Ok, I need to explain the *Whew*.
Truthfully, I had moments of doubt with Kylie. I don’t have them often when I mold celebs, but I definitely did have them with her. I don’t want people to think I was 100% sure of Kylie, because I wasn’t. It was more like 75%. Or, actually, like 50% sure, or less, at times.
Sometimes I had visions of Kylie going off the rails because 1) she’s super sheltered in many ways (like all the Kardashians, so that isn’t really her fault), 2) she’s a Kardashian, and maybe they don’t have good role models near them besides me (I’ve never seen their show), 3) Hollywood types, especially young and pop culture oriented ones, and then most especially those of that type raised in the bubble, and then most especially those of that type who hang out with uneducated, ignent (sic.) rappers, are surrounded by awful hanger-on types who might be extremely bad for them (like lure them into drugs, etc.), and 4) Kylie herself seems to have little education outside of what is offered by the pop culture bubble (I say seems, because I don’t know for sure, but she is a Kardashian, and they’re not known for being geniuses (to be very polite), sooooo…).
So I had visions. And sometimes, not good ones.
Yes, with her, I had moments of doubt. As in, could even I do this? Could I make something of Kylie?
I guess so.