The Key Problem With Trump, Part IX

Ugh. ENOUGH with this North Korea nonsense!

Here’s what Trump and his gaggle of nepotists and oligarchs don’t seem to get: his agenda, and the whole reason for his Presidency, is domestic stuff ONLY.

Domestic policy is the ONLY reason he was elected. He has no mandate and NO support amongst the public here or internationally to do anything overseas.

Trump’s Presidency was supposed to be a way to “right the course” domestically. The nation has become too liberal, too diverse and too multicultural, and his Presidency was supposed to bring things back into line with where they’re supposed to be, right now.

That having been said, that is enough saber-rattling with fucking North Korea!

God damn, does that just look terrible. The US right now looks like a empire of power-crazed lunatics. Trump, you’re embarrassing the country. We HATE what you’re doing! STOP IT, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!

End this dumb, illogical shit, and actually start to work on the things that you promised the country that gave you the landslide victory that you and your party received for your promises.

Look, Trump, you mindless, bumbling idiot, your recent actions against Syria, and most especially North Korea, make you look like an incoherent, uneducated bully.

Look, Trump, here’s how it is: North Korea is no threat to this country. I don’t care what North Korea itself says, they aren’t, and everyone knows it. Kim Jong-un and his country are not regarded as being a real threat to the US to anyone under the age of 50, here.

In fact, it’s the opposite that’s the case. Younger Americans in particular don’t see him as being even a problem at all. To a lot (I think most) young Americans, he’s more cute and bumbling than dangerous or “evil”. He seems somewhat odd, yes, but not even close to alarming or scary.

Yes, he might blab about nukes or destroying America or stuff like this, but all that that does is serve to create fodder for jokes on SNL and South Park. We all know he isn’t going to actually do anything. Because he isn’t. Kin Jong-un isn’t perceived to be a realistic threat today.

This ties back neatly to what I said about this stupid conflict in my earlier post about it. This fucking thing has been going on now since the year 1950. If North Korea actually was going to do something, they would have done it by now. They ain’t gonna, not now, not ever.

Maybe 40 years ago, with the USSR backing them, sure, threats from NK would have meant something. But now? Guys, they if they didn’t do anything back then, then they’re not going to do anything now, and we all know it. So WTF is up with this nonsense?

That’s enough, with all this.

The US government looks like a bully right now. We have by far the largest military ever, and it looks like we’re picking on the little guy, to try to cover up for our own internal weaknesses. Probably, because that’s how it is.

Nobody in this country at this point even remembers why this particular conflict even began. Even for those with a working memory of how it started, things are probably hazy at best. I mean, it started back in the middle of the last century. No young person today gets this conflict from a historical perspective. They see the US with it’s enormously power military poking and threatening and posturing against poor defenseless North Korea and it just looks terrible.

Trump- that’s enough of this. Hands off of North Korea, already. Let them do their own thing, whatever that is.

You were elected to fix those damn internal weaknesses that I mentioned above. THAT is your fucking job, you spoiled, pompous, oligarchic, nepostistic asshole. Now STOP PICKING ON THE WEAK AND THE DEFENSELESS, AND DO WHAT YOU’RE FUCKING SUPPOSED TO DO.

The damn border is still open, you asshole! And your approval ratings aren’t going to budge up by any appreciable amount as long as it remains so.

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