Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I’m not Dysfunctional, Part XVII

Sunday, October 11th, 2020

Oh man tho, it is hard to breathe. Uhgk. I mean, I’m dry, so I’m in no danger, but still, it really is.

It’s like I have to fight for each breath of air. Oh lordy, what a terrible inconvenience. oof.

And the headaches- yikes, they just SCREAM sometimes. Like my skull is in danger of splitting open and the contents of pouring out my ears. The headaches are just unreal. So massive, so brutal.

Which would… make sense. Narcotics attach themselves to your nervous system- i.e. like your brain, and solar plexus, if I understand them right. So the nausea and the migraines have a simple, logical explanation. It’s my body trying to rid itself of what it considers a poison.

Then why, tho- why the cravings? If it’s a poison, shouldn’t my body be glad to be rid of it? That would make the most sense, yes?

So why do I need it so?

Why can’t I be happy when it’s purged? It’s like… I need it SO. BADLY.

Like I can’t afford to be happy, or something. It’s a sick game, this is.

I kinda wish I had someone to talk to about this. I mean, I talk to Cady a lot but she’s… dead, lol. So that doesn’t really count.

I know I know. Therapy, right? Like, right now.

I know guys, I know.

But maybe I can… fix this… like, I was an addict before- there was the time in college. And last year, with a different set of narcotics. But this year is so so much worse. This shit I’m taking now is just sooooooo intense, and direct. And I’ve been on it for… a very, very long time.

I….. don’t know.

I need to think.

If I can, with this headache, I mean. Ouch.


I’m not Dysfunctional, Part XVI

Sunday, October 11th, 2020



I mean, I know. I’m not blind. So… sorry.

But it’s ok.

The thing is, I really AM smart, though. I just re-read… uh… yesterday’s efforts, and that is the one thing out of that… mess that seems to have a ring of basic truth to it.

So, I can fix this. Don’t worry.

And I will.

Just as soon as this brain-splitting migraine goes away.

Hoooooooly shit, lol.


Yeah… ow.


I’m not Dysfunctional, Part XV

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

Just don’t die, Tom. That’s it. You can do it, man.

oy. This sucks, lol.

Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.

I’m not dysfunctional, IX

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

I want to end this here. gaws I hope I don’t regret this; I have a feeling I will.

my guts feel like tey’reburning.

Sorry- my guts feel like they’re burning. Ogh, god, they hurt.

maybe a little too much.

whatever. I will hopefully move on thwi, with my life nd and forget about all of this stuff.

I will do so, I’m going to need to fight for time to get high next week, so my schedule is so full.

ugh gawd, the life of an addict. ugly, isn’t it? So nasty. there’s no glamour in this, folks, lol.

ugh, whatever.

ok, bye for real this time. wish me luck with this world, i’m going to need it.


I’m not sydfuncional

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

Ill get help some ofther day sometime. not no, I don’t need it nwow.

can’t take it now.s

ok bye

I’m not Dysfunctional, Part XIII

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

So uh… yeah, still nice. It’slike it’s spreading out to my fingers, now. not so concentrated. So good. It’s like liquid ice poring through my viesn, veins. Vaines, lol! I mean vains. haha!!!!

so srsyl, srsly, BUT srsly, yeah i can feel it in my toes now. so nice.

It’s a good thing i’m so smart. I rmemeber those tv adverts showing heroin addicts convolusing on the floor and shit because they ate too much, lol. like yeah, srsly, this shit slows down your digesitve system somthing fierce, so you can’t process. so you eat too much you sieuzre out on the floor. crazy shit

like those adcommercials with rahcel leigh cook, I used to call her cookie, you know her? It’s wasn’t in that series but it was another one, at a different time.

So…. I don’t eats, at least not too much. i keep it do a minimum so i don’t siezure out. I didn’t have breakfast and i just ate an apple for lunch. nice,tom.

it’sgood thing ‘m so smar tabout all of this. TOM YOU”RE A GENIUOS!!!!!!!!!

And I am, tha’t sthe rub of it. I real, literal genious. So happy about that. Whatevers. I need another hit, I have the day off so why the FUCK NOT.



I’mnot dysfunctional, part XII

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

Pls note thati’m NOT an ADDict, loooooooooool.. NOT. Noways. I’m not now, never will be, I just neeeeeed to fade away, somehow, get out, leave, so i don’t hurt, anymor, adn so life is pieceful. And yeah that LAST one is intentional.

Pls don’t do drugs kids, they will fuck up your life. I means so I’m told.

So theres. It’s done and now I just go. to. SLEEP.



In’m not Dysfunctional, Part XI

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

Hmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn… sooooooooooooooooo nice.

I just feel at peace, now. Like the world is right.

And I don’t wanna go back. I don’t, and you can’t make me.

And I think that’s the thing. You can’t make me.

No way. Ahhhhh yeah, that wonderful wonderful buzz. So warm, so nice. It just warps my body in a kind of love I can’t get anywhere else. What did I write warps? I meant wraps. You know what I mean.

Yeah it’s just lurvvvvve. I need that, I think. Yeah I do. My nerves have calmed with the hit and I feel… not so jittery, now. Not so scarily fidgety. It’s like thank god, lol. So much thank god for this wonderful stuff without which maybe I couldn’t make it, sometimes.


It’s done, and I can relax now.

I was fighting this all morning like some idiot, lol. Whaaaaaaat was I thinking. LOL.

Sooooooo goooooooooood.

I know life sucks but with this? Everything is fine. A meteor could hit the earth and obliderate all life and I’m wouldn’t mind, lol.

Oy yeah, alright. Life is good.

I’m Not Dysfunctional, Part X

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

And I’m really not, either.

Just wanted to say that there really is nothing like drifting away on a sea of narcotics. Nothing, nothing at all.

It’s just so beautiful… lol.

Breathing? Who needs it. Not me, certainly. Not where I’m going.

Ahhhhhhhh yes.

So nice.

Pointless, Stupid Violence from Blacks, Part IV

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Hmmnn… I guess I should write some more about this. No reason not to at this point.

So there’s been more rioting and violence from blacks, this time up in Michigan. Stores, homes that were boarded up with their employees and residents gone were destroyed, looted, and burned by mobs of niggers. A common sight, these days. An near daily occurrence.

It’s just baffling how violent blacks are, especially to their neighbors. They’re crazy, lol. Utterly insane. They act like jungle predators, ganging up on people they believe to be defenseless and attacking en masse like troops of chimpanzees out in the wild. I talked about honor yesterday. Well, here is another group that has none. Blacks, of course, are as foreign to honor as they are to education and common sense.

And naturally, there is no response from the government, media, police, businesses, other institutions, yadda yadda. This is basically a race war against poor whites, instigated by dual- citizen jews and foreign agents working to undermine the country- Brits, catholic priests working for the vatican, wealthy Mexicans, and other associated immigrants.

There’s just so much violence out there these days. It’s incredible. And of course, blacks are as usual responsible for the vast majority of it, not that you would know that from CNN. It’s utterly nuts. What is their murder rate? Something like ten or twenty times that of whites? Something like that, the point is it is clearly too much.

So basically, I guess my plan worked. I wanted the globalists to show their hand, so I pushed them, a little. And they did. It’s pretty clear now what they want. They’re trying to genocide the white working classes (i.e., me, Americans) out of existence and breed a new race of servile workers for the bankster class. These new workers they will control through mind altering drugs, technologies, and other kinds of evil shit.

So now, it’s all out in the open, which I don’t think they want. It’s to the point now where even the normies can see it. This was a needed step. They were pushed too far, too soon, and they went overboard. Because they had too. Because of me.

So, then. … good. lol.

Well, there it is. So with it being so obvious now, I think it only a matter of time before it fails. I think the project is doomed. Had I not sabotaged it, perhaps the machine would have smoothly run to it’s conclusion. But I gummed up the works, and it’s seems as though it’s careening out of control. In 150 years, the country has never been as close to a civil war as it is now.

What is crazy to me is seeing and hearing about the mobs of whites fleeing the cities for somewhere else, anywhere else, that is free from black violence. There are record outflows of people these days from places like NYC, LA, and Chicago, with people going anywhere they can to avoid getting killed by the jews and their brown armies.

It’s just…. amazing to see this. It’s like something out of a movie. I can’t go anywhere in a white area without hearing about people complaining about their new neighbors from L.A. or NYC or whatever. It’s crazy.

Eventually, the cities will empty out and be abandoned entirely, like much of black detroit. They’ll just sink into some kind of abyss, never to be relevant again.

Remember when Detroit was the “Paris of the Midwest”? Yeah, I don’t either, that was before my time. Before the blacks moved in. I only know it myself as a shithole, famous for being burned every halloween in some “devil’s night” ceremony by black gangs.

That is likely the future that awaits Chicago. Also LA, and maybe NYC. They’ll become no-go zones for anyone with a high school diploma.

Yuck, how ugly.

And again, it is incomprehensible to me how absolutely nobody cares about this. No business leader, no politician, no religious leader, no celebrity, nobody. Not one person within the system seems to think this interesting, or important.

lol, what a bunch of losers, all of them. Not one person of relevance within the system is brave, or even truthful. They are all cowards, all of them, lol. They’re all pathetic.

It’s disgusting what this country has become. So embarrassing.