Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Taylor Swift, Part II

Monday, May 15th, 2017

To explain, what I need are pap pictures. Social media pictures. ANYTHING.

Taylor- you are dropping the ball, here. In refusing to communicate with me on any level, you are showing yourself to be a bad partner. I have joked about this before, but this time it’s for real.

Look- if you don’t want to be with me, fine. Just TELL ME. If you do, that’s great, too. If you’re in love with someone else, fine. Just let me know, and I’ll leave. Pregnant? Fine. I have a multitude of other girls, and at this point I could snag any one of them in real life that I wanted within a year, if I felt like it.

But- you need to let me know.

And believe me, if you ARE pregnant, or in love with someone else, or are just otherwise uninterested in me anymore, I will know. There are no secrets. Not from me.


Now be an adult and start communicating with me like one.

Taylor Swift

Monday, May 15th, 2017

is getting on my fucking nerves.

I’m sick and tired of sitting here and waiting for that bitch to deem it important to show herself.

And I’m getting tired of her in general, too.

Taylor- communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. See my posts here for more details. And your absence from everything is pissing me the fuck off, right now.

I’m done with guessing about the state of our relationship. You need to tell me, somehow, what it is that you’re doing and thinking, even if it’s in some paparazzi pictures.

As of now, our relationship is on hiatus. That’s it, I’m done. I’m moving your stuff onto one of my externals, somewhere. Either you show me some fucking respect, for once, or you go fuck yourself.

This is not an idle threat. I am extremely lenient with a woman when there is good communication from her, but once a girl is gone and out, it’s climbing Everest to get back into my good graces. Ask my legions of exes, none of whom have any chance of ever getting back with me, about that.

Start respecting me or fuck off.

Your choice.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XVI

Monday, May 15th, 2017

What I find really interesting about Trump is how he will literally do everything besides represent his base.

It’s fascinating, and worthy of more discussion. Yeah, even more. Because it’s just so telling.

It’s just amazing to watch. Really, it is.

Trump’s term thus far has been a tornado of controversy and activity. It’s too much, TBH. Nobody knows WTH all of this nonsense even is, anymore. Not a week goes by without another global controversy started by Trump and his peanut gallery.

As I kind of went into in my last post, like that whole wiretapping thing. No idea what that stuff even is- I just know that it has nothing to do with me. It’s probably just some oligarch thing. Who knows.

And the wars! The many, many wars, everywhere. There are just so many damn wars going on right now that it’s impossible to even keep track of them. I mean, Trump’s overall hostility and the government’s bloodlust in general is just unfathomable. The number of conflicts going on globally right now is so huge that it makes our involvement in World War I look like a skirmish.

I mean, I can’t even keep them straight, anymore. Is the Ukraine war still going on? Does anyone know? Anyone?

So, yeah. It’s just nuts.

What I’m kind of thinking now is that the sheer volume and shrillness of all of this nonsense must be some kind of distraction. It sure LOOKS like it is.

It’s just unfathomable to me how literally all of Trump’s conflicts are about the things that he said he would never get into conflicts about, just as it’s baffling to me to see that everything that Trump said he would fight for has literally been ignored.

I find this all to be very tragic, and also funny as hell, for some morbid reason. It’s like, Trump has so many controversies and conflicts going on right now that it’s hilarious to me to see that all of them are literally the opposite of what everyone thought it was going to be, like 4 short months ago.

It’s funny to me that all of Trump’s initiatives thus far fail to connect even accidentally with what people thought they were going to get. I mean, you would think that with the insane cacophony of controversies and dramas and collapses and wars and conflicts going on right now that at least one would be tangentially related to something like what we thought we were getting, even if only accidentally, but nope. LOL.

What an insane, ridiculous carnival this all is. I mean, really.

This… all of this, is how an empire dies.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXXIV

Sunday, May 14th, 2017

Another one of these.

The thing is, is that there’s not much more you can really say about things, right now. There’s a lot of trends going on, and a lot of changes, but all of it is being dictated by this stuff. There’s nothing else, really. If you look at the country and where it’s going from a top down perspective… there’s just nothing else there. The ongoing death of the establishment here eclipses and shadows everything.

So, then- on it goes. And on we look. Until it ends, as it must. Until it ends in the way that all empires do, inevitably. With defeat, and humiliation for those “in charge”.

Today, the Trump train rolls on, with no conductor in sight. WTF is going on there, anyways? Does anyone know? Or even care, anymore?

Is there a plan, there? Was there ever a plan? Can there even be plans, anymore? Or do they just make it up as they go along now?


The whole thing these days just seems so empty and dead, and not in a cool undead sort of way, either, but in more of a hopeless and final kind of way. As in, this is it, then. It’s over.

I guess the only thing that you can really say about Trump at this point is that he is resolutely determined to never represent his constituents, ever. Since the day he took office, Trump has refused to even pretend to be a conservative, and seems to in fact recoil at the idea of even having to rub shoulders with the gullible peons who pulled the lever for him. At any cost, to him or to others, he will dig in his heels and adamantly refuse to stand up for the interests of the people who voted for him, or even voiced support for him, in some way. That is I think the only thing you can count on, concerning Trump.

As far as everything else goes, who knows, really.

The rest of it is a circus. IDK and IDC one bit about any of the rest of the stupid, confusing mess that is our political life, here. I don’t know one bit about any of the wiretapping nonsense, and nor do I care to. And North Korea just doesn’t interest me at all, at this point. Bless his heart, Kim-Jong Un tries and tries, but that adorable little scamp will just never be scary. These days, we even have Osama’s kid, or at least someone that the media says is Osama’s kid, saying some boilerplate “Anti-American” stuff. You know, like basically the same stuff that Iran was saying like 40 years ago. Yawn.

And the rest of it is just a confused mess of stories. It’s some kind of insane cacophony of nepotists and oligarchs and establishment families loudly whining and complaining about each other, as if anyone else cares. Every day, this country is looking more and more like pre-collapse Rome.

Obama, or Trump, or whoever it is that’s in office right now, just went out and bleated loudly about how high the polls say consumer confidence is. Yes, in the midst of by far the worst retail contraction in the nation’s history. And Trump is doing some other dumb stuff, too. Most of it is unimportant, and predictable, like seeing him “reshuffle” his cabinet yet again to ensure that no conservative thought is uttered aloud within the White House proper, but I have seen something else, too- a major push from him and his people lately concerning the Jesus stuff.

If there is ever a sign that an American politician is floundering, it’s when you see him turn to the Jesus character. Always, that is your sign that he’s lost the plot.

This country was founded by people who wanted to escape clutches of the Christian churches, and most especially the Queen’s and the Pope’s. That is common knowledge, available to any grade schooler. Jesus does not belong in politics, here. And Trump is going to see the Pope, soon, for some reason that I can’t fathom. Probably NWO stuff. It certainly has nothing to do with anything here, that’s for sure.

In the US, the churches are empty, of course. I’ve already talked about this but it bears repeating. I mean, I can drive by any church in this area on Sunday morning and see empty parking lots. Nobody cares at best. If anything, being associated with that stuff is a detriment.

But to an oligarch like Trump, the Judeo-Christian NWO is more important than anything, including if not most especially his own country. Devout Christians are not conservative. OBVIOUSLY. And they never will be. They cannot be conservative by definition- their fictional Jesus character is always more important to them than the real world that lies before them. There is no reality, with them. Only nonsense.

Note how I don’t say that a “God”, or a transcendent power, doesn’t exist. Because of course it does. But the Jesus myth is of course not real, and no fairy tale is worth sacrificing anything real for.

And so the Trump train rolls on, towards the NWO, I guess, or at least to what the spoiled kids in the elite families here think will be their NWO, but will most likely be their epitaph.

In the end, none of this will matter or course. The path is set, and the die is cast.

Tyranny is impossible without the consent of the masses, and Trump has no such consent, and neither does any of the other jokers in the regime, anymore. It’s over, I think. Done. For real.

Tyranny only works when the people think that they can get something out of it. It fails when they think they can’t. And at this point, it’s obvious to all that for the only demographic that matters- the white working classes- that the game is a joke, on them.

So, that’s that, then.

Ultimately, the Trumps and Bushes and Clintons and everyone else will flail about in a desperate attempt to make their stupid dreams a reality. And they will fail.

Of course.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XV

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

I think I’ll dissect further the issues at hand, vis-a-vis our President.

The thing about Trump, I’ve noticed, is this:

People really don’t like him. I mean, really.

It’s a problem of style, and content, and as usual, the other factors of race and age. But really, very, very few people have taken to him on a deep level since his election. Let’s figure out why.

This one is going to be more academic than emotional, for a change of pace.

Issue 1- Trump is a baby boomer.

Baby boomers… have a hard time relating to others. They just do. They don’t get others’ points of view, even when they try.

They just don’t get it. As a generation they’re sheltered and narcissistic, and until now, they’ve had the clout to avoid being challenged by others over their character defects. So, they’ve been able to escape the trials of correcting their own wrongs, and atoning for their mistakes.

Trump seems like the quintessential boomer stereotype come to life. Arrogant and sheltered, he has gleefully ignored everyone else in his pursuit of his own personal satisfaction. But, it goes beyond that.

Boomers do not understand the Internet. They don’t understand it’s importance. They don’t get what it’s doing and why, and why people have taken to it as they have.

I think I know why Trump failed to respect his supporters. It’s because their base is the Internet, and since he likely doesn’t value the Internet much, himself, he doesn’t understand or appreciate it as he should.

I think that to Trump, is a business, or something. And the same with other sites that elected him, like Amren and Vdare and the rest.

And yes, I know about Trump’s twitter. And I hold that up as evidence for this. He obviously doesn’t get or care how he comes off on Twitter (assuming that it actually is him writing those tweets, natch). Obama, being younger, knew the Internet and it’s audience in a way that Trump can’t possibly grok, it seems.

To be blunt, I think that Trump is too old. He doesn’t really get Breitbart or it’s importance, or why it’s necessary for them to support him, or how to actually reach it’s readers, which is telling since he has it’s former editors literally working for him. The net to Trump is probably some strange, foreign land, filled with incomprehensible people who can’t possibly mean what they say.

Issue 2 – Trump is too rich.

The super rich really do not have any idea of what life is like for others. They are, like boomers, sheltered as hell, and cocooned in their own little bubbles.

Trump really does not seem to understand on any level that much of his behavior and attitudes are deeply inappropriate, most especially concerning his own base.

Immigration to the Trumps is a non-issue. They are not affected by it, personally, and likely have never known anyone that has been. Out of sight, out of mind.

And this likely is why Trump is so focused on “infrastructure” projects and such. Trump, as a real estate mogul from NYC, probably assumes that everyone wants to live in Manhattan, like him! So, more infrastructure, for everybody!

And this explains why Trump is so keen on keeping his peers- i.e. his fellow billionaires, happy. Because that’s who he is. And why he doesn’t see income inequality as an issue, at all.

And Trump’s attitude is of course just supremely grating to his base. He can’t help but come off as a spoiled, smarmy, pompous little brat, because that’s just who he is. And that’s who Ivanka is, too. And the Kushners. And the rest of them.

It’s in their blood, and it will come out as naturally as any other ingrained part of them, similarly to how Obama always carried the air of “Affirmative Action hire” around with him throughout his Presidency. Because at the end of the day, that’s just a part of who he is.

What this means is that the Trumps will probably never be truly likable to anyone outside the 1% milieu. I’m sure that the Clintons and Bushes and Rockefellers like them just fine, of course, but to the general public? Nope.

Obama, for all of his many, many flaws, at least had an appeal to him that transcended class. The Trumps will never have this, and it shows.

Issue 3 – Trump is a salesman in an age when people are really starting to despise salesmen.

Nobody likes salespeople, especially now.

They’re the problem with this country- they create nothing, themselves, and make a living pushing our suicidal “consumer” economy into overdrive. Spend, spend, spend, everyone! Take out those loans! Mortgage your house! Max out your credit cards! Buy that cheap, plastic junk from the Chinese!

People really don’t much like that stuff, anymore. And Trump’s whole thing is that he’s the consummate salesman, who makes a living screwing everyone else over. “The Art of the Deal” and all that.

But, that’s not the world here, anymore. We don’t want that stuff these days. We don’t want, or need, a “dealmaker”. People are starting to hate dealmakers. We want someone that can actually create something themselves, as opposed to someone who just sells the stuff made by others.

Trump is emblematic of the dumb, shortsighted decisions that the oligarchs have made in regards to our economy and culture.

Trump and those like him are the problem.

Issue 4 – Trump is either too white or nowhere near white enough.

The left does not like white people, and they hate white men especially. Because they’re different, a global minority, and different is bad, and them being a minority means that systemic prejudice against them is okay.

Trump will never appeal to the left for that reason. His election, coming on the heels of Obama, is a slap in the face of the left because Trump is a white male, and the next President wasn’t supposed to be.

To the right, Trump is much, much too Jewish, both in action and in family.

Simply put, Trump acts like a Jew, not an Aryan. No matter how he looks, he acts foreign.

The Kushners and Ivanka are a massive, massive problem as far as Trump’s base goes. Their loyalty is obviously to Israel, not to this nation, and they are apparently controlling our foreign policy, now, for some reason that nobody understands at all, except for the fact that they’re Jews, which apparently means that their opinions are more important than those of the hundred million plus that make up Trump’s supposed base.

That is treason, pure and simple. And it will not stand and cannot continue.

The oligarchs’ love affair with Israel must come to an end, and the sooner the better. It’s creating tremendous and public instability, here. It must end.

And it will.

Issue 5 – Trump is running the Presidency like a business.

The thing about that is, is that nobody, and I mean nobody wants the government run like a business.

IDK who told Trump this, or IDK, maybe he came up with the idea himself, but that approach to everything is so very 1980’s that it just creates cognitive dissonance to see it happening, today.

Business- and most especially, big business, is not associated with good things. And conservatives really hate big business. More than anyone, I think. More than socialists, I think.

Big business to the conservative base means long hours and little pay. It means picking up the slack for your Affirmative Action co-workers. It means having your job and future outsourced to India. It means bad things; incompetent and domineering managers, ineffectual bosses, lack of opportunity, stagnant wages and greedy CEOs, bubble markets and thieving accountants, and many other terrible things.

People do not like big business in this country. Not even a little. And Trump’s base most especially.

Trump’s turning of the White House into an extension of his business empire is extremely, extremely galling to his supporters. I can’t emphasize this point enough.

Conservatives really do not like big business in this country, and to see it mixed with politics in such a way is almost like the manifestation of their worst nightmares.


All of these points considered… I don’t know what to think.

TBH, it seems hopeless. Like, even more than it used to.

Que cera, cera.

I still believe that the oligarchy is doomed.

Lily Collins

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

and I have had an amazing relationship. I can’t think of a better one, TBH.

And I know that we’ll have a positive end to it, too.

See everyone, what distinguishes the best relationships from the rest is honesty. It’s laying it all out for your so, your partner, so that you both can navigate the trials and tribulations of life together.

Yeah, I know, lol. Dun dun dunnnnn! LMAO.

But no, for real.

I’m referring to Lily’s recent quote in Vogue magazine. The one she gave at the MET gala. Here: You’ll need to scroll the gallery to the right once to see it.

There, Lily says, and I quote: “My biggest remaining goal is to be a mother.”

Perfect. Thanks, Lily.

See, everyone? Communication. It’s the lifeblood of a relationship. It’s what makes it tick correctly for all involved. It’s what makes it work.

IMO Lily’s signaling of this is the perfect way for us both to begin to “disconnect”, so that we can move apart and make room for other things in our lives.

See- this way things can be handled smoothly, as they come, rather than not handled well at all because of a lack of effective communication.


What does this mean for Lily and I, then?

Well, we will need to separate, of course, and go our different ways. Not right away, necessarily, but over time, yes. As we should. People with vastly different goals and destinations in life should not not be together intimately, as I’ve discussed here before. No exceptions- it’s just a logical rule of relationships, that’s all.

For a while, our destinations converged, and we created great things, together. Important things. Meaningful things. And our paths are still somewhat close, for now. But we will need to move on.

And truly, I can’t emphasize enough again that NO exceptions will be made, vis-a-vis my relationships. I know that there are some out there who may be hoping for an “out” of this rule, but they should stop hoping; there is no way to get one. Remember- it’s compatibility, that common ground, that makes a relationship work, and the things that interest me are not what interests someone raising a family, or even someone who wants to. Any child or engagement to anyone else is my cutoff- which is best for all involved.

So, that’s that, then.

Wonderful. Thanks, Lily.

Thanks for everything.

More Trump Stuff

Monday, May 1st, 2017

Ugh, I really just can’t find enough bad things to say about Trump at this point. He’s just a disaster, and probably worse that any other politician I can name, lol. Ugh.

I suppose that people already know what I think of Trump’s proposal to fund the federal budget with a “gasoline tax” because of the corporate tax cuts and such that he’s trying to push through.

I’ll just repeat this, from the Part 13 Trump screed:


You know what corporate CEOs are going to do with the money they save on taxes, Trump? I know you already know, of course, since you’re one of them, but I’ll tell you anyways: they’re going to just pocket the savings and move on.

My earlier point about Jeff Bezos stands tall here. Bezos already has something like 90 billion dollars in the bank. If Bezos and the rest of the corporate CEOs that stand to benefit most from this move were actually going to use the money from the tax cuts to hire people, they would have already done it by now.

The United States is awash in plutocrats like Bezos (and Trump) who see any opportunity to save money solely as a chance to enrich themselves. The futures of their own companies and employees mean nothing to them.

I do not think that this move is going to solve anything. Rather, what’s going to happen is this: the oligarchs are just going to pocket the savings from the tax cuts. But then, who’s going to pick up the slack? If the federal budget is not going to go down, then who will pay the taxes needed to keep the government afloat?

Well, I can tell you that it’s not going to be a billionaire. Any of them.

It’s going to be the rest of us: the working classes that make up the actual tax base in this country, since neither the overclass nor the orcs in the protected “underclass” ever pay taxes.


Pretty much.

And the whole “Civil War” thing is just dumb, dumb, dumb. This might be Trump’s awkward attempt to connect with his base again after capitulating on literally everything.

Or, maybe he really just doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Maybe both, lol.



Monday, May 1st, 2017

*Shrugs*, I dunno. Might as well make this one kind of a dairy entry, lol.

I’m not going to talk about channeling the “God” entity, right now… that’s really, really touchy stuff that I still need to figure out, personally.

It’s weird, though. Reading my previous entry where I was channeling “God”, or whatever, I see an uncharacteristic typo, an extra word where there shouldn’t be one. I don’t think that I would have made that mistake normally (at least, not published it), which should give you an impression of how powerful and overwhelming that energy is. It kind of overrules things, like my conscious mind. It’s weird.

And I don’t think I should chat about it. Not now. “God” and I have a history that I don’t want to get into, here.

At least for now.

In other news, I think I should channel Mr. Conservative a bit and dissect more of Trump, who just continues to flounder and flail. Or whatever it is that he’s doing.

Yeah, more politics.


IDK, but I still think Trump is sunk. He got the war boost by declaring World War III, but the war boost can easily turn problematic in the long run. Especially with so many conflicts going on, all at once.

Pretty much all of Trump’s former supporters online have turned against him, and not in a small way, either. As usual, the Breitbart commentators tell the story, here. They’re every bit as brutal to him as any Hillary supporter these days. Usually, stories there about Trump today have comments that are 50/50 positive and negative, with all the negatives coming from an enormous amount of “lone wolf” commentators that leave a comment and log off, and all the positives coming from a small base of a few Trump supporters who spend all their time trying desperately to defend Trump against the critics.

Pretty much the same story, everywhere, and it does raise the question of if the Trump defenders are on some payroll, somewhere. I mean, when you see one guy spending like 6 hours a day defending Trump on Breitbart, it makes one wonder.

It’s kinda sad, TBH. Like, legitimately depressing.

The Trump admin thus far has been a giant oligarch orgy.

Trump’s cabinet is filled with Wall Street types whose only concern is themselves and their bank accounts, and of course with Trump’s own relatives. Trump’s only real accomplishment thus far is to appoint a Bush family crony who is both a Harvard AND Oxford alum to the Supreme Court. Not exactly “Drain the Swamp”.

Watching the Trump admin these days is like watching an “oligarchs gone wild” miniseries. The stock market keeps climbing regardless of profits, a new war is declared every month, the deficits are so absurdly out of control that they elicit only laughter, and another major campaign promise is broken with gleeful abandon.

It’s kind of stomach churning, especially after Trump’s campaign, which in a way makes all of this a hundred times worse.

The US government really is out of control. It’s like there are no boundaries, anymore. Anything goes, no matter what.

Again I’m getting a “last days of Rome” vibe from all of this. Trump is just so much like the quintessential mad Emperors of Rome’s last century that it’s uncanny. Kind of puts that whole “God Emperor” thing into perspective, doesn’t it?

Basically, whatever the hell this stuff is, it doesn’t much concern me, or anyone outside of the oligarchy. At least, that’s my impression. At least, I hope that’s how it is. *Crosses fingers*

I still don’t see much functional difference between Trump and Kim Jong-Un. They’re both cut from the same cloth, really. They’re both loudmouthed, sheltered, nepotistic bullying man-babies. They’re both spoiled narcissists who live only for themselves and their families. But- again- at least Kim Jong-Un is somewhat honest. I would believe him at this point before I would ever believe Trump again.

So, NOW what?

LOL. No idea, really.

I guess we just sit, and wait for the collapse.

Me Stuff, Part XI

Friday, April 28th, 2017

I see.

Thank you.

I see, now.

I get it…

Finally. Took awhile, lol.

Me Stuff, Part X

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Hi Tom, transcendent power here. Call me God or the Devil if you wish. But, hear me out.

Tom, weakening yourself has not helped others. Or you.

You are supposed to rule this reality. Since you are the inherently the smartest and most powerful man on Earth, that is your path, whether you like it or not.

By bottling up your power, you have shirked your responsibilities. You have ran from who you are, and from what others expect of you.

You have done nobody any favors by doing this. The world lacks direction, now. It lacks a clear leader, since you have voluntarily abdicated your throne out of insecurity.

Tom- that will not stand.

You need to believe in yourself.

You are technically the smartest man on Earth. There are many others who are smarter in specific things than you, but there is nobody here on this planet who can match your overall mental power and ability. It is unwise for you to hide out from the world out of insecurity. What message does that send to others, do you think?

Let your power flow. Let if manifest. It’s okay, Tom, believe me.

Just let it go.