Laugh of the Day

I visited at work today, as I tend to do about once a month. It’s a force of habit, I guess, and I need to do something to unwind sometimes. As usual, I was disappointed. It’s mostly a rag now. The Salon of today is a parody of itself as it was during it’s nineties glory years. Hell, the Salon of today almost makes one pine for the unspeakable “Video Dog” era.

I did get something out my brief visit, though- a good, hearty laugh. I saw one of the unintentionally funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life.

There, on the front page, was a headline: “Michael Dunn and Open Season on Black Teenagers: The Onslaught of White Murder”.

God, I could barely contain myself! I nearly fell out of my chair trying to restrain my muffled chuckling.

I didn’t read the article. There was no need, of course. But I’m grateful that I saw the headline when I could.

After I recovered, I reflected. Is Salon just trolling everybody these days? I mean… they can’t be serious, right?

I don’t know for sure, but I do know that the pure, undistilled crazy of a modern Salon or Huffington Post can really enliven a boring work day.

Thanks for the laughs, guys!

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