Alright, more dissections of the human experience filtered through my undying love for Cady, here.
Tonight’s Episode: I don’t get why people can’t see her like I do.
It’s like… don’t people get it? It doesn’t make sense.
I mean, how is it possible that someone so wonderful and talented could have so few followers on insta? It’s just baffling. I mean, she only has like 23k, despite her thousands of amazing posts. I mean, as I just learned today, she was never even certified.
I don’t get it. I mean, it’s like… she’s just magical, you know? I mean, don’t people get it?
It’s just baffling.
Like, a month ago Daytrotter Studios posted their Cady Groves catalog on youtube. I swear to God ALL of the views on these songs come from me, personally. Like, I’ve listened to ALL of her songs multiple times on multiple nights, and the total views for them are still in the low single digits. And yeah, multiple devices too, if that matters. And everyone else on that channel seems to get dozens or hundreds of views at least very quickly.
I don’t get this one, I really don’t.
It’s just so… puzzling. I mean, don’t people get it? I mean, even after all the stuff I’ve said, and done, here? I mean I KNOW you’re reading this, lol.
I guess it’s just… we all have our favorites. Cady here just seemed to hit that sweet spot for me. She’s definitely on the short list of “Favorite Musicians / Composers Ever” for me. No question. Top 5, easily. I mean, she’d be up there with… I guess, Ildjarn, and Burzum. And perhaps pre- Reputation Taylor Swift. And perhaps… Metallica, or Yuki Kajiura, or Blood Axis. Or maybe :Wumpscut:, or Matt Uelmen. So, uh, yeah. Kind of an odd list perhaps to some, but it’s all extremely ME. It’s like, certain artists or groups come along at certain points when I need them the most, and they just click, and it’s magical. Or at least super personal.
And I’m separating my love for Cady’s music from my love for her social media and her soul, here. At least, I think I am.
But anyhow, I don’t really get it. I mean, why people don’t appreciate her more. And maybe that’s something I’ve been struggling with a lot, here. I mean… don’t they get it?
Ah… no… they don’t, I guess.
And maybe that’s it. It’s like… I couldn’t reach / help her. In spite of my powers, and everything. I don’t know why. I mean, all of my other girlfriends made it to where they wanted to be. Most of them went on to fantastic fame, fortune and success, thanks to my efforts and theirs as well. And the ones that didn’t, well, they seem happy, like they don’t really need those things, anyhow. Why did Cady get so sick, depressed, and… dead? I mean she was CLEARLY very sick. For years. And it was at least alcoholism, if not drug abuse, maybe. And again, it started basically the day I… left her (after her engagement) and picked up speed after that went south. I… don’t know. And I’m thinking that maybe now I’ve spent too much time on this, sadly enough. Like, there isn’t going to be a resolution here, is there?
Was it that douchebag? You know, that guy from The Voice. Maybe. Fuck that guy. What a loser he is. Spoiled, talentless, and foolish. Whatever.
Um… but… dammit, I just want people to love her like I do. Like, I’m trying to make up for my perceived failures after the fact. It’s like, I know, I get it. People have been concerned about Halloween lately. And COVID. And politics. And the election. And a million more things that I’m sure that on an objective scale, are more important than Cady’s music. But god damn it, THAT DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT. Fuck. It’s like… can’t you pay attention, now? Why aren’t you? What gives, here?
I guess maybe it is just extremely personal. Like, I’ve been listening to Life of a Pirate, again, and when I do, the memories of life ten years ago come flooding back, and it seems so fun, and optimistic, and mega nostalgic. When I listen to it I can remember so cleanly the way I used to conduct relationships. The album is a tool for unlocking my past, for me.
And that being the case, I suppose I can see why others don’t connect to it as well. They think it’s a “kid’s album”. Well, it isn’t. Not really. It’s deeper than that, when you understand me and the things I’ve done. To me, it’s a masterpiece. A unique, special work of art. A collaboration with someone I love. Something really meaningful.
Something that… maybe others can’t understand. At least not fully. Not like they need to. Not like I need them to. Because damn it, that album is ME, people. Don’t you get it?
I don’t know.
But I do know this. I saw Bieber’s new video today. You guys need to keep me happy, or else. Imagine this world if you don’t. I mean, if I can’t get off the drugs… I don’t know. I’m repeating myself. Again.
Ah… I’m ending this one here.
I guess I just wish she was still alive, that’s all.