Thoughts on the Election, Part II

So I’m having a bad reaction to a fentanyl hit I took this morning but I’m going to plow ahead with this anyways, I guess because I need to pass the time, somehow. So bear with me on this one.

So, yeah. You know- I warned people. I told them what would happen, repeatedly, over and over again, if they ignored the concerns of my demographic. I mean, I spent years repeating myself here and elsewhere, over and over again. And nobody took me seriously, apparently thinking I was some sort of joke, or something.

Idiots, all of you. You have doomed yourselves and buried the democracy you say you love so much. All of you are stupid, and I mean ALL OF YOU, down to the last man. Trump, for ignoring his base. Hollywood, for being dumb, myopic, and selfish. Blacks, for being inconsiderate, violent, cowardly, and foolish. Jews, for being self-centered and arrogant beyond belief. Women, for refusing to self-criticize. The rich, for being spoiled, lazy, and altogether insufferable. Everyone, for failing to LISTEN.

You idiots have doomed yourselves.

You know, truly, all you needed to do to avoid what is happening right now was to have heeded my warnings. Seriously, that is it. You just needed to have LISTENED TO ME, and made accommodations in the system for my viewpoints. Easily done by mature people I would think. You know- change the system, to make me happy. To make those like me happy. Easily done, yes? Surely, easily done in a system that purports to be a democracy. You know- make the largest demographic happy. The point of the system, right?

Well, apparently not. And what we’re witnessing here, now, is the meltdown of the liberal order. Everything outside of me is being discredited. Both parties, all candidates, the entire media, everyone, and everything. All business, all philosophy, outside of me. Everything. It’s all going down the tubes.

Idiots; I TOLD YOU WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU IGNORED ME. I ranted for YEARS about this. And nobody listened.

They have only themselves to blame for what is coming.

Guys… what the fuck?

You know… fuck it. I’m not going to interrupt any of this. You all can commit suicide for all I care. Go on, do it! I DARE you. Go ahead!

Idiots, lol.

Oof. You know, when I create my new country on the ruins of this one, I’ll just do what I want, then. Fuck it. Fuck ALL OF YOU.


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