Postscript to A Few Random Thoughts

In regards to the relationship thoughts: things would be different if I believed that my relationships were ultimately going to benefit me.

Truth be told, I have serious doubts about whether my girlfriends and I would actually like each other if we were to meet each other in person.

I suspect that I, as a strong and silent type, conservative white American male, would not fit in well with them at all. And yes, I think that my being American may be part of the problem.

I have noticed something- today, there seems to be a movement on the part of the pop culture entertainment industry to exclude American whites in favor of whites from other nations, most especially those from the UK.

For the UK whites, I’m thinking of people like Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, Matt Healy, Cumberbatch, Hiddleston, etc.

I’m thinking that this is at least somewhat intentional, and is a way to “punish” American men for interfering with Obama’s insane trampling of the Constitution, American society, and common sense.

British whites may be politically untainted in the eyes of the pop culture elite. They’re not Republicans, after all, so maybe they’re OK.

I’m sure that they fit in better culturally with the Hollywood elite, at least. Britain already has the gun laws that the elite wants for people here, and gay marriage is legal in the entirety of England, as opposed to a mere selection of states here.

IDK. It could be that the pop culture elites have simply given up trying to establish any meaningful connection with the white male demographic here, so they’re now forced to find people abroad to fit that demographic.

I’m not including the bizarre, Frankenstein’s Monster-like hip-hop acts like Mackelmore and Eminem in this equation. These are niche acts that only appeal to a tiny segment of the population, and they are just too odd to ever be more than that. So excepting them, and the almost as weird, quasi hip-hop acts like Timberlake, there isn’t any representation of actual white American men in pop music these days.

That is a sad state of affairs. Reason #3764 that this will not end well, I guess.

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