Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part VII

Yup, here’s another one. I just can’t resist. This is the most fascinating thing ever. It’s history, playing out before our very eyes. These are times that get whole sections in primary school history books.

So let’s introspect some more, shall we?

This time, let’s analyze the foolishness that was the regime’s response to the Indiana law.

Here’s the problem with what it did: The government and its supporters and branches, i.e. the media, Hollywood, big business, etc. are foolishly and carelessly angering people far, far more powerful than they are.

It’s easy to punish the powerless. Any adult can send a kid to his bedroom. Any police officer can arrest a random individual. Things get dicey, though, in group situations. Punishing millions of people all at once can cause blowback and create generational grievances.

Things get even more questionable in situations when weaker groups of people try to punish groups stronger than them, like in the Indiana case.

Regardless of how the regime wanted things to look, that whole situation looks again like it’s the conservative demographic, white men not of the 0.01% especially, versus the empire. Yes, AGAIN.

Yet again, the media looks only like a consortium of bullies. Yet again, the regime looks sadistic and unreasonable. It’s laughable and insane to see the entire 0.01% coming down hard on the governor of little Indiana in the name of “equality”. It is hypocrisy of ghastly magnitude.

They can’t do it, can they? They simply can’t look like bullies. Maybe that’s inevitable, given the grotesque wealth imbalances in the modern US. It just seems that no matter what they do, they just can’t look appealing, or that they care about actually creating the equal society that they pretend they want.

Back to my point: more than anyone else, conservative white men have been shuffled off to the side politically and culturally in America, and this is most especially true for the young ones. And this is in spite of their immense demographic power.

It’s shocking to see how the last few years have unfolded here in the US. It’s shocking and sad, and yeah, yet again…, noticing the trends leads one to realize that it isn’t going to work. War is inevitable. Revolution is, too. I don’t care anymore… about Hollywood. If it needs to be cast aside for the sake of the future, then so be it. Its chosen its path.

I think I can spot the exact moment when we (those in the young conservative white male demo) realized that it was hopeless. It was during the last Presidential election, when our candidate, Ron Paul, had his campaign 1) completely ignored by the media, 2) shunned by all wealthy and connected donors, especially those in the “pro-conservative” business class, 3) openly sabotaged by his own party, to the extent that they refused to let him speak at their own convention in spite of his coming in second, and 4) dropped down the memory hole, so now he is never discussed in any capacity anywhere in the media, despite his unique, profound, and influential career.

Since then, it’s been obvious, hasn’t it? They hate us, and they will not change, no matter what. It’s been relentless and psychopathic. It just doesn’t END. If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result each time, than what are we to think of the media, which continually, weekly, gets egg on its face regarding social matters because they will not budge from their preposterous official narrative? You know, the narrative that says that the mass of unemployed, debt burdened working class white men are oppressing everyone else, including Oprah, President Obama, all those Chinese undergrads at Harvard, the Jews of Wall Street and Hollywood, wealthy feminist celebs, gays like Tim Cook and at least half of the big names in the entertainment industry, and other members of the “protected class”.

It’s nuts, all of this. It’s dumb as hell.

I mean, the epic fuckups happen WEEKLY. The media just can’t shoot itself in the foot enough, can it?

It’s endless, and it isn’t going to change without a revolution.

In the end, all of it will have to go. There’s no other way.

Bluntly, the situation is this: these social changes that the left desires can only progress up to a certain point. They can only progress up to the point that my demographic allows them to progress.

Make no mistake, we are the most powerful people in America. Nothing happens without our acceptance of it. We are by far the largest demographic in the US: we own 90% of the guns, we control 90% of the farmland, and we run 90% of the police departments. We are everywhere, and the nation cannot run without our acceptance of its direction.

If we put our foot down and say NO, then that means NO, everyone else’s opinions be damned. And we are very close to doing just that.

And since the stupid leftists cannot see this, because they are intent on forcing the issue regardless of what we think… they’re going to have to go. All of them, possibly. And there will be a great deal of revenge doled out upon them as they leave.

Such is the way of things.

On a brighter note, I can’t wait to hear the revolution’s music. I wonder what it will sound like…

Hmmm. It will sound like freedom. That’s what it will sound like.

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