Archive for March, 2015

Song of the Day

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

This is a tie. It’s either Von’s Ancient Flesh of The Dark Gods or Cady Groves’ Crybaby. Black metal majesty or pop perfection. Either way, I win.

Anime of the Day

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

Girls Und Panzer. Literally the best thing on planet Earth, except for everything else.

Snack of the Day

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

The oatmeal cookies I stole from work.

Last Friday, there was a presentation in the cafeteria here at work, and everyone who stopped and listened to the spiel got one or two free, individually wrapped oatmeal cookies. They had a *huge* amount of cookies there. More than they could possibly give out during lunchtime.

I got my two, of course, and then returned to the cafeteria before going home… out of curiosity.

Jackpot. The remaining cookies were there, unattended.

I did the best I could, given the circumstances. You can only fit so many individually wrapped cookies into a laptop case and some coat pockets. I had to leave some.

But it was only a few.

*Mmmm* they’re good, too.

Do I care? Well, nobody caught me, and they would have thrown them out on Monday anyhow, sooo… nope.
