They’ve pretty much lost their minds, haven’t they?
I say that as an admirer of what liberalism used to be, so I say that with regret. But it is what it is.
So many things could have been done differently. Maybe it would have helped had they listened more and talked less. Maybe they’re too extroverted for their own good. But that’s neither here nor there at this point.
So it’s going to end in ignominy and humiliation for them. OK, fine, but do they have to go out this way? I mean, is it absolutely necessary that they go out ranting like lunatics? I dunno. Maybe that’s what they want.
The past three years has given the American public a show of liberals doing and saying the dumbest, most ridiculous and most suicidal things that can be said. It makes one wonder what, if anything, is running through their minds.
I think the problem here has as a root cause their inability to understand the big picture. Liberals are showing themselves to be small minded, arrogant, selfish, and ignorant (at least, the famous ones are).
Since Obama’s re-election, they’ve been broadcasting, loudly, their desire to destroy people who are on every real measure vastly more powerful than they are. And they just won’t shut up about it! It’s lunacy, but they just won’t stop.
So, we know what their plans are. What they’re going to try to do is this: 1) use immigration and the media to “water down” the white middle class, 2) then take it’s guns, 3) then, once 2050 rolls around and whites are 50% of the population, launch a surprise attack to eradicate their opposition totally and create a multiracial “utopia”.
I’m sorry, but what kind of stupidity is this? Surely they don’t think that this insanity is actually going to work, do they? They’re betting the house on a preposterous fantasy.
This stuff is weird and cultish. To start with, what in the world makes liberals so sure that in the year 2050 whites will be 50% of the population? Whenever demographics and politics are discussed, this figure or something like it will be presented as “inevitable”. I’m sorry, what? For what reason is this figure inevitable? History is strewn with predictions uttered by “experts” that were thought to be inevitable but turned out to be completely off the mark.
What if 2050 rolls around and whites are 65% of the population? What if they’re 80%? Between now and then, many quadrillions of things are going to happen, and few of them will be expected. What if it so happens that the US is 90% ultra conservative whites when that year rolls around? What will liberals do then?
This isn’t some idle thought. We’re talking two plus decades of history here. Everything can change in twenty, thirty years. I don’t get why people are simply taking this figure as “fact” as though it is somehow more than just a guess issued forth from people who want it to be so.
The more you think about it, the dumber this claim seems. Try asking an economist about what the big stocks will be in 2050, and he’ll laugh. Ask a computer scientist about the computers of 2050, and he’ll wonder what you’re smoking to even ask such a question. Then try asking a liberal about the politics of 2050, and he’ll give you statistics! Fucking STATISTICS! “Oh, whites will be this percent of society and they will vote this way, blacks will be this percent and they will be doing this, gays will have reached this level of acceptance, the political scene will look like this…” Excuse me, what?!?!? Weird. Cultish.
Ok, now let’s discuss another issue with the liberals’ plan. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that their idea of whites being 50% of the population in 2050 is somehow dead on. Let’s say that they then launch their surprise attack. See, that isn’t going to work either, because they’ve given their enemies advance warning 2 decades prior of their plans. See, a surprise attack doesn’t work if the other side knows you’re coming and has spent the last twenty years preparing.
This is why conservatives have been buying up all the guns and “prepping”. It’s because they’ve been hearing, ad nauseum, about how they are going to be attacked in the future by liberals and their supporters. So after an entire generation of getting ready, they will be more than able to fend off anything that could be headed their way. Of course.
So… that isn’t going to work, either. This “strategy” makes one question the mindset of the so-called “intelligencia”. Honestly. What the fuck?
And this is assuming that conservatives don’t simply start the war early, which they could easily do, and what I think will ultimately happen.
See, the other side doesn’t have to just sit down and wait for 2050 to roll around. If they wanted the war to start tomorrow, they could just start it then instead. It would be easy. One well placed bomb and we’re in business. I mean, if war is inevitable, why not?
I mean, why wouldn’t they?
This rather obvious fact makes the hostility and antagonism of the black community look hugely self defeating. I mean, what the fuck are they doing?!?! Don’t they see what will happen to them if conservative whites start to seriously consider them to be an enemy?
Talk to minorities about politics these days, and you will inevitably hear something along the lines of how they’re going to kick our (white, male, middle class, etc.) asses in thirty years, as if me hearing this on a constant basis won’t make me take steps in the interim to stop that from happening. It’s bizarre. They’re acting like they’ve completely lost their minds.
To illustrate, it’s the case that today that liberal spokespeople are being hounded and threatened online, and sometimes in public. I don’t think this is going away. After all, the liberal spokespeople that are being threatened are of course the same ones who have broadcast their long term intent to displace or kill conservatives in some long term “surprise attack”. So it’s in the best interest of their enemies that harassment continue and amplify. So why would they stop the antagonism? If war is inevitable, the sooner the better from their view, correct?
So that harassment isn’t going to end. I don’t care what Obama says or does. I don’t care what measures he passes or what he chooses to talk about. It will make no difference. The harassment will continue, on and on, until the point of war is reached. Of course it will.
People act in their own self interest. That is the Golden Rule of human nature. All of the overtures towards “tolerance” and “equality” mean nothing in the face of this iron law of humanity.
And war at any point in the next two decades at least means absolute victory for the conservatives. Make no mistake about this. They have all the guns. They are by far the largest ethnically unified demographic. They control 95% of the police departments. They control 95% of the farmland. They will win and win easily.
The changes of the past century will be overturned. It will happen as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.