Democracy of the Day

Donald Trump.

His campaign is… very, very me. All of it is so very me.

This isn’t something I say lightly; this judgment is why I haven’t blogged about politics in so long. I just wanted to see if my hunch regarding Trump- my first-impression guess that he was taking his cues from me- was correct. I’ve seen enough to make a definitive statement, I think.

I think that my ideas and attitude form the philosophical and social girding for much of his campaign. You can see this is so much of what he does, both during the debates and in the stories that he tells in his speeches on the campaign trail.

This isn’t to say that it’s actually me up there. It isn’t. But many of my ideas, and much of my attitude, seem to form the mold that created his Presidential run.

So… what does this mean?

Well, it means that my plans worked, after all. Years ago, I remarked that one of my goals was to commandeer the conservative movement for my own purposes. Funny me, I thought I had failed, but it turns out that I just didn’t wait long enough to see the real results of my efforts.

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