Thoughts on the Grammys, Part II

I should have watched them.

I’m spending too much time in darkness, thinking critical thoughts of others and myself. It’s necessary, but… enough!

The function I serve is an important one. I am the Dark Lord of the entertainment industry. In addition to my place of training, toughening up, and guiding (if not actually parenting!) young celebrities, I do that ugliest and most important of all tasks- that of delivering honest, unflinching criticism to those who need it but never hear it.

That’s a tough thing to do, so I make sure to be thorough and confident when I do it. It’s important that I do this, it’s very important that I do this… but… next year, I’m going to watch the Grammys. Too much criticism of others is counterproductive.

And besides, I started this project to have fun- to bring some much needed levity into my life. The stereotypical story path of a necromancer or a vampire is a dreary one indeed. I’m thinking now of Sauron living in the midst of a sea of bumbling orcs in Mordor, Lord Voldemort obsessing over dark magic and immortality to the point where he loses his humanity, and Bram Stroker’s Dracula, which showed vampirism as a curse, not a cool blessing. To spend an eternity in some lonely crumbling castle, with your only company being that of whatever girls you’ve kidnapped to feed upon… yechhh.

That stuff isn’t real, of course, and the life of a cubicle-occupying software developer who lives with his parents is a looooong way from anything I just described, but wow, would anything even close to those fantasies suck in real life. Wow.

So, enough with the darkness.

I must remember that. I must make fun a priority. This means more dancing and more skits with my girlfriends. I’ll make them funny and lighthearted. Hopefully, that’s what I need.

Besides, when I finally do get with Swifty, I’ll need to make sure that I haven’t burned all my bridges beforehand.

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