I’m sorry, but this whole Trump thing is simply baffling me at this point. This stuff doesn’t even make sense, anymore.
Ok, to summarize: In Europe, Trump threatens Russia with war. In the Middle East, he threatens Syria. In Asia, it’s North Korea. And now come reports that we’re going to be putting boots on the ground in Somalia now, too.
This is altogether too much. Way wayyyyyyy too much, all at once. This is so much, all at once, that is looks like our dear leader would not be out of place in a straight jacket.
Ok, people. Let’s sit down and think about this.
Usually, a President’s first couple of months in office are used to familiarize himself with the role. You know, he gets used to things, forms his cabinet, maybe meets some world leaders, enacts a few domestic policy initiatives, etc.
This is kind of what everyone thought we’d be getting from Trump. We thought that he’d build the wall and reign in Wall Street, for example.
But this……. IDK WTF this stuff is. I mean, it’s just bewildering.
Thus far, there have been zero domestic changes of consequence, and a series of policy changes that make it look as though Trump has just declared World War III, for some reason.
This isn’t what anyone, and I mean anyone, thought that we’d be getting at this point.
It just doesn’t make sense. Who are we fighting, here? Is it communism? Well, no… that wouldn’t explain Syria, or Somalia. Terrorism? No, because Russia. I don’t get it. Is this just a list of countries that Trump doesn’t like, personally?
Not what I expected from “America First”. Hoooooooly shit.
Ok, to the bloggers on the right that still support Trump: Are you guys serious? I mean, look at this. The border is still wide open, and we’re doing all of this stuff internationally, and you still support him? Still?
Guys…. come on.
IDK even what to think, anymore.
You know, that’s also the general feeling that I get from others. People have just tuned out. The government will do what it does. We can’t change it, we can’t prevent it, we have no say. So, who cares?
That’s the feeling I’m getting, now. In my family, even my parents, who hadn’t missed a day of TV news for the last 40 years, have stopped watching the news. Because what’s the point? It’s not like it matters, anyways.
Ugh. Wow.
This stuff just isn’t good, people.