A few random thoughts, and notes about Pixar’s Wall-E, here for future reference.
– The “space dance” scene seems taken from / inspired by the NES game Solar Jetman.
– “Auto” is not so much HAL 9000, but the A.I. from Flight of the Navigator.
– The characters are toys. Wall-E itself might be a combination of toys I had as a kid, including a robotic arm that I spent eons with, putting stuff into it’s accessories box and back out again. Also that little mobile robot from the space set I had as a kid. The space set itself looks like Wall-E’s home, with the same ramp and everything. I still have the arm and the little mobile robot. And then of course there is the obvious Short Circuit influence.
– There is an influence here from toys like the Robotix line from Milton Bradley, especially IMO in the decals, buttons and signage.
Hmmn. Interesting. Looks like a good movie. Never seen it fully- I’ve only studied bits here and there on youtube.
Still I wonder. Very peculiar, all of this. The bits and pieces I’ve seen do seem oddly, weirdly “me”, especially the space dance scene, and a bunch of other stuff, like the overall tone of the world and Wall-E in particular. Very interesting.
Random thoughts.
I still wonder. Do other people watch these movies and think to themselves “Yeah, I remember all of this stuff from my own childhood” or is this again just me? I don’t know, but damn, this is so fucking weird.
I mean… I don’t remember the exact story, or even the exact characters. But I remember the pieces. It’s again like… someone just took all the stuff I did as a kid and then reassembled everything in a different order, like they’re just painting with my memories, or something. It’s really weird.
And again, some of this is extremely specific, like the space dance scene. I remember doing stuff like that for hours on my NES, with my little pixelated spaceship. It’s just… the feeling of the scene. Like, I know I’ve done this myself, before.
And the feeling of Wall-E himself, and watching him pick stuff up and make little boxes out of them. Like, I’ve done that, hundreds of times, with my own little robot arm. Just not… like that, but verrry similar to that, in tone.
And the obvious references to my favorite films as a kid.
It’s really uncanny. IDK honestly what is going on here, but… it’s stuff to think about, for sure.
Really crazy, all of this.