Mandatory voting? Again- WHAT?
Another week, another baffling, polarizing WTF quote from the White House.
Mandatory voting? What the hell? Honestly, I can’t even snark about this, because it’s just so extraterrestrial and bizarre to even hear such a thing be discussed in public, let alone seriously discussed by the President. Once again, Obama shows us all how little he knows about what country this even is, let alone what it does or where it came from.
I’m not even sure of what to think of this strangeness, except to wonder even more what is going on in Obama’s head, if anything. Is he just pulling this stuff out of the air or what? Do these ideas of his come from his advisers, who are playing a practical joke on the world? Is he intentionally trying to ruin his own career? What is the fuck is he doing?
I shouldn’t need to summarize what is wrong and stupid about his apparently serious idea, but I guess I will anyways, because I’m bored so why not.
Here’s the problem: Mandatory voting is the calling card of all eighth rate tyrannies, and the US, being a German nation, is not such a nation. Nobody with any real knowledge of America, its history or its people would seriously discuss such an idea in public. I mean, nobody.
Leaving aside the questions of where the weirdo in the White House even came from, it’s simply insane to hear him suggest this. The US, for the entirety of its history prior to Obama, made it a point to vilify, rightly, many nations that had mandatory voting laws, as those tend to be the most extreme and oppressive of tyrannies. The history of twentieth century Africa is littered with regimes that had enforced-at-gunpoint mandatory voting laws and elections that “proved” the democratic legitimacy of bloodthirsty dictators.
The key behind freedom isn’t the act of voting, it’s the ability to abstain from it. The fact that people have the ability to choose not to participate in politics is what really makes us free. Government enforced political participation is always abject tyranny, a fact that “constitutional scholar” “Barack Obama” should know, as an understanding of that idea forms the basis for our whole political system.
And again it’s of course utterly laughable to see people who consider themselves liberals not howling with rage at Obama’s suggestion. They really have no morals at all, do they? If Bush Jr. had suggested making political participation is his system mandatory, they would have been out for blood. But whoever that guy is in the White House can say that, and they can’t be bothered to respond because he looks vaguely black.
Liberals have no morals. These days they don’t even pretend to have them. Obama can give trillions of free dollars to Wall Street banks while the real economy starves and not a peep can be heard from liberals, because of course Obama looks vaguely black, and we all know that that fact trumps all other concerns.
Obama can make it illegal to protest, as he did after Occupy Wall street became popular, and liberals don’t care. Obama can ratchet up economic inequality beyond anything even considered possible during the Reagan-Bush years, and liberals don’t care. Obama can launch all out assaults on random nations that pose no threat to us at all, like say Libya or Syria, and liberals don’t care.
Or if they do care, maybe they won’t voice their concerns because again- Obama is part black- which if true would make them even more despicable than if they were simply going along with the program.
I’m wondering now if there has even been in history a more hypocritical polity than the one that exists in liberal America. Liberals at one point actually stood for some pretty high ideals, ideals that they clearly dumped in the trash the day that Obama took office. Remember those days when liberals were the guys who didn’t like economic inequality, or who stood against war or for freedom of speech? I do, but just barely.
I’ll bet anything that the younger generation has no memory of those things, though.
This age has run it’s course. Liberalism is very much dead. It’s time for the world to move on.