So, with Trump having had over 50 days in office now, where are we?
The same place we were 50 days ago, it looks like. And the same place we were 50 days before that, and then 50 days before that.
You know what? Fuck it. I need to vent. Hence, this post.
I really, really just hate politicians in this country. Not a one of them is worth the brain power needed to think of a way to criticize them, yet we’re all forced to deal with them anyways.
And I’m getting really tired of hearing politicians talk about themselves, and of hearing others talk about politicians talking about themselves.
So, where are we, now? We’re 50 plus days into the Trump administration, and everything Trump has done since his inauguration has been about him. Not the country. Not even his family. But HIM.
I’ve written before about how my great fear in regards to Trump is that he would turn out to be another traitor like Bush or Reagan, but in this case, even that would be in some ways an improvement, as that would at least show some initiative or curiosity on Trump’s part.
More than 50 days in, and Trump has done nothing of importance, good or bad, and as far as I can tell, he has shown no inclinations to do much of anything in the future, either.
Where is the wall? Where is the crack down on Wall Street excess that we were promised? Where is the immigration stop? Where is the end to street violence? Where is the repeal of Obamacare? And where the fuck is everything else? None of that is here, and it’s nowhere that I can see, either.
There appears to be no substance to his administration. At this point he is looking exactly like the man is described in my earlier posts- he looks like an sheltered oligarch awkwardly aping the mannerisms, concerns and ideals of working class people. In the Oval Office, he looks like a fish out of water almost as much as then Obama did.
Thus far I have found little to like in him or his actions since he took office.
Enough, already, with this talk of Obama wiretapping. NOBODY FUCKING CARES, and Trump, you look like a self-absorbed brat even mentioning it, even if it is true. Just SHUT UP.
Thus far the tone of Trump’s admin has been a mixture of extremely dated 1980’s GOP boilerplate militaristic nonsense mixed with Obama-era multicult garbage mixed Keeping up With the Kardashians. And, UGH, I mean that literally. Thus far, Trump’s three most notable acts as President have been a proposal for a massive and senseless increase in the military budget, a proposal to keep Obamacare up and running (!) in all but name only, and a summit with Kanye West.
People, what the FUCK?
No, no, no!
Trump, you have a JOB to do. You were HIRED by people, in this case the public, to CLOSE THE BORDER, amongst other things.
Trump, it is not difficult to build a wall. With modern techniques and an infinite amount of money at your disposal, a wall separating the US and Mexico could be built in a week, to be generous to you.
And there is no reason why such a wall has not been built already, except for the obvious one, which is that you, and the rest of the oligarchs, really do not want to build it.
If we can declare war on Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and Vietnam with a Presidential Order, than surely a fucking wall can be built with one, too.
Look, guys, the circus that is Washington, D.C. is running on borrowed time. The depression that started in 2008 continues, unabated, to this day.
Trump is being given a grace period, to allow him to acclimate himself to the job. But that grace period will not last long. He needs to PRODUCE, and do it like NOW.
What I’m thinking now, as I close out this post, is how Trump’s presidency illustrates everything that is wrong with oligarchy.
Trump and the other oligarchs are inherently uninterested in the advancement of the nation, or in the fixing of it’s problems. Their only interest lies in stability- of the country, maybe, but really of themselves. In an oligarchy, those with power work only to keep it, and they will only change if they believe that change will help them hold onto power.
Hence, of course, Trump’s reluctance to fulfill any of his campaign promises. To my eyes, he seems unsure if closing the border will benefit himself, his own constituents be damned. So, it hasn’t been closed yet, and it might never get closed in actuality. I would not put it past him or those around him to half-ass a “wall” with giant gaps that would allow the flood of illegals to only be moderately reduced, as opposed to eliminated. Why? Because this would benefit the rich, and Trump, like the rest of the oligarchs, are all about money and position, and not principles.
I believe that this motivation is what inspired Carson’s recent goofy comparison between slaves and immigrants. What he (Carson, or maybe his handler) is trying to do to generate sympathy for immigrants amongst black people with such idiotic, nonsensical statements. Then, hopefully, Trump can use that sentiment to weasel his way out of his promises.
Well, either that, or Carson is just a typical Affirmative Action employee. Illogical, untalented, and awkwardly foolish, but impossible to fire or ignore without causing too much of a hassle.
You know, what I would really like to see within my lifetime is this: A political administration I can actually respect.
I hope, truly, that this is not an impossibly tall order for the oligarchy to fill. Though it may well be.
I don’t want a president that takes advice from Kanye fucking West, and I don’t particularly want one who comes from a Reality TV background, either. And I certainly don’t want one that is an illegal immigrant from Kenya, or one who deliberately and openly declares war on his own country with a terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland, or one who prefers getting blowjobs from ugly interns instead of preventing the dismantling of the entire nation’s economy.
I’m getting really tired of this shit, guys. Me and everyone else, really.
The oligarchy here runs on inertia and fumes. Once upon a time, a LONG time ago, the people who ran this country were competent, good natured, and wise. They knew how to act in such a way that their actions benefited the people as well as themselves.
Because of this legacy, the fools running the ship now have been given “Get Out of Jail Free” cards by the public. Hence why none of them have yet been executed for treason, regardless of their actions.
Oligarchs- it’s time that you kids grew up, and started acting like adults.
If you don’t, one day, the warnings will stop.
Keep that in mind.