They’re nuts.
For the umpteenth time, they’re nuts.
The more I look at the whole “Confederate flag” controversy, the more wrong it looks.
Look- the regime, if it wants any chance of surviving over the long term, must have the support of its largest demographic. Obviously. You cannot govern successfully, if at all, without this crucial component.
That being the case, it boggles the mind that it’s currently engaged in an apparent fight to the death with said demographic. It’s insanity. In no way is any of this logical or reasonable on any level.
The regime is going to, at some point, be forced to backtrack on all of this, probably after some kind of disaster of some sort. It has to, logically. This WILL be the case at some point. So I don’t get why it is so determined to make its future harder for itself.
The regime has lost control of itself and its senses.
It’s like it’s trying to govern based on emotion- like its pride has been hurt in some way, say by Putin, so they’re lashing out at what they perceive to be a weaker party, my demographic, to make themselves feel better. In short, they’re being bullies.
This is sick and wrong. You cannot govern like this and expect people to follow you.
What they’re doing is insane, and I don’t say that lightly. This could easily be the domestic Waterloo of the liberal government.
Already, sales of Confederate merchandise are soaring. Even I, a proud Midwesterner, am going to buy some, because 1) I want to make a point, 2) Confederate stuff is now outlaw and thus “cool”, and 3) I want to have a badass story to tell my Grandkids one day. Sooooo I’ll definitely be hunting down some choice gear this week.
And I say that as someone who has never, up until this point, even considered buying Confederate anything.
They’re nuts.
One more point- they’re also desperate. As an outsider, it looks to me like they’re also trying to relive the past in some kind of sick way. As I said in my last post, the Civil War was over 150 years ago! It’s been decided! But the regime has had its pride hurt so badly lately that it’s like its trying to “re-win” the Civil War to give itself an ego boost.
But this is nuts. There are no guarantees in things like this. Re-opening the wounds of the Civil War may uncover things that the government isn’t prepared for.
And there is no guarantee that, if in trying to “re-live” their successful wars of the past, that this time around, they’ll win them again.
Who knows? Maybe this is the start of Civil War II, and things will turn out differently this time.
They’re nuts.