The Key Problem With Trump, Part VIII

More stuff, since I’m bored.

1) Trump is sunk. As far as the public goes, he’s over. The left will never like him, and on the right, you have even mainstream people like Ann Coulter, Ron Paul and Michael Savage publicly accusing the government of possibly using a false flag style attack to drum up war. Even standing Congressmen like Rand Paul and others have come out with this accusation, and it’s being talked about on places like CNN.

And of course the blogger world that formerly backed Trump is all over this. I’ve checked every single blogger I knew that once supported Trump, and every one that I’ve seen save for one has raised the issue, too.

LOL. That’s it, then. Trump is done, as far as his base goes at least. And they’re never coming back.

As far as myself goes, of course it was a false flag. I’m not stupid. And even if it wasn’t, it obviously isn’t justification enough for an actual war, anyways.

I think that that’s that, then. lol.

2) One thing that has always angered me about the GOP is the propensity of their politicians to playact like they’re dumb or illiterate in a bid to appeal to “working class folks” such as myself.

This, I have always hated.

Trump isn’t dumb, and neither was Dubya. But they both pretend to be, I guess to mock their supporters, or because they think so little of them that they believe that acting stupid is a way to connect with folks like myself.

I have always despised this, and I think everyone else does, too.

The regime here really does not think much of it’s people. In no other country that I can name do you see the elites openly mock and talk down to it’s people in the way that ours do.

3) I’ve been doing more thinking and watching stuff regarding this disaster since last night, and I’ve noticed a very important but small thing that has emerged since Trump’s revealing of his true form, lol.

That thing is this: the narrative of us-and-the-government has moved out of the fringes and into the mainstream.

Let me explain what I mean.

This is another wise tidbit that I remember from somewhere. Not sure where, though.

That tidbit is this: In a free society, the public talks about political parties. In a tyranny, people talk about “the government”.

What I’ve seen lately is the shift in perspective from Democrat-Republican to citizen-government in the mainstream discourse. Not in all of it, of course. But in a lot of it.

It’s like people are finally giving in to reality. Like they’re not pretending, anymore.

4) It’s done, I think. If Trump can turn on his base this fast, and this completely, the public will never trust another politician again.

Granted, they might like the particular actions of one. But the trust is gone, never to return.

Can a society like ours operate in an environment without trust in it’s leaders, in any capacity?

We’ll soon find out.

5) Another thing I am getting really sick of in regards to Trump is his worship of military force. Same stuff from me regarding all of this, but no really, that’s enough.

Maintaining a military like ours is way, way, way too God damn expensive. The military budget in this country is absolutely preposterous. It’s in the hundreds of billions of dollars a year at least, and hell, it could well be over a trillion a year at this point, when you add everything up including all of the damn wars we’re involved in and maintaining everything else.

Trump, you stupid, ignorant asshole, do you have any idea of how many businesses we could create in this country with an extra trillion dollars a year?

Christ, am I so over all of that. That damn Korean conflict has been going on now for 67 years! 67 YEARS!

There are precious few living Americans that have an active memory of what life was like without that stupid conflict. To put that number into perspective, we’ve been fighting that stupid Korean war now for a longer period of time than we fought the Cold War, the Civil War, both World Wars, the Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812 combined.

WTF, people!

When you think about how much of our national resources must have been used up over the generations for that stupid, inessential conflict, it’s enough to make your heart break.

That’s enough, guys. Really, it is. It’s time to put an end to that little conflict, and while you’re at it, please do the same for the rest of them, too.

Because that’s fucking enough.

Really, it is.

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