TaylorGate, Part III

Hmmm… I just saw that she apologized. This isn’t ideal, but she must walk a fine line. It’s going to be tough for Taylor, here on out.

As I already talked about, the left- rappers, The Huffington Post, Salon, CNN, etc. hates Taylor, despite what they say to her face. She’s white and successful, so they really and truly despise her and would prefer that she go away, or maybe die or something.

And furthermore, the fact that she recently unseated Beyonce as the “Queen of Pop” does not sit well with liberals and blacks at all.

One of the pillars of the liberal ethos is the myth of Black American musical superiority. Liberals have always believed in the mythology of the magical negro- the idea that the “Black Experience” is somehow more authentic and poignant than that of others, and most especially that of the German middle class. They believe in this so strongly that it’s accepted by them as a given that that’s how a smart person thinks. The belief in this myth is so central to the liberal mindset that it acts as a kind of litmus test for acceptance into their club/cult- hence the emotional cries for vengeance against Taylor for, I think, unseating Beyonce. To them, Taylor’s success isn’t a small offense. It attacks their mindset. Their religion and their politics. Their whole way of life.

I don’t think that Taylor’s apology is going to work, if what Taylor wants is to get into their good graces.

They hate her, deeply and truly. Her success, if not her existence, offends them. This is war, and as the liberal system continues to fall apart and the economic depression rolls on and on, things are only going to get more heated. They’ll try to destroy her in ways that will stun her and her fans, who still, even now, seem to be confused and thinking that “We’re all in this together”. No, guys, no, we’re not. Not even close.

What Taylor needs to realize is that ultimately, she will need to abandon the left entirely and join a more right-wing musical culture, like Country and Western again, if she wants to thrive.

There should be no problem with this, considering what’s coming.

*checks watch*

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