The Key Problem With Trump, Part X

One more thought, while I’m still thinking (and angry) about this.

Trump’s attitude towards North Korea underscores how very much “unlike us” he is. And by “us” I mean conservatives, of course.

North Korea is most respected here in the US by Trump’s own supposed base. Shades here of how they support Putin, as well.

North Korea is in many ways a very conservative society. Not by American standards, but by their own. They like law and order, and tradition, and standing their ground culturally against the powers that be. Which, I might add, is something they do very well. Better than conservatives here, that’s for sure.

Their society is safe, I’m sure, in ways that ours isn’t. I can’t imagine that there are many dangerous street gangs there that take their hostilities out on the common man. I can’t imagine that the illicit narcotics industry has the hold there that it does here. And I can’t imagine that even things like white-collar crime are as prevalent there as they are here.

To that end- they have their own National bank, not connected to Wall Street, which is something that most of Trump’s supporters would think of as being heaven on Earth here in the US itself.

North Korea is a very agrarian society, with lots of farming and an inherent distrust of many modern trends and fashions. All of which are things that the people who are “represented” by Trump can identify with.

And as far as Kim-Jung Un being crazy, well, he only looks like it in the kind of way that a cornered guy might get crazy when confronted by an aggressive gang of bullies or thugs. Yeah, he acts crazy. He tries to puff himself up to make himself look more dangerous than he really is through rhetoric and aggressive posturing.

And, to his family’s immense credit, it has worked, for a long, long time.

TBH, he does more for his own society’s traditions that the weaklings appointed to do so here have done in the US. I mean conservatives here don’t do much of anything. Conservatives here are cowards and easily bowled over pussies that fold at the slightest hint of resistance. See- Trump, himself, and those gullible, no-expectations having fools who support Trump even now, because he might do something, at some indeterminate point in the future, for them, somehow.

Ugh. This whole thing is just beyond disgusting.

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