Refusing the “Alt-Right”, Part IV

I’m still not seeing it.

This stuff… whatever it is, doesn’t seem to be working.

I’ve been watching, still- I gave it a few weeks in this case, just to see. In that time, I’ve only become more convinced that the “alt-right” isn’t the movement, or whatever, for me.

I think the problem is the confusion. The “Alt-Right” seems to have too big a diversity of opinions. What it seems to me is that everyone under the sun who has a slightly conservative bent in some direction, who also doesn’t like the GOP for whatever reason, is part of the “alt-right”. Thus, the movement’s foundations are built on logically contradictory things. On things that should never be brought together, ever.

It all just doesn’t make sense to me. I won’t go into the details so much, since I’ve already done so, but it should suffice to say that I’ve never seen a movement so disorganized in it’s message or purpose.

The “alt-right” seems to not know why it exists. Does it hate the political system or not? If it does, than why does it support the consummate political insider- billionaire oligarch Trump? Does it hate the GOP or not? If it does, than why does it support the GOP’s candidate so fervently? And why is it throwing it’s support behind those institutions that seem most directly aligned against the values they say they love, like the US military and the Christian church?

Blah blah. Etc.

I don’t get it, except to say that the movement as a whole doesn’t seem as though it will have much staying power.

I’ll contrast this with liberals, who, until very recently, had logically consistent and on-point messages. Everything they did from about 1920 to now was based on dismantling the “patriarchy”, i.e. middle class white male culture and demographics. This simplicity of message gave their movement staying power and direction. It kept it aloft, and gave it many successes, in those years when it was still a viable choice.

I mentioned this before, but the Alt-Right to me seems too confused to even identify it’s enemy properly. We all know who the liberals hated. They made it clear, and their message was always consistent. But nobody knows WTF these alt-rightists are gunning for. Are they against an institution? A government? A race? An idea? WTF do they stand for, exactly?

This… IMHO, is the problem. And it may not be fixable.

This is why Trump doesn’t get support from such a huge swath of the populace. His lack of a consistent message makes him seem dangerous and unstable. It make it look as though his whole platform is based on anger, rather than any positive idea for a successful future, of some kind, for someone, somewhere, besides himself.

Are these guys racists, or not? If they are, they need to just go right out and SAY it. If they did, it would put everyone’s minds at rest. I mean, at least we’d know where it is that they actually stand on this issue, at least.

It’s the constant shucking and jiving of the “alt-rightists” that puts everyone off.

You know- some parts of this movement seem to hate Jews. Ironically, it’s for the very thing that they themselves are doing, right now, by refusing to actually say publicly what it is that they actually stand for.

People, just SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, for once. Are you racists, or not? Do you truly believe that the races are “equal”, or not? Just SAY IT!

This goes back to what I said in my previous screed here, against Christianity. How do you reconcile a love for Jesus’ teachings with the reality that everyone who represents those teachings hates you and everything you stand for?

And the same goes for the military- how do you reconcile a love for a strong US military with the reality that it’s the US military that has been at the forefront of pushing through every social change that you say you hate so much? Trump has repeatedly said that he wants a stronger military, and this is one of the few messages of his that nobody doubts. So… what? How do you square away this with the things you say you believe?

And Trump, himself. This oligarch represents the very system you say you hate. And you’re going to vote for him? Why?

I, like everyone else, would be more comfortable if Trump and his supporters would stop acting so damn soft and self-conscious and actually SAY WHAT IT IS THAT THEY ACTUALLY THINK. Are they concerned about the long-term future of whites in America? So, SAY IT.


This… movement, apparently led by quasi racists, is trying to bring in black voters, for some reason. As in, they actually think that blacks will willingly go along for the ride and freely submit to the rule of race-conscious whites, you know, like they did back in the good ‘ol days of Jim Crow and the three fifths rule, just… because. Because they’ve been asked nicely. Guys, that isn’t going to happen, because that’s not how things work. And they repeatedly now compare Trump to Reagan, the failure who amnestied every illegal in the country.

Regarding Trump’s actual plans- if what he’s said thus far are in fact his actual plans- I don’t much like them. We need not just a wall, we need a twenty year, if not permanent, stop to ALL immigration, from everywhere. What good is a wall, if the people stopped by it just immigrate here legally, instead? What have we accomplished, then? Nothing. And we need an end to to the Reagan stupidity, and I mean all of it. Everything Reagan did in office was bad, and I mean literally every single thing, so everything he did should be reversed- both at home and abroad.

… I don’t know. What I think that all of this boils down to is that I still don’t trust Trump.

And a few other people.

But… that’s neither here nor there, right now.

Tonight, I might like to talk about other things, because I haven’t done that in a while.

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