The “logic”, such as it is, behind this push to ban the flag seems to be this:
Nazis are evil, and we (liberals) banned their flag, and everyone liked us for it. Even Germans! So let’s do it all over again and ban the Confederate flag too! People will like us.
Yes, I believe this is what they’re thinking. As impossibly simple and wrong as this is, I believe that these are their thoughts, in a nutshell.
The issue with this logic is that it doesn’t jibe, at all, with history. Germans didn’t want their flag banned. Of course they didn’t. Immediately after the German surrender, resistance to the US merely went underground.
They only reason that the German resistance to the US ended is because of mass bribery (the “Marshall Plan”). In short, we gave Germany an enormous amount of money- many billions of dollars (in 1950’s money, back when dollars meant actual gold) to hush up and accept US dominance quietly.
So the dominance was accepted, and it continued to be accepted long afterwards because of money. The Germans have now the most advanced and industrialized society in the history of the world. So yes, they’ve gone along with the plan. But primarily for reasons of self- interest and profit, of course.
There are no such reasons for conservative whites to go along with the regime’s plan to ban their symbols. There is in fact no reason whatsoever for them to “work with” any of this. So why should they? They won’t, of course. Self- interest trumps all. It’s human nature.
The problem, as I see it, is that liberals seem to have bought into their own hype. The really actually see themselves as being “above” such petty concerns. They’re not, and that’s not how others see them, but they’ve convinced themselves that those opinions don’t matter. Or their heads are so far up their asses that they don’t even realize how many people truly disagree with them.
Back to what I was saying earlier- the harsh truth is that money is also the reason that Southerners embraced the North. They stopped their resistance for the benefits of free economic development, and little else. For centuries, they got to bask in the glow of being in the richest nation in history. So of course they stopped resistance! Who wouldn’t in those circumstances?
So these things were more of an even exchange. Germany repudiated its past and got what it wanted, the South did the same got what it (really) wanted, and the rest was history.
But this new push to ban the Confederate flag… is no exchange. It’s pure bullying. It’s wrong, and it must and will inevitably fail.
Such is the way.