A few more insights about this, in light of Trump’s awful approval ratings and his attacks on Syria.
What is really striking about Trump is how fast he turned on his base. IMHO, Trump’s about face on his voters was so sudden and sharp that it has taken even his doubters (like me) by surprise.
What we all expected was that if Trump was in fact a faux-conservative, was for him to do an about face gradually, like his predecessors, and under conditions that would have make it publicly acceptable. Like Reagan, and his changes after he got shot, or Bush after 9/11.
Note that in both of those cases, the change from pretend conservative to outright liberal began after a period of time, like over a year.
But Trump… just ditched everything the moment he took office. Less than 3 months on, and he’s a completely different person, and without any reasonable explanation for it, save for the one that he was just lying the whole time throughout his campaign.
In his case, the changes have been so sudden and so unexpected and large that even the slowest of his voters can see it.
It’s nuts, what is happening. Not even in our dreams did anyone think a betrayal of this magnitude was possible.
Trump is looking more and more not just like the guy I thought he was, originally, but something worse: he’s looking like a maniacal despot desperately trying to hold a failing empire together, not for his country’s sake, but to bolster himself and his own family. To me he looks like the Nero stereotype, come to life right before my eyes.
In fact, that’s what all of it looks like, now. We don’t have a government, anymore. It’s just a collection of squabbling and feuding families, like it was in the last days of Rome.
Honestly, at this point, they’re not even trying to hide it, anymore. Long gone from anything is any consideration of representing the people, at all. It’s all about protecting the family lines and keeping the privileges flowing, regardless of the cost.
Kinda sad, that it should end like this. But that is what we were warned against, so long ago.
Maybe next time, people will listen.