Sochi with the Mochi

What’s a Mochi? I don’t know.

And, frankly, I don’t care.

Why? I don’t care because I just saw the ladies short program, that’s why. Oh, the drama! The excitement! The cute girls! The skating!

I had a fun evening, with a few caveats. It’s such a shame that Mao Asada didn’t perform to the best of her abilities. I’ll never forget her long program at Vancouver. It was dark, imposing, and oh-so perfect. It was a slice of heaven on ice. You could have fixed a car with her triple axels.

Yulia’s unfortunate fall did have the nice side effect of boosting Sotnikova’s stature, so I guess that moment wasn’t all bad. Yulia just needs a few more years. I’ll look forward to seeing her in 2018.

Yuna Kim was, as expected, awesome. What a talent! What a beauty! I love her!! I’ll never forget her Vancouver performances either, though I confess that I did forget her name. I should have taken Gracie Gold’s cue from her instagram picture and googled her. It didn’t help matters that I honestly expected Yuna to not even show up at these Olympics. She was so supremely transcendant at Vancouver that it almost seemed like she wouldn’t need to bother any more with the affairs of us mortals. At the time, I was so, so impressed with her that I considered a relationship with her, only to back down because her perfectness scared me. How can you make someone like her better? You can’t. All you can do is bring her down… so I stayed away.

Kostner ruled. So glad to see that she got it together. I admit that I didn’t see her potential in her previous Olympic performances. Pleased to see that I was wrong.

Gracie. Was. Awesome. I little nervous? Who cares. For her first Olympics, she rocked it and then some. Her outfit was pretty but not as pretty as the blue one, which I hope she wears again for her long program.

Ashley was spunky and cool. She had so much energy and personality! She also seemed to have more power than the select few girls that NBC showed me tonight. She can jump on a dime and land on a half-penny (Nyuck, nyuck!).

Polina Edmunds is cool.

I wish I could gush more but I need to see Swifty and then go to bed.

I won’t talk to anyone before the long performances are done. These wonderful people have enough to think about! Plus, I need time to think of a few decent skating-related pick up lines (Are your legs tired? Because you’ve been… nah).

Must… go… to… bed… brain… shutting… down…


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