Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part IX

One final note tonight- the stupidity and outrageous hypocrisy coming from the US media is always worse, as we all know, when it comes to racial matters, and most especially in those matters which concern blacks.

Examples abound lately of US media darlings making themselves look like incompetents or bullies, or both, in front of me and rest of the world. It’s becoming embarrassing to be a part of this country, and especially to be a part of the entertainment industry. The media here is sick and stupid.

This week, we’ve seen headlines made because Chris Rock, multi-millionaire, feels oppressed because police pulled him over. Excuse me, but fuck him. He wants my sympathy, but his “plight” only pisses me and everyone else off. You know what, Chris? I get pulled over too. Everyone gets pulled over. Chris, I wish I had been pulled over just for driving in a car that looked too expensive for me. So would everyone else in the 99.9%.

Honestly, what a colossal jerk he is. Well, him, and the rest of his millionaire black celebrity friends, all of whom are supporting him against the “oppression” of blue collar working people who are just doing their jobs, trying to make ends meet. Fuck Chris Rock. Fuck “Black Hollywood”. Fuck them all; every last one of them. Assholes.

This whole Chris Rock debacle reminds me of that Oprah Winfrey clown show a few years ago, when Oprah, a multi-billionaire with one of the biggest mansions in the world, felt “discriminated against” in some European department store. She got on her bully pulpit and crowed and crowed about how “oppressed” she was, and got some poor woman fired, not because she did anything illegal or even hurtful, but just because Oprah felt slighted, somehow.

All of this is just sick. It’s foolishness. It’s bullying. It’s pure evil and it needs to stop, one way or another.

Every night, when I come home from work, I’m greeted with NBC Nightly News, the program that my brainwashed parents watch to get their daily dose of propaganda.

That show made headlines earlier this year when Brain Williams, the anchor, was caught fibbing and was suspended from the anchor’s chair.

So, what was Brian Williams’ great lie? Was it his outrageous and illegal dishonesty during his Trayvon coverage?

Remember that? NBC news, under Brian Williams’ direction, was caught editing the recordings of the conversation between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher. Remember? They spliced the conversation to change it to make it seem like Zimmerman was guilty. They re-arranged the order of what was said and omitted certain things, to try to turn the public against Zimmerman.

Was this the transgression that got Williams suspended? Nope. This did NOTHING to Williams’ career. He and the rest of NBC news was caught, red-handed, committing blatant fraud, and it had NO EFFECT on him or NBC News.

Why? Because their lies, at that point, fed the agenda. So they were excused and allowed to continue on. Williams’ lie in this case was some minor comment about his experiences with the US military.


These things are grounds for revolution. For race war. These and a million other similar recent transgressions are cardinal sins.

You know what? Fuck it. I’m done writing for now.

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