Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXI

Liberals are caught in an epic, horrific bind.

It has to do with their prophecies. Specifically, the one I talked about yesterday. The prophecy of The Great Changes of 2050.

As I see it, the problem started a long time ago, when liberals began to think that their ideas represented “progress” to some celestial destiny. As in, their ideals, once implemented, were somehow immutable and immune to history. They seemed to have gotten it into their heads that they were on a Mission From God to enact certain policies.

Liberals act as if they believe themselves above things like self-examination. They don’t doubt themselves, not ever, for any reason. Any setback they have in the march to The Great Changes of 2050 isn’t a cause for self-reflection, but an obstacle placed in front of them to test their faith. You know, like how God imposed tests upon the prophets of the Old Testament.

Thus, the rise of Trump and anti-immigrationism isn’t taken as a learning experience. It’s taken as a problem that must be overcome if The Prophecy is to be fulfilled. And the same holds for many other recent phenomena- the rise of white consciousness online, white anger at black crime, my own rebellion against the system, Putin’s masterful strategies against the diversity army, Obama’s absolute failure to help the US economy during the last seven years, the catastrophe that is Obamacare, the general and comprehensive loss of faith in all mainstream institutions in young white males, the failure to enact any kind of gun control at all, the enormous and powerful international resistance to Obama’s trade pacts like the TPP, and everything else… all of these, are tests. Nothing is to be learned from any of these things, because what is there to learn, really? After all, isn’t this present time just a trial run for The Great Changes of 2050?

So… they never change. They never budge and never even learn from their mistakes, even in the face of devastating, catastrophic failure. It’s nuts.

Well… perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself, a bit. They do change in one way. They get angry when they fail. Not at themselves, but at others, and working class white men in particular. Always, when they fail, the issue isn’t anything that they did. No, it is always something that we did, or didn’t do, for them. As if we have some kind of moral obligation to live our lives solely so they can realize their fantasies.

It’s nuts.

It’s also unfortunate. The left today is a grotesque parody of its former self. They now openly embrace tyranny and thought suppression with both hands. They gleefully boast about their status and wealth, and freely and publicly spit upon those of lesser social status, with, again, working class white men receiving the brunt of the abuse. They also purposely push for and enact policies that cause grotesque economic inequalities, and they do with a laugh in others’ faces. And they do all of this with absolute confidence, because The Great Changes of 2050 means that they have been ordained to rule forever, so who the fuck cares about what these plebeians think, really? They’ll be irrelevant once The Prophecy has been fulfilled. So fuck them.

It’s craziness.

Pure, undiluted craziness.

The issue with all of this is that The Prophecy likely isn’t going to come true (see my previous post), so now, with the future unfolding, they’re stuck. They’ve gone all in on The Prophecy. Everything they have is at stake here, since they’ve burned all their other bridges. Obvious case in point- young white men, who are way too far gone for them to ever reach again. So… I don’t know what they’re thinking, except to say that these days they also seem afraid and confused.

I think that fear is actually what is behind much of their recent actions, from Ferguson to Mizzou To Paris. It’s all about control, now. Control of the internet, control of encryption, control of cell phones and even the in-person conversations held by the public. The multiculturalists are desperately afraid, because they have no backup plan, and it’s too late to make one at this point.

It’s kind of scary, to see them flailing about and thrashing around like they are. But, this is the situation they’ve put themselves in. They can’t be dumped in the trashcan of history fast enough, IMHO.

Que sera, sera.

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