More thoughts, in light of what’s happening these days:
1) One thing I have always liked about the North Korean oligarchy is their lack of pretension. They are who they are. The ruling families in North Korea don’t pretend to be democratic, or free, or open. They are honest with themselves and the world about what they want, who they are, and how their country is run.
You don’t get that, here. In the US, you have a long, unbroken string of Presidents that are literally golfing buddies, from Trump to Bush to Clinton and Obama, and yet the public here has to pretend that this country is some kind of “democracy”, and that everyone has an “equal chance” at becoming President.
God, I just hate that. In no way is this country a “democracy” and in no way is that “equal chance” claim true. In fact that claim is so obviously wrong it seems like a way for the American oligarchs to insult their subjects.
Kim Jong-un, for all his faults, is at least honest with his people about how his system is actually run, and his honesty spares everyone involved time and effort.
If the oligarchs here were to simply be honest with people- say, if they were to come out and just tell people that there was no chance they were getting in, that we’re not a democracy, that voting makes no difference, and that activism is pointless and dumb, than the people would, I think, be a bit disappointed at first, but they would then come to respect the honesty of their overlords.
The problem with the system we have is that the oligarchs must engage in a ridiculous, pointless, and idiotic song-and-dance routine every 4 (or 2 and a half) years, as they clown around for peoples’ attentions in a vain and stupid attempt to convince the public here that this is some kind of democratic nation.
It’s pathetic and dumb, and all that that nonsense does is perennially disappoint the public. It makes everyone involved frustrated and angry.
The North Korean people, I’ll bet, are likely not eternally frustrated. Depressed, maybe. Angry, perhaps. But I doubt they’re frustrated, because the leadership there makes no overtures to them and their lot in life, whatever that is. So- they never get disappointed, unlike in this country, where being disappointed with the ruling families is literally a national tradition.
Case in point- Trump, who is an excellent “Exhibit A” for any study on the problems of oligarchy.
Trump’s interest in obviously not in the nation, but in his own family, as to be expected in any oligarchic regime. Hence his appointing his daughter and son-in-law to peachy posts in his administration that they are clearly unqualified for, probably to set them up for planned future successes within the ruling heirachry.
Obviously, this is not what the people who voted for Trump wanted. “Drain the Swamp”, this isn’t. But, that makes no difference- not to him, and not to anyone else attached to the establishment families. Approval ratings be damned, of course.
The North Korean way- of just doing it, as opposed to doing it after spending years promising you wouldn’t, seems to be a better, more moral and honest way, in my opinion.
2) The celeb leaks just keep coming, and I’m frankly just ignoring them, now. And considering the lack of news coverage surrounding the recent batches, I’m not the only one.
It’s still kind of too much, and in my case, it does drill home the point of how distant I really am from my supposed girlfriends.
Rumors are out there now about a Taylor Swift set that apparently contains hardcore sex stuff. Which… I will admit, I’m interested in seeing, but I will also admit will disappoint me hugely upon seeing it (if it exists), since that isn’t at all what I wanted from my relationship with Taylor.
What I’m looking for isn’t that, but commitment. I don’t want to sit and watch other peoples’ relationships, I want some of my own, and I would hope that people would understand and respect this, and most especially those people that everyone considers my girlfriends. And Taylor in particular, out of those.
If these Taylor rumors are true- then what would be the point in me continuing on with her? Would there even be a point? IDK, to be honest. I can make any life I want, provided I concentrate my powers on it. So… what, then?
I think the question I’m asking here is if Taylor is actually devoted to me or not. Is she the person I think she is or not?
I need to know this. I’m not going to spend 10 years of my life devoted to someone because they try to entice me at every given point, only to have them turn around and leave me when convenient. That wouldn’t be fair to me.
I need to know if Taylor is actually devoted to me for the long haul or not.
And if I can’t ever determine this to be 100% in one way or another, than IMHO I don’t see the point in continuing past a certain time frame.
And, since I lack any input at all from her, it will be up to me to determine how long that time frame is.