A Few Random Thoughts

Well, the inevitable happened… yet again. It has a way of doing so.

It looks like Hayley Williams is getting married soon. I wish her the best with all that, but, I think, it will be sad to see her go.

I’m not sure of what the future holds for the two of us, TBH. To put it frankly, I tend to not like fantasizing about married women, or women with kids. Not sure why. A picture is a picture, right? Except in my case, it isn’t. We’ll have to see.

I don’t know. Bluntly, I really dislike some of what she’s done lately. Those awful tweets about Michael Brown still stick in my memory. That, and other things that I just can’t enunciate, even to myself. I don’t know. Something just doesn’t seem right anymore, kind of like how it didn’t seem right anymore when Katy married Russell Brand and embarked on that embarrassing stumping for the idiot in the White House.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead, for some reason, seems to get a pass from this. I’m not sure why. Anne also seems to get one… and I’m not sure of why, either, though what was once there between me and those two seems a bit not what it once was. Also- they don’t have kids. Pregnancy is a 9 month break from a girl, and after that you need to start over with her, and it really just isn’t worth it then. I mean, there’s Peyton List waiting in the wings. Peyton List.

Well, back to what I was saying earlier about Katy. I don’t like Russell Brand. In my eyes, he is the worst kind of person- an insincere rebel. I’ve heard him speak, and I’ve read a portion of one of his books.

Russell is one of those types of people who is paid lots of money to spout gibberish to confuse the public. Nothing that he says makes any sense; nor is it supposed to. His job is to muddle the thinking of the middle class to ensure that they don’t realize their own power and take their destinies into their own hands.

I despise people like him. My time is valuable; the fact that people like Brand work to take it away from me pisses me off.

It pained me to see the article that Derbyshire wrote recently about Brand. Brand is one of those types who is better off ignored, not critiqued. Nevertheless, I wasted a good minute skimming Derbyshire’s quotes of Brand in the article. All you need to know about Brand is that nothing he says makes any sense or has any depth, and that is how he and his controllers want it. That’s really all there is to him and his “message”.

Back to Katy… I don’t know. You shall know them by the company they keep, I guess.

In many ways, Brand, the faux philosopher, was beneath the Katy Perry I knew back then. She kind of cheapened herself in being with him, and I lost some respect for her because of that.

Hayley isn’t going to suffer from that problem, which is good. TBH, I know precious little about New Found Glory, despite having been friends with some of their fans in college. I think that the only time I’ve actually heard one of their albums played was when I worked at the college bookstore that one summer. Beyond that, I was too much into my “church burning black metal” phase to be concerned with NFG. I could tell from their image that they didn’t really have a place within the dark conservative lifestyle. Maybe if they’d have been goth or industrial… then I’m sure I would have given their albums some spins. But then, Chad wouldn’t have landed Hayley. Goths have always been the odd man out in pop culture, regardless of how little they deserve that fate.

Well… another thought. There’s another angle to this, isn’t there? What if Hayley’s relationship isn’t even real? What if it’s a showmance, like Swifty and Jake?

I don’t know for sure, but I doubt it. Hayley and Chad spend holidays together. That means it’s real, yes? And showmances don’t tend to last 5+ years, unless the guy is deeply closeted. Showmances with hetero guys have a short shelf life.

So I guess that what they have is real. Well, good luck to them, wherever they go. I’m not sure yet if I’m coming with, or if I might just be an occasional, once a year visitor like I am now with Katy.

Or perhaps it would be better for me to dump Hayley completely and insert Peyton or, more importantly, Taylor Momsen, into Hayley’s place. That might be ideal. The rocker-chick spot could be filled extremely well with Momsen.

I think that what this really boils down to is that I dislike being the number 2 guy in a woman’s life. It’s disheartening, honestly. So from my perspective, I can have a casual, fun relationship with a girl if I’m an equal partner with her in-person S.O., or I can have a deep, emotional relationship with a girl if I’m the superior or ideally the only guy in her life. Just my own personal preference. A girl having a kid means that I’m relegated permanently to the number 2 position on the relationship podium, beneath some other man. That irks me as much as it would any other guy. Hence the reason why the Heros girls… who were they again? Don’t rate a passing thought. Ditto for let’s see, who else did I used to fantasize about? Bilson, Scarlett, Blake, and who else? For some reason, I’m thinking of Amy Smart right now. Did I ever have a relationship with her? I honestly don’t remember.

I think I’m going to enforce upon myself a new rule. Any woman with a kid, even if it’s adopted, is not an option, except under unique circumstances. Since my fantasies aren’t, it becomes too complicated otherwise. So if she’s going to get preggers, it might be safer for me to bid Hayley adieu, forever, now.

I don’t really want to do that, but if I need to, it can be done. After her surprise marriage, I preemptively erased all the emotions I had for Leighton Meester because I thought she might get pregnant. It was a way to protect myself, I guess. I was very thorough. Perhaps too much. She will likely remain a non-entity for me, probably forever. I don’t much want to re-kindle anything with her, just for her to get preggers with some other guy’s kid the next day. I just don’t want to be hurt.

I do wonder sometimes what those girls that have been cast off in relationship limbo say about me, though I probably shouldn’t. I don’t think that they have bad things to say, as I’m sure they’re well aware of the transient nature of my relationships… but I am curious.

I am getting ahead of myself. Hayley isn’t even married yet.

But I will, though, ratchet downward by a couple of gears my relationship with Ms. Williams. She’ll probably become one of those chicks I might stare at once in a while, and not actually talk to. Just to be safe.

While I’m daydreaming, sometimes I think that all of this is too confusing and complicated, and that I should just chuck it all and stick to Taylor Swift 100%. She’s the important one as far as pop culture goes, anyways.

Which brings me to current events. Because Swifty => current events, see? ;P

This is now 2015. Everyone has their predictions. This is mine: 2015 is the year when society cracks on the top.

Back in 2008, when the US’s Berlin Wall fell when Lehman collapsed, society fractured fatally in the underclass. The subprime mortgage blow-up dealt a terrible blow to the fortunes of the less fortunate, and sowed the seeds of the social discord we’re facing today from the underclass.

Then, since no real attempt was made to remedy the problems, the problems expanded and traveled upward. Next, working class jobs were lost. Then middle class jobs. And discontent followed the chain upwards. It was the plight of the middle and upper middle class that crushed the democrats in the mid terms.

This is the year when the troubles- finally- reach the top.

Since Lehman, the US establishment has used it’s time, capital, and reputation to procrastinate. They’ve done very well at that, I think. Certainly better than I expected. In the LaLa land of the media, the economy is in it’s fifth year (!) of recovery. Ha!

The reality is, of course, different. The most venerable American business institutions- GE, GM, Sears, Walmart, McDonald’s, etc. are all bleeding cash. Business for them is bad, very bad, and in some areas extremely so.

The truth is that unless an attempt is made to actually fix the real problems in America, some very big businesses are going to go out of business. Even the “Too Big to Fail” institutions that Obama sacrificed the middle class for will be doomed in a few years unless something changes.

What I think is going to happen is that as 2015 drags on, and it becomes clear that things are not being fixed, and that nobody in the government has any inclination to fix them, that some of the .01% are going to panic and break ranks with the others, particularly in regards to Obama.

I’ve predicated this before, but I’ve been stymied by the government’s ability to procrastinate against all odds. Well, I think they’re going to run out of tricks soon. It is still inevitable, whether it happens this year or next.

You can’t lie forever. The US has been mired in an economic depression for 7 years now. Eventually, the truth must be said, by someone, somewhere.

The truth is that Obama is the worst president we’ve ever had. His foreign policy has left the US’s international reputation in ruins. Bush and Cheney might have been Machiavellian and evil, but that can be respectable. Obama is a buffoon- the Mr. Magoo of politics. This nation is the laughingstock of the world thanks to him.

Obama’s economic policies are so terrible I still think it possible that he is intentionally destroying the country. His social policies are so bad that civil war seems inevitable. His inability to lead in any positive way has Northerners in America thinking, for the first time in 200 years, of revolution.

He is by far the worst president we have ever had.

What I think is happening amongst the oligarchy is that they are waiting for Obama to leave office to criticize the nation’s policies. They want a republican to criticize, basically. To critique a democrat would be heresy for them.

I think that Obama’s performance as president has been so horrifyingly dire, though, that I’ll bet that even the most democratic of the oligarchs are feeling nervous right now. A race war cuts into profits unlike anything else. That, and there is the very real danger of retribution against the oligarchs for forcing Obama on the nation. Many tens of millions of whites are still mad, and they will not get happier for the foreseeable future, if ever.

So cracks will extend, for the first time in 150 years, into the upper reaches of society. This may be the year that the .01% fractures in a way that everyone can see. It will be interesting.

I wonder what the fallout will be. Will the diversity splinter into different races? Will big business turn on the democratic party? What will the feminists do?

I’ll be watching, intently.

I’m not sure how this will play out in Hollywood, but we’ll see. I suspect, again, that it will play out very badly. They are a part of the establishment… no, they are the establishment.

Rather than run for the hills, like I suggested, my friends in Hollywood have decided to double down on their support for Obama and diversity, etc. Yeah, this will likely turn out terribly for them.

I do wonder what kind of punishment will be dealt to Hollywood for it’s support of Obama, if in fact Hollywood chooses to stay in the sinking ship that is the US. That’s the choice, isn’t it? If Hollywood leaves, they could find success elsewhere… if, that is, its leaders aren’t hunted down in retribution for ruining the United States. It might be wiser for them to stay and atone for their mistakes, however painful and humiliating that will be.

Will Hollywood fracture racially if the racial divide in America becomes more pronounced? It seems almost impossible, but you never know. Will it shatter geographically? Maybe the film industry in America will find a new, different center in each region. Maybe one day there will be a Midwestern Hollywood, a Southern Hollywood, etc.

One thing is for certain: Hollywood is going to change. I think it must. As of right now, they are trying to appeal to everyone, but in doing so, they are appealing to nobody. Blacks and Mexicans are angry at Hollywood because it lacks sufficient “diversity”. Whites are angry at Hollywood because it forced the walking mistake that is Obama on them. Everyone is upset with Hollywood because it is nowadays filled to the brim with untalented, unlikeable gremlins like the Kardashians, who rake in money by the hundreds of millions while the intelligent and prescient live on the verge of homelessness. And yes, everyone is a bit irked with Hollywood, especially whites, because it encourages race mixing. Nobody and I mean NOBODY outside of Hollywood likes seeing that stuff, but they just won’t quit with it!

It is unfortunate that I’m saying this stuff. It really is. I know that I’ve said it all before. But… no attempt has been made to fix anything. The economy will be forever broken and getting worse until a real attempt is made, by somebody, somewhere, to actually fix it. If that day never comes I will be writing these things, over and over again, for eternity.

Well, this essay is now 5 pages. Perhaps I should end it here, although I was going to try to end it on a positive note after all the negativity.

Not this time, though.

Maybe next year.

I hope.

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