Some Stuff, Part II

So, I’ve been staying away, a bit. From here, and from some other things, and people.


Leaving aside some personal family and job-related stuff, I’ve needed some psychic distance from a lot of things because of a variety of reasons.

First… the holidays. That’s really a time for my direct family, IMO.

Secondly, the election. God, am I glad that’s decided! Though, I will admit, Trump is worrying me a lot right now. I took some time off from blogging after the election on the assumption that it was over, and it was, but apparently it wasn’t fully- at least, not for him, and for a whole truckload of really, really tiresome leftists.

It’s kind of agonizing. I’ve talked about this before. Elections in this country last literally for years. The Presidential election cycle essentially begins the day the winner of the last election is inaugurated. And that isn’t an exaggeration. Watch, you’ll see. The day after Trump takes office, there will be op-eds in newspapers focusing on the 2020 election. Just watch.

That being the case, after the election I had kind of hoped for a brief respite from it all- from Trump, from the GOP, from Hillary, and from everything else. But, that’s not what I got. Not even close.

Ugh. This crap just never ends.

See, this is what I was warning about, vis-a-vis Trump. His style is no different from the rest of them. He seems to really and truly think that all of this is about him. Typical oligarch. Typical spoiled little rich boy. So instead of just clamming up and going about his business, preparing for his term in office like a mature statesman and a real conservative, he refuses to leave those damn twitter spats of his behind him.

And no, I’m not going, yet, to criticize his politics or cabinet choices. Not yet. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, first. Because it’s the right thing to do. We’ll see who he is and what he does once he takes office.

Thirdly, there’s the whole Zoey Deutch controversy. Since I published that blog post about her, I’ve been having an internal back and forth about some of what I discussed within it, particularly about how disconcerting it is that everyone, including me, her parents and her, just takes it for granted that we’re going to start regularly fucking each others’ brains out, as if it was just some forgone conclusion, decided decades ago, like we’re both involved in some kind of 3rd world style arranged marriage or something.

Not saying we’re not going to do it, mind you. We will. But… it is kinda strange, you’ll have to admit.

Food for thought, on my end.

Fourthly, one of the things I’ve been determined to do this year is to finally use my own powers on myself- see those posts I made at the turn of the new year for my new attitude on this.

And yes, that attitude is different. It represents a break from the past, in which I used the “evil wizard” approach to fixing my and others’ problems.

Basically, I’m tired of advancing myself indirectly, by empowering and then mind controlling others to carry out my will in my place, whether they’re from Hollywood, or DC, or the office, or youTube, or elsewhere. Now, I’m curious to see what I can do w/ my own body, soul and career, directly.

So, one of my projects lately (in the last few months) has been to use my powers to finally get that body I’ve always wanted. Yes, after years of threatening that, I’m finally doing it.

And thus far it’s working, too. Which means good things, and bad, since acquiring the perfect physique apparently requires an enormous amount of energy, both mental and physical. I’ve been draining my fat stores, for example, and that’s been extremely tiring. I feel exhausted, sometimes, and I’m not sure if it’s from my own efforts to mentally direct this or from the toxins that might be now flooding my bloodstream, or both.

At any rate, I’m pretty tired, and I feel that I will be until this particular project is finished.

But it will be worth it, in the end. I’m still curious to see what I look like with a six pack, or whatever it is that I’ll end up with. Should be interesting.

I’m so glad I can do this, now, while not yet working. It really does require tons of energy. Too much, I think, for me to work and force this out, too. But maintenance should be a cinch.

Fifthly, the monster known as the Fappening has returned, along with all of it’s attendant time- consuming craziness and drama.

This… requires a separate post, I think, since I haven’t written about it in awhile.

I think I’ll stop here, for now. I need to ease back into blogging.

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