It’s just the same speech, over and over and over and over again.

It never changes!

Yes- it’s always delivered eloquently, and with passion, skill and conviction.

But it’s still the same damn speech.

I get the appeal of it. It’s nice to hear, and you must respect the ability of those who give their individual spins on it.

But it’s still the same damn speech.

The contrast between the RNC and the DNC could not be more glaring. The RNC was interesting. Like everyone else, I was curious to see and hear what Trump would have to offer the country.

Tonight, I feel like there’s no reason at all to watch the DNC tomorrow. I mean, why would I? Hilary will just give the same speech as the one her husband gave, and the one that Biden gave. And the one that Obama gave, and the one that what’s-his-name-her-vice-president gave.

On top of that, everything just seemed so stale. So old. So precise, and skillful, yet so… boring. So unimaginative. So very 2008.

This… isn’t going to work.

Another reason I stepped back from Trump is because I wanted to give the Democrats another shot. All of my girlfriends like them, so, yes, I more than once considered that perhaps I could learn something, or perhaps a lot, from today’s Democrats. I was curious, and I wanted to see.

God, I’m just so disappointed.

I feel like to those who love the speech, it must have been heaven to hear it relentlessly and unforgivingly over the course of the night. But to those who may have been on the fence, this isn’t going to cut it.

I think it telling that Obama kept referring back to 4 years ago, to 8 years ago, to 12 years ago. It’s because he, like everyone else in that room, seems frozen in time.

Obama’s speech, as well delivered and eloquent as it was, was a disaster. It almost would have been better for Hilary had he screwed up. Going out of his way to emphasize that the speech he was giving was so similar to the speech he gave 12 years ago at his first DNC is precisely the reason why we need him out of office.

People have moved on. In case the Democrats haven’t gotten the memo, they’re angry, and tonight was a good example of why. People are sick and tired of hearing the same damn speech, delivered over and over again. They want, need, and deserve something new.

I don’t get why this isn’t obvious. I saw the DNC on CNN, and all the commentators could talk about was how good Obama’s speech was. Obama’s speech may have been good for him, but it was not for her. He, like her husband, and her VP pick, fucked up.

This is what happens in oligarchies. People get cut off from the outside world. They get isolated. They focus on “giving a good speech”, rather than connecting with the public.

Trump’s speech wasn’t good, but it was effective. It was overly long, but people really listened. Tonight’s speeches were more efficient than his but ineffective because everyone already knew the punchline beforehand.

To me, tonight seemed more like an epitaph than a beginning.

It felt like a swan song.

It felt like the end of an era.

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