Team Trump: It’s the economy, stupids!
I can’t stress this enough, so I’m going to do it again, and again and again, until some nugget of truth penetrates your thick skulls and buries itself in your little brains.
Trump, your infrastructure plans will never fly in this environment. The problem we have is not a lack of infrastructure, it is a lack of JOBS and crucially MONEY, because your friends and yourself are fucking HOARDING ALL OF IT.
Trump, what good is an infrastructure project going to do in this environment? Leaving besides the obvious problem of the US government being far too indebted to pay for such a thing, who is actually going to use the infrastructure that is going to be built?
What good is a road if people lack the money to pay for gasoline to use it? What good is a store if nobody has money enough to shop there?
Trump, the United States is filled with beautiful infrastructure that is laying dormant and decaying because people lack the funds to use it.
Look at the retail apocalypse that is all over the news these days. Yes Trump, LOOK AT IT. Do you know what is causing this? I’ll give you a hint: read everything above this sentence, slowly and carefully. It’s OK; I’ll wait.
Trump, I want you to THINK about what I said about gasoline. That is not a throwaway comment. I want you to think about why people are driving far less miles in their cars in total than they used to, even as the population of the country continues to climb. And no, it’s not because YouTube and Netflix are so gosh darn entertaining. It’s because driving in many cases is a luxury, and when people are suffering from a severe lack of discretionary funds, as most people in this country are, they’re going to cut back on driving as much as they can.
Trump, you are doing things in the wrong order, as usual. Infrastructure is something that emerges naturally from a healthy, working economy. *Forcing* it on a country that obviously cannot afford it, during a time when few besides the rich can use it anyways, is not a bright idea.
The price of oil reflects this. The world can see plainly that the US government is pushing it up as much as possible on orders from the banks. Without this support, it would crater due to a severe lack of demand, because people aren’t driving anywhere here, anymore. Why the hell would they? How can they? And with that in mind, why are we thinking that more roads are going to fix anything at this point?
I can’t stress enough how dumbly wrongheaded your plans and policies are, Trump. And I mean all of them.
WTH are you doing with North Korea, Trump? That is not *our* problem, you doofus! Why are you so concerned about defending the border between North and South Korea, anyways? There is a massive border crisis right here, in your own country, which you already know about, yet are clearly too lazy to bother fixing!
And again, this stupidity about Syria just boggles the mind. I cannot believe that we’re inching into yet another one of these stupid, nonsensical, idiotic wars. Honestly, the fact that such a thing is even on the table as a possibility at this point is so irresponsible it and of itself is grounds for impeachment.
Every major military foray into the Middle East since 9/11 has been a debacle for this country, and everyone knows it and can see it plainly, except for apparently the fool in the White House and his cronies.
In no way is any military action against Syria acceptable behavior from any US President at this point, concerning our recent history.
Did we learn *nothing* from the Afghanistan debacle? Or the Iraq one? Trump, I’m looking at you here! You, the one who claimed to know more about ISIS then the generals in the US military.
Why oh why oh why are we even thinking about military action in Syria, let alone talking about it?
And this Trumpcare shit. Ugh, WHY? And the tax plan. WHY? WTH are you doing, Trump?
Trump, you have three things to do:
1) Reduce immigration by any means possible.
2) Rein in Wall Street, so that they are not given unfair, civilization crippling advantages over other industries.
3) Work as closely with Putin as possible, so that the US is not left out in the cold after Russia takes over as the world’s pre-eminent nation, after the government here takes it’s long overdue tumble into irrelevance and global mockery.
Any deviation from these three things is a deviation from your path.
Do NOT disappoint me!