The big story today is Obama’s push against “extremism”, especially that coming from online sources. Ostensibly, the target here is ISIS, although we of course know that the real one is the American working class. The regime wants to keep it’s slaves quiet.
Whatever it is that Obama’s doing, it isn’t going to work. There’s no chance.
The most recent Gallup poll, taken around his declaration of war against ISIS, has Obama’s approval rating at a hideous 47%, which frankly shocks even me. At that rating, now, he is clearly doomed. At that rating, his party has no future. At that rating, his vision will not come to pass.
For Obama’s “vision” I’m referring to his recent conversation with Vox, in which he revealed that his overall goal is to ruin the white middle class entirely with things like immigration and social engineering.
That isn’t going to happen. Not at 47%, right here, in today’s world.
To explain my feelings, the price of gasoline just dropped by 50% where I live. It went down by $2.25 a gallon. And that did… nothing for Obama’s approval ratings. Nothing. He is doomed.
47%… by far the lowest ever for a President entering into a conflict against a frightening, hostile foreign power. Remember when Bush declared war on Al-Qaeda, and his approval rating was at 98%, and that rating stood out because it seemed too low? Remember when he 2 years later went after Hussein, and his approval was hovering around 75%? Remember when Bush the elder had his Iraq war, and his approval was at 90%? Remember when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and FDR became so popular he was impossible to criticize?
But now… Obama declares war on ISIS, a menacing bogeyman seemingly designed from the start to be everything that Americans love to hate… and all Obama can muster is a pitiful 47% approval rating. That’s not even half!
And if history is a good teacher, that 47% will be a high point. Approval ratings always dip significantly after initial hostilities when the reality of war sets in. So hello 30’s, if not 20’s! I’m seeing a vision here of Obama leaving office with all of his support coming from only 3 places: 1) Blacks and Mulattos, 2) Hollywierd, and 3) college students and teachers. Which would put his approval at a ghastly, and not impossible, 20%.
Obama has brought doom to his constituents, and to his movement as a whole. As America’s first “black” President, he has simply confirmed the worst stereotypes about his race and nothing else. When he isn’t acting like some lunatic 3rd world dictator, he is the biggest, most bumbling idiot you’ve ever seen. He simply cannot inspire respect. He can’t seem to get it in any situation, no matter the circumstances. Can anyone imagine FDR going to war to war against the Axis powers with a 47% approval rating at the start of the conflict?
Obama is by far the most unpopular President in American history. He has singlehandedly ruined his party, the politics of liberalism and perhaps multiracialism as a whole. He is doomed- utterly, thoroughly and completely.
It is over.
After him, the revolution.