In these closing days of liberalism, it helps to have a bit of perspective. That way, we can see and analyze what went wrong with liberals, and perhaps pave the way towards a better future.
Liberalism has failed principally because liberals forgot The Way Of Things. They forgot to adjust their expectations of what they want vis-à-vis the reality of peoples’ everyday lives. Liberals seem to have forgotten how real people think and act, and why they do what they do. Somehow, an understanding of the basics of human behavior and emotion seems to have escaped them. It’s a shame, and it discredits all of their claims of being “open-minded” and “intellectual”. After their fall from the throne, they will have no legitimacy that they could possibly use to crawl back into a position of respectability. They will lose everything, I think.
Is it really such a shame though? Maybe this fate is what they deserve. They have for too long acted too smugly and arrogantly. For too long they have shut out others from the narrative for frankly malicious reasons. Perhaps a total destruction of everything they believe in would be appropriate and fitting. We’ll see.
The failure of liberalism can be traced back to their inability to understand why people followed them in the first place. The liberals of generations past seemed to have an ability to lead that was unparalleled. This is why for so long the world was their playground. They had an intuitive understanding of how to harness peoples’ energies to the own ends, to the benefit of all.
Liberalism as we know it (I mean, the modern stuff, not classic liberalism) had its roots in women’s suffrage. They got women the vote. That was their first major achievement, and it was a memorable one.
Then after a few more decades they got integrated schooling, and then the Civil Rights Act, and that was that. They “won”. Even though they didn’t.
See, there was never really a competition. There was never really a fight, even though both “sides” pretended otherwise. It was always in mens’ best interest to let women vote, and it was in whites’ best interest to allow the Civil Rights Act to pass. Why? Money, of course!
See, a deal was struck with Americans, i.e. white men. The deal was thus: allow diversity, allow blacks into your schools and businesses, allow women to vote, and we’ll give you money! And not just a little money, we’ll give you lots, and everything else you want! You’ll get new cars every couple of years, enormous homes, NBA Championship games, annual vacations, retirement, countless movies glorifying your achievements, rock music, leaked nudes of starlets, gold coins, eBay, adjustable dumbbells, riding lawn mowers, and everything else you could dream of!
This deal was acceptable. It worked. Because of this even exchange, or really, an exchange that benefited white men, liberalism progressed through the system unopposed. There was no competition because everyone liked how things were going.
I get a kick out of the posts that young white nationalists sometimes leave on message boards and blogs and such. Some of them seem to think that white men have some kind of “pathological altruism” and that this magical affliction is why they don’t really fight liberals. Um, no. Open your eyes, people!
All of this talk of “equality” is just window dressing. People went along with it for the free stuff, not for any dumb, childish ideals. Liberals, at least at one time, knew this. But they’ve forgotten it.
Talk to a liberal today, and you can see it in his eyes that he actually believes his own propaganda. He thinks that people are “against racism” rather than “pro-free stuff”. He has internalized the liberal selling points to the extent that he thinks they’re actually real and that people actually think like that.
It is not so, but he believes it.
He doesn’t realize that white men will act today in the same way that they always have since the beginnings of their race: they will act in their own best interest. You know, like every other group of people on Earth. The difference is that now, in 2015, things are different. Now their best interest lies in opposing liberalism, rather than strengthening it.
In the same way that I chuckle at young rightists whose dreams are filled with nonsense about “pathological altruism”, so too do I laugh at those on the left who seem to think that they’ve “won” something, as though there had actually been a competition. In particular, I laugh at those on the left who seem to think that they can just push around their new enemies, white men, at their leisure, in spite of there being no evidence at all that they can actually do this.
The Mr. Magoo of politics, Obama (of course), seems to be particularly afflicted with this. He just can’t see anything, even if it is right in front of him. He and his followers can’t see that nobody cares about “racism” and nobody ever has.
To explain: I don’t much like black people. I don’t and never have. It’s my personal preference. However I will pretend otherwise provided I get something in return, i.e., retirement, 401(k)s, job security, new cars, topless scenes of Emma Watson, etc. See, if you remove those incentives from the equation, what is the purpose of me continuing the pretense of actually liking blacks? If there is no reward for doing so, why should I act in a way that I don’t want to?
And this is how a good 90% of people in my demo, middle to working class white men, think. And now that liberals have broken their end of the bargain, now that the flow of really nice cheap stuff and retirement benefits has stopped, the mask will inevitably come off my demographic in the future. The near future, I suspect.
And when it comes off, the wrath will be ugly. The punishments meted out will be far reaching, farther even than the most angry of right wing people expect. Why? Because that’s what tends to happen.
Necessary movements tend to take on a life of their own. When they get going, they crash down barriers and topple everything, leaving nothing spared. Back in the twenties, when liberalism came into it’s own, not even the staunchest of liberals would have expected then that gay marriage was inevitable. Not even the most “liberal” back then would have thought that today’s immigration policies would have even been possible, or that we would have a mulatto President.
Likewise, even the most far of the right today doesn’t see white power politics ever becoming a major if not overwhelming political force. They are going to be surprised. It will happen. They also don’t see the liberal establishment personalities being attacked and destroyed for things said decades prior. But that, too, will happen, just as conservatives are attacked today for things they said back in the seventies.
So yeah, Obama is going to lose. I don’t care about whatever meager defenses he’s preparing against the inevitable. Because it stood in the way of history, because it refused to give room to other, necessary viewpoints, liberalism will be crushed and tossed into the dustbin of history.
They’re going to lose. Badly.