Toy Story.
Yeah, alright. Let’s pick this one apart, too.
I suspect most who saw this movie liked it and probably identified with it, too. But I’m wondering how many identified with it as strongly as I did and still do. Probably not many, maybe very few, for what might be obvious reasons to some.
I mean… yeah, I don’t know, but geez. As I said earlier I had a Mickey Mouse toy in my youth that I loved and treasured above all else. I still have it, downstairs.
Was that toy and how I played with it used as a template for Woody and his interactions with his owner? I wonder, honestly.
So weird, IDK. See I just rewatched parts of this movie and I had all of those toys, with a couple of exceptions, mostly because a few of the toys in the movie are similar but not same as others that I had. So weird, so weird. I don’t get it; I mean we already established that Disney was peeking in during my teen years, fine, but before then? I mean… how? Honestly?
I don’t know; it just seems impossible. I mean it is impossible, but then again, so is literally all of this. Everything I do for hours on a daily basis is technically impossible according to “modern science”.
I don’t know, this is just nuts. But it’s all there- the army guys, Mr. Potato Head, the space guy, the shuttle / rocket toy, the etch-a-sketch, etc. I mean I’m sure that millions of other kids had this collection, too, though- right? Or no? I don’t know, this stuff is really screwing with my head.
The evil kid “Sid” seems like a take on my cruel, dysfunctional neighbor that I had to play with sometimes. Seems, since I’m sure there are millions of kids like that out there.
I don’t know, I don’t know. I guess the question again is how early this stuff actually started. Did it truly reach back into my childhood or not? And if it did, how on Earth did that even happen?
And, then, the inevitable next question: Why me? Why was I chosen, as opposed to, IDK, the evil neighborhood kid I just talked about?
Someone must have figured out when I was very young that I had all of these latent psychic abilities. That is the only explanation that makes sense. But who, and where, and how?
Was it at Disney itself? During one of the family trips down to Disney World? Is that when it started?
Weird, so weird.
I mean, I don’t know about this one, at least not really, but geez, there are so many tells here.
And this whole concept of bringing toys to life- was I maybe actually doing that? I mean, it’s firmly established that I can bring my girlfriends to life with mere pictures. Could I maybe have been using my own life energy to bring my toys to “life”, back when I was a kid? It’s a fascinating idea, I think.
Maybe that’s how it started. I brought Mickey to life, and someone at Disney noticed, and this stuff started rolling downhill. I have no idea but it makes “sense”.
I mean… so many similarities, here, too. Really… crazy, really interesting.
So incredible.
This will require more thought.