Taylor Swift

needs to stop being so annoying and tyrannical.

I know what I just said about bringing in more of the light, but I read something today that offended me greatly, and this is after a string of related incidents. Something needs to change here, and it needs to change fast.

It seems that Taylor is issuing legal threats against her old guitar teacher. Not good, Tay. Not good for any reason. I’m not a professional musician myself, but not even I can see myself threatening my old guitar teacher with lawsuits, not even if he wanted to tell a story or two about me. Taylor, you owe this guy. Instead of publicly threatening him, how about you cut him a check for some meaningless amount- say $25,000- with the stipulation that he quietly shut down his site? That would have avoided the negative publicity, yes?

Taylor, if you’re reading this, you know what Swifties are like. (Lord knows I do). We are an obsessive, scary bunch of people. Why would you create a situation where they would go after somebody who was instrumental in your success? Especially when you know that that person doesn’t have the resources to defend himself? And who is next? Are you going to send them after me now for some reason? Taylor, don’t do this. People will hesitate to help you if this becomes a trend.

Bluntly, I don’t like some of the actions Taylor’s taken lately. Why is her legal team sending frightening cease and desist letters to Etsy sellers? Why is she attacking everyone else’s videos on YouTube? Why is she pulling her music from streaming services? She’s being rude, annoying, and scary. I hope that she’s not showing her true colors with these actions.

Every good fan- positive action she’s taken lately, like sending out a care package, has been balanced out by a negative one, like banning her fans from YouTube because they might post lyric videos to her songs.

I don’t like that.

And beyond YouTube, I don’t much like how her highness is attacking others’ artistic efforts on Etsy and eBay, either. It’s irritating, it’s wrong, and it’s pissing off her most loyal fans. This whole “Etsy” thing is making me recall a negative moment that I had with her legal team a couple of years ago.

I had forgotten about this. That I’m remembering it now isn’t good. At the height of the Red Tour Taylor mania, I bought a very cool, custom made guitar pick case on eBay to house my Taylor Swift guitar pick collection. It was awesome- it was a shiny stainless steel box with a beautiful, laser engraved image of Swifty on the top. It was a work of art; it was absolutely unique and would have been perfect.

I bought the case at work, and since I didn’t have my PayPal login info there, I couldn’t pay for it immediately after buying it. I had to finish the workday and go home first. So after I got home I was surprised to find that the order had been cancelled because someone- I’m assuming Taylor’s legal team- attacked the seller. They had somehow got wind that he was selling unauthorized Swift merchandise, even after the item had been sold! So no cool box for me. Someone powerful came down hard on the seller for the box, for some dumb reason.

In the end, I did eventually get the box, but I had to circumvent eBay’s rules to get it. It was a chore and completely unnecessary, and two dedicated Swifties were intimidated for good reason at all.

I had totally forgotten about that incident until now.

Hrrummph. Watch it, Taylor. I’m a fan, but don’t forget your place.

And another thing- I, personally, don’t want to see Taylor collaborating with the likes of Jay-Z, Kanye West and Beyonce. I’m referring here to her rumored desire to make a song with Kanye and have lunch with Jay-Z for some business deal or some other such thing.

Tay, you are underestimating the amount of ill feelings that exist towards people like Kanye and Jay-Z. Underestimating them greatly, I suspect. Neither Jay-Z nor Kanye are good people. Neither is Beyonce. I want nothing to do with any of them. They are poison, they are friends of Obama, and they will be punished with him in the revolution. Don’t get close to them, dear. Stay away- you have enough money already!

You may joke about this being me just being paranoid, but that’s fine, so long as you listen. You are too sheltered to hear the things that I do when I leave the house. If you were to hear what I hear regularly, you wouldn’t be doing this.

Besides their complicity in aiding Obama’s sadistic raping of the American economy, you must understand that people like Jay-Z and Kanye West are threatening the physical safety of your fanbase. They are the curators of the “angry black man” culture that is destroying the fabric of their own race, and causing innumerable and increasing incidents of black on white violence across the nation. Someday, perhaps sooner than you think, retribution will be leveled upon them for ruining the country. It is coming and IMHO the lid may get blown off the pot soon, as in this year. And when it does blow, I don’t know what will happen, except to say that it will be stunning. You are going to be shocked- I mean absolutely shocked- at the kind of anger that will be pointed at Kanye and Jay-Z and those like them.

Regardless of politics, your fanbase is not going to be happy with any song that you make with Kanye West, regardless of how good it is. This song will be IMHO a big mistake from a popularity viewpoint, which should be obvious from the YouTube comments to anything that features Kanye or Kim Kardashian these days.

After the Super Bowl, I had a good laugh reading the fast disappearing comments to the Kim Kardashian commercial on YouTube. Check out the video; the URL is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTwzsV3I3OQ. See, the vast majority of people who saw the commercial despised it, mostly because everyone hates Kim. I mean, just look at the like/dislike ratio! I spent a good 15 minutes that night laughing at the hilarious comments people were leaving about Kim there. It was awesome, but I had to catch them quick, because the channel seemed to have hired dedicated personnel to delete the really funny ones before too many people could read them. It was hysterical to watch. I think they got them all in the end, because all I can see are positive comments there now, despite the grotesque like/dislike ratio.

See Tay, if you’re reading this, you DON’T want to be seen as Kim’s peer! Stay away! Your country fanbase, which you are on thin ice with right now, will leave you entirely if that happens!

Remember that video Kanye did? With the horses?


Look Tay, you were doing great- better than everyone else- at the moment when you released 1989. That being the case, don’t change things. There’s no need to fix what wasn’t broken.

Yes, I do know that Taylor has more money than anyone, but… I don’t know. Things are going to change and change soon. You can feel it in the air. The old ways are dying. Something new and very, very different is being born.

My hope is that Taylor will be a part of the new era. Well, that’s kind of what I was hoping… along with many others. It would suck if her career would amount in the end to be only be evidence that all of this putrid nonsense would need to be tossed overboard.

Which might be what is needed. Taylor has proven herself to be a pillar of the system that is soon going to have to be destroyed.

Taylor Swift, the last of the old era. Not the start of a new one.

*Sigh*… Oh well.

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