Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Decline of Christianity

Saturday, May 27th, 2017

While I’m on a roll, here, I’m going to throw this out there as well. What I want to do here is expound upon the obvious future vis-a-vis Christianity, if not religion in particular.

Basically, I still contend that Christianity is a dead religion, and so is, I think, the rest of the Abrahamic nonsense.

I think the future is atheist. The principle reason why is obvious: the future is going to be written by China, the world’s premiere atheist power. And of course, Russia will play a driving force in this future as well, which is a bit of supporting evidence since the Russian government is staffed and led by people who were taught and indoctrinated in the atheist USSR.

I think the Jesus myth is doomed. And good riddance.

People follow the power. It’s the one constant of this world.

As it turns out, Mao was right all along. His cultural revolution, where he purged China of all of it’s religious basket cases, was after all the best thing that anyone could have done for his country. He was right. He was more right, I think, than even he could have realized at the time.

With the religious nuts out of the way, China was free to build it’s future upon scientific and logical principles. The Chinese leadership used reason and sound thinking to build their fortunes, unlike how we did things, here.

In the US, the leaders turned not to reason and logic but to Jesus, Islam, and Jewish crap to formulate their visions of what the future should be. They didn’t think. They didn’t use their minds. They got wrapped up in stupid, infantile fantasies about Israel and Muhammed and the Church and other fairy tale B.S. instead of using critical thought and sound reasoning.

Thus, our constant and useless involvement in Israel. No actual good has ever come of that involvement in our nation’s history, but we can’t untangle ourselves from it because of the Jesus garbage that clouds the minds of so many of our leaders.

China has no such useless entanglements, because they don’t care about religion. Religious mumbo-jumbo does not factor in, at all, in Chinese considerations when it comes to foreign policy.

Yes, there is that issue of the Dalai Lama. But it’s not like the Chinese care much about him, either way. What I’m talking about is that the Chinese would never spend literally trillions of dollars on endless wars to defend a country that has nothing to do with them because of some idiotic, fantastical crap they learned in Sunday School classes. These 2 issues- the Dalai Lama and Israel- are light years apart in import.

And Russia falls right into line with this way of thinking. Their power is on the ascendant, too, for the same reasons.

I don’t believe the nonsense that Putin and the rest of the Russian leadership are “devout Christians”. That’s a line of bull fed to the sheep, here, to keep them in the dark about what’s really happening, which seems to be standard issue with anything involving churches these days.

Putin was indoctrinated and rose through the ranks of the USSR, an ardently, inflexibly atheist society. I don’t think a “devout Christian” would have done this. Certainly, they wouldn’t have done it as easily as he did it. And this applies to the rest of the current Russian leadership, too.

At the very, very least, the Russian leadership of today must have a great internal respect for atheism and it’s benefits. It wouldn’t make sense for them not to. And Putin is fond of paying respect publicly for the old USSR, even to the point of making playing it’s music a key part of his public identity.

To that end, you would NEVER see Putin touch that moldy old wall in Israel like our own misbegotten President did. And I don’t think that it’s because Putin would be “too Christian” to do it, either. I just think that Putin probably thinks better of himself than to publicly prostrate himself before some dumb fairy tales in front of the rest of the world. Go to Church? Fine, it he wants to. But even if he does, his routine of going to church clearly doesn’t impact him in the way that it has impacted our own pea-brained leaders. Paging Dubya, here.

At any rate, Christianity and Islam and Judaism are religions best suited for times of decadence. Simply put, the Abrahamic religions in particular thrive on infantile nonsense about the “brotherhood of man” and other such stuff. That kind of thinking is only permissible, really, when people live lives of luxury and carelessness.

There’s a reason why Christianity became a fad in the spoiled, arrogant ruling families of Rome during the waning days of the Empire, and it’s the same reason why it’s a fad, here, these days, too. It’s because Christianity, like Islam, takes the easy way out on all the difficult issues. Whatever happens, you are forgiven for being a “good person” and “believing in God” and other such childish nonsense.

To that end, you can wreck your own country and everything in it, but as long as you’re a “good person” in the end, you’re forgiven. Because that’s Jesus’s way.

China has no tolerance for such childishness. Good for them. Bad for us.

The Chinese leadership has it where it counts. Their act of purging the religious idiots out of their ranks gave them the opportunity to bring in the smart people instead. And it shows. The Chinese politburo seems to have an eye on the future, not the past.

I refer again to the Silk Road project. All our own “leader” has done in response to this is make that embarrassing tour of the Abrahamic religious stops. He’s looking backwards. The Chinese are looking towards the future. Who, do you suppose, will win in the end?

And no, I don’t think that there is any way to “reform” Christianity. I’ve noticed that in right-wing blogs these days there has been an effort to “rehabilitate” Christianity, to purge it of feminism and liberalism, and of the rest of it’s supposed problems.

But feminism and liberalism aren’t the problem with Christianity. Not by a long shot. Christianity’s problem is that it is built out of the mistranslated ravings of people who died millenia ago. Christianity’s problem is that it has no place in a modern, technological society. Christianity’s problem is that no amount of “reform” is going to change the fundamental fact that it’s a bunch of fairy tales.

I’ll stop here for now. More to come, I’m sure.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXXVII

Saturday, May 27th, 2017

A few months ago, I posted something here that needs further thought. It’s this:


I want to reiterate the very important point, here, which is that the oligarchy is out of time. Millions of non-government jobs are needed, and they are needed this year.

And that kind of thing can only be created by immediate and massive changes in policy, such as closing off the US from ALL immigration, regardless of circumstance.

The politicians here do not understand that this is not business as usual. This is a crisis situation that can only be rectified with huge and unprecedented changes in the structure of the country. The common thinking must be put aside. All plans for the future must be shelved, immediately, until the current set of problems are fixed. And oligarch heads MUST roll, or this is the end, of everything. Of the life that people (everyone) has had, here, since the end of WWII.


This point has not sunk in. No matter how many times the oligarchs ram their heads against a wall in some futile gesture, here and elsewhere, they seem to not be able to understand this on any level.

The big economic news this century has been China’s Silk Road project, which is a enormous, multi-trillion dollar economic development project that involves China, of course, and Russia, and probably all of Asia. And maybe parts of Africa, too.

You know who this project doesn’t involve? There is one notable power in this world who has not been invited to the table, here, for this extremely important and perhaps century defining event. I’ll give you a hint- it’s the country with no legitimate manufacturing economy; grotesque and unimaginable income disparities; a bloated, arrogant schoolmarm government that everyone else in the world hates; an evil, hyper-violent and drug-pushing military that has not done good for anyone else in at least a generation; a terrorist supporting and inside job fomenting set of intelligence agencies that seem to despise their own country more than anyone else’s; a class of ruling families that is obviously more concerned with idiotic and infantile family squabbles than their own nation; a political class that is clearly more interested in religious fairy tales and myths than in on-the-ground realities and in fixing real world problems with logic and sound reason; an immigration policy that broadcasts to the rest of the world that the ruling families see their own nation as the world’s trashcan; and… need I go on? I trust I don’t.

So, the US government, ostensibly the world’s leader, at least according to itself, has not been invited to the table to even discuss the 21st century’s most important economic development. They’re not even been invited to contribute, somehow. Except perhaps to grovel for table scraps after the fact.

See, THIS is what I mean.

From the perspective of China and Russia, WHY would they invite the US, the country with the dumbest and most corrupt government in the world, to participate in such an important event? What could the circus that is Washington DC have to offer them, anyways? I mean, besides war, death, autism, diabetes, arrogant lecturing, severely dumb economic “advice” and other stupid things?

The US doesn’t make anything. We have no industry. We have no middle class. All we have is an enormous underclass, an enormous paycheck-to-paycheck working class, and a tiny little overclass that sits there and does nothing but collect money that it doesn’t even use. We don’t create anything. The middle class- the people who would run the factories that would allow us to make stuff- doesn’t exist in the US. So, what are we going to contribute, anyways? This is a development project. China has enough money to fund it by itself at this point. They don’t need Wall Street. So, what can we do besides get in the way?

The US is a global power in name only, at this point. We’re a military and a bunch of spoiled little rich toddlers and nothing else. Which is probably why our chief exports these days are wars and immaturity.

The economic problems we have are so glaring that everyone else can see them, at this point. And there is nobody in the world anymore who would involve us in anything economic, save at gunpoint. In those cases in which we can’t bully our way in, we’re sunk, because we truly have nothing of real value to offer as a nation.

This ties back in with a another running theme here, which is the idea that if this country can’t become an ally of Russia, that we’re sunk. The only way the US will ever be able to survive internationally at this point is if we ditch the Jesus shit permanently and re-emphasize our ethnic (meaning WHITE) ties with Eastern Europe. And that is our ONLY available path to retaining any sort of status on the international stage, anymore.

At this point, all other ships have left the harbor. The British were able to maintain some semblance of respect after they lost their empire because they went quietly, and didn’t fight kicking and screaming against their fate like toddlers. You know, unlike us. The same with the USSR. Their empire died without a lot of fuss. Ours isn’t. We’re embarrassing ourselves and the rest of the world, here.

And I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that Jesus be kicked to the curb. At this point, we’re only Christian because the ruling families refuse to let the topic go. They keep forcing that shit on us, whether we like it or not.

Internationally, the future belongs to the atheists. This Silk Road project is a creation of an ardently atheist government and a formerly ardently atheist government whose influences will only spread as the century unfolds. The future is not Christian. It is not Muslim, or Jewish. Internationally, it is atheism, or perhaps a glaring lack of it, that will make or break a country’s fortunes.

I’ll need to talk about that later, I think. I’ve said enough here, now.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXXVI

Friday, May 26th, 2017

What’s amazing about all of this is that neither side seems interested in budging, even slightly.

What the media calls the “alt-right” (i.e. the white working classes) has not moved one iota since Trump’s inauguration. Trump has led them nowhere. IDK what Trump is or was expecting to do with all of his nonsense, but it has amounted to naught. His base refuses to move, even an inch, from their original, pre-Trump positions.

And I don’t just mean Breitbart comments, either. I quote here from Pat Buchanan’s old mag, The American Conservative, one of the officially sanctioned standard-bearers of right wing thought in the media:


Donald Trump’s short tenure as president has been disastrous so far. His short attention span and lack of interest in most things related to actually governing signal an incompetence that is both embarrassing and laughable. There are reports that the National Security Council has to continually mention his names in their memos, otherwise he won’t read them thoroughly. Subsequently, NATO officials are encouraging speakers to limit remarks to two to four minutes at its upcoming meeting. The news surrounding the incidental leak of classified information to the Russian ambassador is becoming more ludicrous with each passing day.

As Trump’s presidency has been a glaring example of incompetence, trust in him as president has suffered. An April poll from Gallup finds that only 36 percent of respondents think he is honest and trustworthy and only 41 percent believe he can manage the government effectively. Forty-five percent believe he keeps his promises. These numbers are all down from February, and with news of his clown-like behavior coming out almost every day, there is no reason to think these numbers will go up anytime soon.


It’s from this article, here, that concerns the equally-as-dumb-as-electing-Trump idea of foisting that roid-addled pinhead Dwayne Johnson on our poor nation, next.

Anyhow, that quote is brutal. And accurate, and telling. The “alt-right”, meaning the 150 million plus conservative base in this country, will not follow Trump. The crux of the matter isn’t one of style- it’s that Trump is simply not conservative enough for most of them; not by a long shot, IMO. And they have no intention of letting the circus that is the Ivanka-Kushner admin have an impact on their lives or attitudes.

If anything, since Trump’s betrayal of the conservatives on day 1 of his admin, they have become even more hostile to the establishment. I’ve talked about this at length here, but it needs repeating, since so important.

When looked at historically, it’s shocking how much abuse the Trump admin is getting at this point in time from the people who voted for him. Kushner is absolutely hated by the entirety of the conservative base. I mean, he is legitimately hated, no exaggeration. They hate him as much or more as anyone named “Clinton” or “Bush”. So is Ivanka, it seems. It’s not uncommon to see people on formerly pro-Trump website like Breitbart openly wonder if they would have been better off personally if Hillary would have won, and that isn’t an endorsement from them for Hillary by any means.

The Goldman Sachs people in Trump’s admin are also just despised, for obvious reasons. And the Bush-era neocons from the military are tolerated at best, if the base is feeling forgiving. In their case, they benefit from being slightly the best people in an extremely offensive lot. They get a pass because when you stand next to Goldman-Sachs alums, it’s really hard to look like the slimiest and most dishonorable person in the room. And when you take out the nepotists, the Goldman-Sachs monsters, the Jesus nuts, and the warmongers, you are left with precious little else.

It’s offensive and unbelievably tragic. The base will not budge on a good day. Under these circumstances, they’re going nowhere, except further away from the government. And that’s really where they should be.

The “other side” also shows no interest in changing, even slightly. From their perspective, they’ve been winning for a hundred years now, so any thought that they might have to stall or retreat is unfathomable to them. They seem to honestly believe that it’s impossible for the “alt-right” (meaning, non-coastal white people) to get the upper hand in anything, so for them pausing or falling back are never considered as options. Always, their response to everything is to attack, attack, attack. Because at this point, that’s all they know how to do. Because the prophecy of 2040 assures them that victory is inevitable.

It’s nuts.

If anything, Trump’s failure to connect with his base on any level is scaring the left perhaps more than if he actually was able to appeal to them, somehow. Honestly, the left right now looks as though it’s losing it’s mind with worry and confusion.

The left is in a bind. Let’s take one issue and examine it. Say, the wall.

The left can’t let the wall be built, because that would imply that on one huge issue, they’ve failed. It would mean that they’re not unbeatable. It would mean that they can be stopped, and that the Prophecy of 2040- that dream where whites become less than 50% of the population here- might not come to pass. It would mean that the other side could push back, and reverse the so-called inevitable.

But- they can’t get in the way of the wall, either, without destroying the system they need to fulfill their fantasies. If the wall is not built, then this country is not a democracy. The people voted for the wall. It’s the reason that Trump is President. If there is no wall, then American democracy has no legitimacy. The vote, then, has no meaning, and the system can only be seen as the permanent and unchanging enemy of the 60% of the people who want a wall. It means war, and revolution. And the left has no chance in direct conflict. No way.

On that note, the people who voted for Trump have gotten nothing out of doing so. And I mean nothing. It’s not even that one issue; it’s ALL issues. Logically, if voting gets you nothing, why vote?

And if you don’t vote, then what?

Then you FIGHT. That’s what.

The left is caught. For the past 8 years with Obama, they got everything they wanted, to the point that the President redesigned the nation’s bathrooms. If Trump’s voters can’t get even one thing out of their vote, it’s over, I think. And I think it should be, from any point of view.

Are we a democracy, or not? It looks as though we’re not. And in that case, no taxation without representation, again.


Is that it? Is it over?

It could be. As I stated above, the left looks as though it’s losing it’s mind at this point. They’re caught, and I think now they know it, now. In the face of Trump’s abject failure to connect with or satiate his base on any level, they’re fighting as hard as they can, now, against anything that even claims to be conservative. Even the liberals and neocons on Fox News are being targeted.

It’s insane and bizarre as hell to see what’s happening. Remember that landslide victory that the GOP won in November? Both houses, the Presidency, twice the governorships, yadda yadda? Less than 6 months in, and the media is on the offensive right now for the left, purging everyone who happens to even pretend to voice conservative opinions.

Are we a democracy, or not?

Well, we’re obviously not, of course.

I don’t know. Oligarchy, tyranny, NWO, socialism, call it what you will, but this is no Democracy. Not even close.

This is how empires fail.

More Trump Nonsense

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

See, this is the reason that the Jesus shit needs to go, for fuck’s sake.

Honestly, people. WTF?

I directing this to conservatives, here. And, frankly, to everyone else, too.

I mean, look at all of this.

Trump spent a good deal of his time and our money lately making a trip to Israel to touch a moldy old wall for some reason. I’m referring to his “Wailing Wall” trip. Yeah. Meanwhile, the wall he promised his own supporters is nowhere to be seen, probably because the Pope thinks that it would offend the principles of the Jesus myth.

And of course, there’s the rest of the nonsense. Israel doesn’t really matter, people. It’s halfway across the world, and means nothing to my life, here. I don’t give a fuck one way or another if that country falls off the face of the Earth. They have nothing to do with me, and I fail to see the reason why every resource in my own fucking country needs to be redirected to supporting that and arming it. What has Israel EVER done for me, in it’s entire existence? Honestly, name ONE thing.

Trump looked like such an idiot on that trip. What a fool. Everyone that isn’t a Jew looks like a massive tool in those yarmulkes. What a waste of my money. What a waste of time, and what a slap in the face to all of the ignorant sheep who voted for that moron.

Our own country has major problems, as everyone is well aware, and all we see these days is that dolt and the rest of the peanut gallery in the GOP talk about Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. It’s dumb and hugely insulting. Trump is spending more of his time these days hanging out with nuns than he is working on helping his own constituents, and all you hear from Pence, ever, is Jesus stuff, and from the GOP as a whole, all you get is yammering about “Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem!!!!!!11” for some incomprehensible reason.

And meanwhile, Trump is looking more and more like a laughingstock. Good. For stabbing his own voters in the back for this disgraceful nonsense, solely to benefit others, and not even himself, he deserves nobody’s admiration.

No American President or administration should ever involve themselves in religious matters, period. And this goes triply so for conservatives, who are supposed to understand the proper roles that people are supposed to have. The President is the chief executive officer of the US. He is not supposed to devote his time and our money on religious pursuits. So, WTF is Trump doing using taxpayer dollars to make a trip to the “wailing wall” so he can pretend to be an orthodox Jew? And why are conservatives not raking him over the coals for this grotesque and obvious abuse of his position?

And meanwhile, Trump’s own country flounders.

What a fool, and what a nation of fools we are for putting up with this.

It’s the Jesus garbage that is the problem. Always, it’s the Jesus myth that causes the problems and the rifts and the nonsense. The Pope just went out and slammed the principles that this country was founded upon when he attacked libertarianism. And the reason we don’t just kill the Muslims who commit the terrorist acts is the infantile belief, held by so-called “conservatives” most especially, that whites are like them, since Christians, Jews, and Muslims are all cut from the same cloth.

Well, maybe that’s right. And in that case, maybe all three need to go. I would be fine with that, since all three are ruining my country.


And that picture of Trump and the Muslims with that ridiculous orb is just such a perfect representation of everything that is wrong with him and his family. Trump the fool and his gaggle of nepotists has yet to even start on representing the interests of the people who voted for him, and he wastes his time and OUR money on idiotic viral photos like that one. It’s patronizing and annoying as anything I can think of.

I can’t think of a bigger insult to this country than the things that Trump has done, thus far. He literally has done nothing at all, domestically. And I mean nothing, and in fact has apparently not even started to do anything, but has spent fuck knows how much resources on a religious expedition of the Abrahamic myths. It’s just such a slap in the face to this entire country that it’s hard to believe it’s even happening.

Trump’s supporters here, I mean, the few supporters he has left, look like such gullible simpletons. They have received nothing for their support, and they likely never will, since it’s obvious that Trump cares more about Israel and Saudi Arabia than he does us. And why wouldn’t he? His family is Jewish, and apparently he is, too. Israel is his country, not the United States. He couldn’t give a fuck about us if he tried. Kol Nidre, and all that.

Conservatives: the way out of all this is simple- pitch the Jesus crap overboard. We don’t need it, and it isn’t real, anyways. RACE is real. It’s the only thing that is. Embrace race, and ignore the fairy tales and the simpletons who believe them. Fight for what is real.

More politics, even

Sunday, May 21st, 2017

I think I’ll write some more before bed. IDK.

The big takeaway here is that none of this stuff makes any sense.

It’s all just brutally confusing. Sorry, but I don’t get it. Any of it.

I’ll try to summarize the stuff that confuses the hell out of me, here.

1) Terrorists are bad. Terrorists stand against the secular way of life that our country embodies, fights for, and promotes. So terrorists need to be stamped out, except on those occasions where they threaten secular cultures in the places where we most want secular nations. Then, they are to be supported, with the ones who physically attacked us because of our secular way of life getting the most military support.

2) Saudi Arabia, the epicenter of ISIS, Al-Queda, and all Islamic terrorism, is our best friend in the Middle East, and it is now US government policy to give them as many weapons as possible so they can destroy their enemies, which obviously includes us.

3) Donald Trump, the billionaire New Yorker famous for trashy reality TV and for a line of gaudy casinos and expensive hotels, who has a former Russian model for a wife that is 4 decades younger than him and a bunch of Jewish kids, is a folksy, humble conservative who represents the lives of the working class people out in the boondocks.

4) Ok, wait.

You know what? No. I’m not going to sit here, all night long, doing this. I’ve already listed ad naseum this stuff, and it’s not going to sound any better to me this time around.

What I think the point here is is this: Nobody knows what the hell the United States is doing, anymore. Nothing the government does makes any sense to anyone.

You know, I really don’t think it’s going to last, all of this stuff. I really don’t.

It saddens me to see so many people investing so much of themselves in a future that they will never see. And I’m talking about the wealthy, here. The oligarchs and the celebrities and the rich, and those with emotional investment in the system, somehow.

They’re not going to be getting the futures that they seem to think they deserve. It’s tragic, really.

The conservatives- the ones truly out in the boondocks- will I think write the next chapter in this country’s history. I still believe this, in my heart of hearts. I still think it, even if nobody else does, including them. It just feels right to me, somehow. Like that’s just how it will be.

They live lives free from idealogical confusion. They know who they are, and what they stand for. I’m not so sure that that can be said of anyone else. And with Jesus officially out of their lives, I think they can finally see clearly too, perhaps for the first time in centuries.

The future, I think, belongs to them. I can feel it, so powerfully.

My interpretation of Trump thus far is this: he is the last gasp of the regime. His campaign was the ruling families’ terrified response to the awakened giant lumbering to it’s feet all around them.

And Trump… has failed. He has not stalled the awakening, nor slowed it down. If anything, his endless betrayals have only strengthened the awesome and overwhelming power and drive of the conservative base, here. They’re not only angry, but, now, they can see very clearly that no vote will make a difference. In a sense, they have immense and unbelievable power, coupled with the understanding that they have nothing to lose, should they use it.

And make no mistake- it is their power that is on the ascendant, here. They’re not panicking. They’re angry, yes. But it’s the government, led by Trump and the Democratic party, that looks scared and confused right now.

The supporters of the Democratic party, I think, don’t understand this. See, they’re actually gloating over Trump’s failure. They see Trump’s failure as the ruination of the conservative base. What they ignore is of course the obvious fact that Trump isn’t a conservative, and has never in his life had anything to do with them.

Trump isn’t a folksy, backwoods conservative type. He is the polar opposite of this, in every way. Trump is a liberal. He’s a rich NY native with a Jewish family. He’s never worked a hard day’s labor in his life. His failures and floundering are a reflection of the failures of his demographic within the liberal regime, and NOT the conservative base, who IMHO is still an imposingly rising power.

The liberals… are not going to get what they expect. Nobody will, I think. Not even the conservatives, who I don’t think expect at all that the country will fall into their lap, in the end.

To them, it will be as big of a shock as anything.

It’ll be interesting to watch unfold, that’s for sure.

More politics

Saturday, May 20th, 2017

I’m not going to dissect Trump’s recent actions, but the news of that arms deal with Saudi Arabia is just more evidence that the oligarchs here really don’t have a clue.

They don’t get it, and Trump, especially, seems to “not get it” most of all. Perhaps on purpose, I don’t know.

But, they’re just delaying everything. The empire is falling. It’s over, no matter what they do. These steps to postpone the inevitable are only going to make it that much harder for them to re-connect with the people here, if such a thing is even possible anymore.

Regarding Trump, it’s just more dumb, incomprehensible nonsense from him. He’s giving the world’s primary exporter of terrorism half a trillion dollars in weapons to fight… terrorism. To fight the countries that stand against terrorism. Like Yemen, and indirectly Syria and Russia. WTF, Trump? Really?

See the problem, here? I mean, the Bin Laden family is still one of the Royal families in Saudi Arabia, is it not? I wonder how many weapons they’re getting.

And it’s just more military shit. More wars for nothing but oligarch profits and military spoils. And heroin, of course. Can’t forget that!

And as usual, we see the ruling families chiming in with their typical nonsense. Jeb is back in the news. So is Hillary. Yawn.

It just seems so done. So over. So last century.

Honestly. Guys… it’s over.

When you hear about the East, you hear about the new Silk Road project. Now that sounds exciting! It’s new, and different. And ambitious. And cool.

What Trump and the rest of the loonies here have brought to the table in so very, very… old.


Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXXV

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

In light of the whole Trump/Putin controversy, my thoughts regarding the carnival that is Washington DC remain unchanged.

I remain uninterested in the whole debacle, though perhaps I’m now a bit more embarrassed than I used to be.

Some thoughts, here:

1) The office of the President isn’t important anymore, except perhaps symbolically.

The US President these days is largely a figurehead. He’s more of a symbol than a political force. The real power in DC these days rests in the hands of Wall Street, the military, the narco barons, and the intelligence agencies. Long gone are the days when people seriously thought that the US President ruled the world.

That’s why I find all of this talk of these controversies being the next “Watergate” amusing. Watergate was important because back then, the President actually was someone, as opposed to being a mere puppet of others.

Back then, people actually cared if the President did “bad things”. Not so much, these days.

2) All of this stuff really does seem like a re-enactment of Rome’s final days.

It’s just amazing how many controversies are being thrown around these days in DC, and how very little 99% of the people have in common with them. It’s just oligarch stuff, all of it. The problems of the rich and famous.

Here in the world of the normal people, it’s the economy that matters. It’s the retail meltdown and immigrant displacement of Americans that people are thinking about, and not any of the stuff that’s in the news, whatever that stuff might be. TBH, I don’t know all the details of these controversies because 1) frankly, they don’t interest me, 2) I have nothing to do with them anyways, and 3) there are so many controversies these days that to keep them all straight would require a part-time job’s worth of time investment in reading the fucking newspapers, which I never do anyways on principle.

This stuff is playing out very, very much like a drama ripped from the history books about the last days of Rome. A drama selected, perhaps, to exemplify how out-of-touch and childish the ruling families really were in Rome’s final days.

“The people” (in this case, the conservative base) are not rallying around Trump. Not one iota. And why would they? What has Trump done for anyone? For his own base, ever?

Where is the wall? Where is the Wall Street crackdown? Where are the plans for ANY of the things that he promised us that he would start to work on?

There is no reason for anyone to rally behind Trump in defense of him. He’s just a billionaire at this point, fighting some other billionaires like Soros and Bezos, as well as a few hundred millionaires in Congress, Hollywood and the media.

Honestly, who cares, really?

3) The “professional” conservatives like Coulter certainly seem relived to have a distraction that will allow them to rally behind the GOP again.

I still think that this isn’t carrying over to the base, at all. Coulter has a lot invested in Trump. I mean, she wrote a book in support of him. But I can count on one hand the number of real-life conservatives that I know that have written anything in support of Trump, ever (I don’t need the hand).

For Coulter, Trump means book sales and speaking engagements. For everyone else, Trump means zilch.

Let’s compare this controversy to Watergate, again. Nixon was a very important man, historically. I won’t rehash all of what he did, as Wikipedia can do a better job than I can at that, but suffice to say that we wouldn’t have our country looking the way it does today without him. His one act of de-pegging the dollar from gold is more important than anything that Trump has done in his entire life, easily.

That being the case, yes, Watergate was important. But why the hell should any common person care about any of this Trump/Putin shit? What has Trump ever actually done as President, good or bad? Where are his achievements of any kind?

Why would anyone rally to the defense of someone who has nothing to do with them?

Does anyone not professionally or emotionally invested in this stuff actually care about any of this?

4) ISIS is obviously not a threat to us, except in that way that it’s a tool of the CIA, which apparently hates us.

The whole “ISIS” thing is going over like a lead balloon in much the same way that all of the North Korea crap did. Nobody cares about ISIS, because 1) it is so obviously a tool of the ruling families that it is absolutely laughable that anyone would pretend otherwise; 2) it is very, very hard to take Trump’s claims of ISIS being a threat seriously because literally nobody else in the oligarchy agrees with him, perhaps because ISIS is clearly only a tool for attacking poor whites and others that the oligarchy hates; and 3) as usual, the cognitive dissonance between the two messages that people are getting about Islam only serves to distance the public from the ruling families.

What I mean is the drive to push radical Islam into America, some of which is coming from Trump’s own family, like his own daughter, is obviously at odds with the idea that ISIS is some kind of existential threat to America.

What we have is a situation in which the President apparently thinks that radical Islam is the most dangerous thing ever, but apparently, his own daughter, who is on his staff as one of his chief advisors, thinks otherwise, to the point that she’ll literally go on national TV and broadcast that idea to the entire world.

This is very, very hard for people to wrap their minds around. Why? Because it makes no fucking sense.

It’s like if Eleanor Roosevelt had went and pleaded on TV for the rights of Nazis that were being bombed by Allied forces.

It makes no fucking sense.

5) I could go on, you know. I think we all know that, by now. But, I won’t. It’s late and I need to get up early tomorrow.


Taylor Swift, Part V

Monday, May 15th, 2017

My continuing thoughts here are this:

I am sick and tired of being treated like a child. I am human, like everyone else. Just because I’m different- a telepath- doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be treated with the same respect and accorded the same dignities as everyone else.

I see all of this not really as something specific to me, but as a symptom of how corrupt and selfish the oligarchs are in this country.

A week ago, an old video resurfaced of Donald Trump’s family listening to Taylor Swift in his car. When I saw that video again, I understood it for what it was- a dumb, infantile attempt by the Trumps to connect with the working class base. Table scraps for the peons. A pat on the back for the slaves.

And, perhaps Trump was trying to curry favor with me, somehow. Maybe, of course, I don’t know for sure. But if he was, that’s not how it works. I’m not a child, Trump. And neither are any of the people who voted for you, you asshole.

And no, it wasn’t just a random video. With a potential presidential nominee- and especially one who ran for President before- nothing is ever random.

This kind of perennial disrespect, endemic in this country more than any other, really, really gets on peoples’ nerves.

Do I need to talk about that recent survey that said that half of working class Americans feel like strangers in this country? If not, I’m going to, anyways.

It’s that continual, dismissive arrogance of people of Taylor Swift and Donald Trump that causes this. These assholes just sit there, sequestered away in their castles, fiddling away while the rest of society burns to the ground around them.

I’m getting tired of feeling like this. Always, always, even if you develop superpowers, you are disrespected and pushed off to the side by the A-holes in charge. Because you’re not in their network, or because you’re a traditional white male in his 30’s, and thus not allowed into the Kool Kids Klub enjoyed by the infantile oligarchs and their semi-literate “civil rights activists” from the protected classes.

Oligarchs, I could level you. All of you. Bulldoze the entire regime and put all of you 6 feet under. The Trumps, the Clintons, the Kushners, Soros, the Rockefellers, the Swifts, the Zuckerbergs, and the rest of you. Not a one amongst you could stand against me, if I were to attack you with my full force. I know this. Of that, there is no doubt.

To say nothing of what would happen if others were to join me. Which they would.

Oligarchs- you assholes are being put on notice. I am not here for you. My powers are not here for your enjoyment. I live for myself, and for what I deem to be just and good, and right.

Heed this warning. It will not be your last, but it means more than the others have, until now.

The clock is ticking, you dumbfucks.

Taylor Swift, Part IV

Monday, May 15th, 2017

At any rate, I hope that others understand this, too.

Do you want a relationship with me? If so, do you want it to actually work? Then perhaps it would be wise for you to communicate with me. To tell me what’s going on somehow, so that the relationship can actually evolve healthily, like it should.

Communication avoids stupid dramas and dumb confusions. It really is the lifeblood of any successful long term relationship. No communication? No relationship. That’s how life works. It’s as simple as that.

You want to be with me? Fine. Then let me know what’s going on or FUCK OFF.

Taylor Swift, Part III

Monday, May 15th, 2017

Taylor- to be frank, at this point it would be a relief to get away from you. This little relationship of ours is becoming an anchor to me. It’s consuming my time and occupying my thoughts that perhaps could be better served by being directed at other things.

There’s no reason at this point for me to not just go out there and conquer this world, or at least create a nice, cushy life for myself, somehow. I don’t need you like I used to, and I think that this should be obvious to us both.

Look- I’ll level with you. I don’t know if it’s the ill-fitting clothes, or the secrecy, or what, but you look pregnant in those pictures of you on Mother’s Day. Are you? If so, great! Congrats! I wish nothing but the best for you. I would never hold someone else’s life decisions against them; and certainly I wouldn’t when I’ve never even met them in person.

But, still. Do you want a relationship with me? Then tell me what you’re doing!

You know, I’m not the only person who suspects the pregnancy thing, either. Just read online a bit.

And you know what else, Taylor? I have gotten precious little out of this relationship with you other than realizing the selfish dreams of that tyrannical idiot in the White House. I have given you much, and received in return for my efforts precious little from you and everyone else involved. In fact, you could make a strong case that my life would have been much better off had I never seen you in that concert, 6 years ago. And you know what? Maybe everyone else’s would have been better off, too.

Come on, Tay. Please. Just give me a reason to leave.

Just do it!