Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XVII

I don’t get it, but I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.

I think it unfortunate that the economies of many if not all Western countries are in free fall mode, and the establishment’s primary domestic initiative in recent years seems to have been the one to make gay marriage legal.

To wit- the real unemployment rate in Greece is something like 45%, and it’s not a whole lot better in many other European countries. Here in the US, less than half of all working age adults actually have a job. And I’m not talking about a full time job, I’m talking about any job, including menial temp work, seasonal work, and part time work.

The college debt problem has never been higher- total student loans in the US clock in now at an ungodly and unpayable $1.3 trillion. The housing problem has never been worse- who in the hell can afford an actual house these days? It’s insane! The federal debt is at $18 trillion and rising fast- deficits have never been higher, the money velocity is lower than it was during the Great Depression, etc, etc.

One would think that these facts would cause great alarm amongst the press and intelligentsia, especially now, with food prices and insurance premiums rising across the board and peoples’ savings tapped out.

But no… we get a campaign to save gay marriage. A campaign to save the world’s economy? Not important. Gay marriage is what matters! The world’s economy can go fuck itself!

They’re nuts.

I don’t know what they’re doing, but to my eyes, it looks like they’re afraid. They’re too scared to tackle the big problems, so they’re going after B.S. “problems” like the gay marriage issue.

A federal ruling on gay marriage isn’t important. It’s not going to change things for any but an infinitesimal percentage of the population. The states that have a large amount of gays (i.e. California and New York, amongst others) have already allowed gay marriage. The ruling changes nothing for them. So now, who, Louisiana, needs to allow gay marriage? What does that change? Why is this news? Why was this even done? I get that some people wanted it, of course they did, but was it really a good use of time and resources to pursue this as the world’s economy is literally melting down?

I call attention again to the ridiculous campaign against the Confederate flag. Why is the regime going after supporters of the Confederate flag, when the Wall Street bankers who almost destroyed the world’s economy in 2008 are walking about with not a care in world?

The recent “victories” of the left are pyrrhic victories at best. They’ve won, but again, they’ve sacrificed their legitimacy to do so.

They’re wrecked the future of their movement. They’re now seen universally by outsiders as enemies and children. They’ve made compromise impossible. After all, what can you say to someone who seems to find gay marriage in Texas more important than the stability of the world’s economy? Someone who thinks that is a zealot, a religious loony.

I don’t know. All of this is just sad.

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