Perv of the Day

Kendra Sunderland’s library video. Woah, awesome stuff! Too bad they found out about it.

Public jerking off is fun, though once you’ve done it a few times, you tend to get your fill of it.

I used to do it at work, actually, in my cubicle at my old job. I was always the last to leave my part of the building, and my cube was hidden off in the corner and well outside the viewing area of the security cameras, so after 5:30 I would bring up and look up Lohan’s nudes in New Yorker magazine, or caps of Anne Hathaway’s or Keira Knightley’s nude scenes, and have fun for 10 minutes before leaving.

It was fun for awhile, but I stopped. I got bored of it, and there’s always the possibility of being caught, although I never even came close to that.

It can also be a form of protest. I’ve done it in my cubicle at my new job, too, as a kind of political protest.

See, as a contractor, I don’t get paid vacation time. At all. So over the 2013 Christmas holiday season, I needed to work throughout the Holidays.

Of course, I was the only person slaving away in that huge, cavernous building. For weeks, I worked while everyone else was at home, enjoying doing nothing. I felt like an indentured servant. So did I do it in my cube? You bet your ass I did. On one particular day, I did it twice, if I remember correctly. And I have the videos to prove it.

It was a way to thumb my nose at the assholes who forced me to work for them so they could go off and have their free fun. I didn’t care, and of course, there was no possible chance anyone could have caught me. It was a good protest and I’m glad I did it. Fuck them.

My history with this stuff is making me wonder about others. A search on RedTube is bringing up a gallery of library exhibitionism.

This is something people may never really know much about. Who would fess up to something like this in public?

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