failed government social programs like the war on drugs.
They build out infrastructure, improve the general environment, etc. etc. yeah I’m not going to write a college essay on this lol. But I personally like them.
It’s good to see people doing stuff that’s in some ways inspiring on the boob tube instead of… what is normally shown on broadcast TV, which I don’t watch voluntarily anymore, ever. Some things are best avoided, perhaps.
And the commercials. The fucking commercials. Holy fucking hell, are those things vile. And so… numerous.
Well… I will watch the Olympics, tho. They’re good inspiration.
Well… that’s it, for now.