They’ve lost their minds.
In what world is the media’s response to the SAE frat video appropriate?
What crime did the kids in that video commit? Well, they didn’t commit any crime. Not one. Who did they hurt?
Nobody. Absolutely nobody.
Yes, some people I’m sure felt discomfort or shock. But did the video actually hurt anyone? Did it actually cause anyone physical pain? No. No it didn’t.
So why has this video been frontpage news for what, three days now? Yes. Three days. What the fuck, people?
People, we are engaged in 4 major wars, and we’re losing every one of them. I mean the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and the Ukraine. We’re losing four wars at once. And the week’s major news is this video?
What the FUCK?
What we’re seeing here in the reaction to the frat video is that the media is off somewhere in fantasy land. In no way would a sane media react in the way that it has to this video.
Liberals… don’t get it anymore. They don’t get anything. They’re nuts. They’ve lost the plot completely and in the most extreme and alarming ways.
They’re acting like sadistic, maniacal tyrants, because that’s what they are.
In what world is it appropriate to ruin the lives of a bunch of kids over mere words said amongst friends? Over a handful of jokes that were never meant to be public anyways?
Liberals- you are vile, despicable monsters. What the hell are you doing? How can any reasonable or decent person cheer on the destruction of young lives because of a joke video?
Liberals, you are doing things that will destroy you. You are dumb bullies who do not think about the consequences of your actions.
Making your maniacal efforts to destroy the lives of innocent young people center stage in the news like this will only turn the public against you. Every action such as this creates a million more enemies.
You are fools. Despicable, monstrous fools. All of you.
Your era is over.