Trump’s approval ratings are continuing to sink. That isn’t the problem. The problem is that Trump is doing everything in his power to help that process along.
Oh, GOD. More bad, bad, bad news in the last few days coming from the Trump camp. Now, he’s getting aggressive with North Korea, AND Syria. Jesus Christ!
Trump……I can’t even, at this point.
I have a question for people. Is Trump trying to sink the government on purpose? Is this some kind of sabotage? If so, it’s brilliant. If not, it’s… unfathomable.
I simply cannot believe what I’m seeing coming out of the White House these days. Trump’s administration is just truly vile. He is in fact worse than Obama, who was the previous worst president ever since Dubya left office.
My God, they just keep getting worse!!! It’s baffling. Every time you think they’ve hit rock bottom, you realize that they’ve yet more ground to dig. It’s just amazing. It really is.
Trump’s approval ratings are horrifically bad, right now, for an incumbent president. You would think that he would actually try to do something about this, you really would, but that isn’t the name of the game here. In this country, the oligarchs must come first, regardless of consequence or cost. Their needs aren’t just paramount, their needs are in fact the only needs that exist, here.
So, we’re getting war, apparently, in the Middle East. Yes, AGAIN.
You know… I just can’t, at this point. I don’t know what to say, or do, that could change things, or make any of this mess anything close to salvageable.
It’s just… unbelievable.
You would have thought, at this point, that Trump would have paid attention to the fact that our economy is melting down- if not actually done something about it. But no, no. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
The best we’ve gotten from him is more collusion from the people that destroyed the economy in the first place.
This week, Trump met with a bunch of his oligarch buddies (this time, business leaders) and they had a “round table” discussion chiefly to deflect responsibility and to publicly pretend to care about having an interest in seeing this country thrive, and in seeing that people here actually have a chance at gainful, non-humiliating employment.
These “round table” discussions about economics are one of the time-honored tools of the oligarchy that can’t help but fall flat in the current environment. I remember back in high school that Clinton used to have those things. Nothing positive came from those, either.
The oligarchs that Trump invited to discuss things obviously do not care one iota about jobs in this country. You can tell because of their actions. For something like the last ten years, the US oligarchs have spent their money on things like stock buybacks in their own companies. Back when this country had a future, what would happen is that wealthy people would spend their excess cash on their actual businesses- by buying equipment, inventing new kinds of product, hiring workers, offering incentives to their employees, and things like that.
Even the robber barons of the 20’s used to make it a point to “give back”, somehow, at least some of their wealth and experience to the public.
But to people like Bezos, things such as I just described are as foreign as the air on Mars. People like him just exist elsewhere. It’s like, they don’t “get it” to such an extent that nobody even expects them to know what normal, compassionate human behavior is like. They’re just out there, doing whatever it is that they do, far, far from reality.
And so, to deflect blame even further, we’re getting another dumb war in the Middle East, and more dumb talk about wiretapping, as if anyone has even given a fuck about any of that.
Those are the kinds of things- small wars, and meaningless spats between plutocrats- that are enjoyable when the basic things, like jobs and purchasable housing and such, are available to the great mass of people.
You will know when things are changing for the better once the stock market crashes, and/or dies, so the money will go elsewhere- say, into the hands of people that will actually use it for something, as opposed to people like Bezos or Trump who will never spend it at all and just dumbly sit on it for the rest of their lives.
This stuff… isn’t working. Trump is looking exactly right now like I thought he would when I envisioned a worst-case scenario for his Presidency. He’s looking like the emblem of a failed government, and a failed economy, if not of a failed country altogether.
No good is going to come from any of this, ever. Words cannot express how disappointed I and the rest of John-Q public is in our “leaders” and how they have utterly failed on every level we can imagine to make life better for anyone else.
The US government is truly the worst and ugliest government in the world right now. People like Trump, Obama and Bezos are making the rest of us ashamed to be American.
It is mind-boggling how horrid our leadership actually is. Compare the mood of the country now, with what it was 20 years ago. It’s just unfathomable how far we’ve fallen in such a short amount of time.
There really is no way out of this, at this point.
Ah, well. We had a nice run, while it lasted.