The Key Problem With Trump, Part V

One more of these, while I’m still in the mood.

Like the rest of those who supposedly make up Trump’s base, I’m upset at many of those he chose for his cabinet.

Most especially, I have a strong dislike for Trump for choosing his massively unqualified daughter, Ivanka, for a job. Whatever job it is doesn’t matter. Ivanka is not qualified for a political position of any importance, let alone one in the White House.

Trump repeatedly proves to everyone, including his former supporters, how little he understands about why he won the election.

He beat Hillary for the same exact reason that Ivanka should not be in the picture today, at all.

I’ve already discussed this in previous posts here, but Hillary was only a Presidential candidate because her husband was President, once. Her career was nepotism defined. If she hadn’t been Bill’s wife, nobody would know who she is, today.

The same holds true for Ivanka. She is NOT a politician, and nor has she ever been known for her political insights or ideas. She does not deserve her post in the same way that Hillary did not deserve hers. In good times, such things can be overlooked by some in the public. But now, there’s no chance of something like that going over well, at all, and most especially, conservatives see huge problems with her appointment. Conservatives see in Ivanka what they hate most of all, not even politically, but personally. They see nepotism, that hallmark of tyranny and oligarchy, personified.

From a standpoint of a conservative, Ivanka’s appointment runs counter to the very core of everything he believes in and stands for. After all, this country was founded on the belief that Monarchy- i.e. hereditary political power- was tyrannical and unjust.

Trump’s appointment of Ivanka runs so counter to the spirit of American conservatism that you can see plainly that he doesn’t know what the stuff is. I am willing to bet that he never even considered this angle.

At the very least, the elder Bush tried to put some veneer of respectability to his sons’ political careers, by having them work themselves up the political ranks until they reached the point where they could be considered serious contenders for a spot in the White House.

But not Trump. He just skipped all that, and just decided to invent a cushy job for his daughter in the White House, despite her having zero political experience at all. You know, just like the British Monarchy does. You know them- they’re the guys we rebelled against two hundred years ago specifically to get away from such ghastly behavior. They’re the guys that prompted us to set things up so as to hopefully not have to endure such egotistical and awful behavior ever again.

I will reiterate my point here- no American conservative would ever, even in his wildest dreams, do what Trump did with his daughter. That action reeks so strongly of Monarchy that it is almost hard to believe that any American would agree that it is a good idea, or in any way keeping with American political traditions and practices in any form.

And the same holds true for Ivanka’s husband. This is not American politics. This is oligarchy personified. If this is the system we have today, where Presidents just freely choose their own kids to run parts of the government, then why did we even bother to fight the Revolutionary War? Where is the big difference between the old British system and this nonsense?

I’m repeating myself here, but this point needs to be drilled in.

In fact, the more I think about this, the more unjust and wrong it seems. This… is not going to go over well, in the long run, and most especially with Trump’s “base” in conservative America. You know, that place he never visits, save for when he wants money or votes.

This… isn’t going to end well.



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