Trump still looks ineffective. He still looks out of touch and hapless.
All of this “war” stuff that he and his cabinet are pushing has amounted to nil in terms of popular support, both within his base and without.
IDC if North Korea threatens the US. I don’t think anybody does, TBH. They’ve been doing that now for God knows how many generations and nothing has ever come of it. TBH, at this point I wouldn’t think it impossible that North Korea’s threats are perhaps just policy initiatives that get lost in translation.
War isn’t going to work, anymore. No longer can the tail wag the dog, so to speak.
I think it’s shaping up like I described it, earlier. Trump will fail or not based on how well he fulfills all of his campaign promises. He either “drains the swamp” or dies, quickly.
The oligarchs are still clueless, even now.
The worst part of Trump’s flip-flops is that he looks not only clueless and disorganized, but ineptly dishonest and conniving as well. And, TBH, I shouldn’t say “looks” because that’s exactly what he is.
The problems with Trump’s nonsensical crusade against North Korea I’ve already outlined, but I haven’t touched, yet, the stupidity and arrogance of his stance against Russia, and particularly Putin.
See, what Trump and his cabinet don’t seem to get is that we know Putin. He has been a fixture on the Internet ever since the late 90’s, when he was elected Prime Minister of Russia. People worldwide know the guy, and they know him well, with Trump’s own base perhaps knowing him better than anyone else outside of Eurasia.
Putin is not a threat to us. Obviously. If he were, that would have been made clear at least a decade ago.
Many people here in the US know Putin better than they know anyone in Trump’s cabinet, including perhaps Trump himself. And we know that he is not a threat to us, no matter what Trump says this week or the next, whatever the hell that might be.
So, why the hostility, Trump? WTF are you thinking here? Is it that Kushner twerp, like so many are saying?
Speaking of Kushner, who is that guy, anyways? Who the hell is that little cretin to tell us that what we already know to be true is wrong? Honestly. That guy has his job for two reasons, neither of which has to do with competence or his own personal insights. He’s there because 1) he’s Jewish, so his say in the Middle East is more important than mine is, since Israel is more important to the oligarchs than this country is; and 2) he’s part of Trump’s family, so of course he gets a job in the White House. I mean, why the hell wouldn’t he, since Trump’s even less qualified daughter got one as well?
God damn it.
I dislike all of this, in the same way that I dislike seeing Trump mindbogglingly side with Al-Qaeda against the secular leaders in the Middle East, like Assad. Note that I say “mind-bogglingly” here because I’ve leaving out the dreary reality that Al-Qaeda is and has always been a tool of the US oligarchy, from the 80’s on, up to and including 9/11, of course. So, no that isn’t really unexpected, but still.
And people- to those of you who still insist that 9/11 was not an inside job, please, please grow up.
It’s a matter of public record that Al-Qaeda was a US creation back in the 80’s. They were created by the CIA here to fight the Soviets, which they did. After the USSR fell, they were owned and managed by Pakistan (a key US ally) until they attacked us in 9/11, after which they became a public ally of this country again, siding with us in war after war in the Middle East, from Iraq to Libya to now, Syria.
People, what are the odds that Al-Qaeda, America’s strongest wartime ally in the Middle East for decades, decided to just up and attack our homeland for no reason on a random Tuesday? And then be forgiven for that attack immediately afterwards?
And no, I don’t need to produce evidence, any more than I would need to produce evidence that the sun rises every morning. I mean, just look, people! It’s right there!
But look, what I’m trying to do here is get this country back on track, somehow. To that end, we need to recognize and understand a few important things:
1) The US economy is broken, as evidenced by the horrific money velocity. Simply put, money, the lifeblood of the economy, is not moving anymore. It’s being pooled up at the top- which is why the US has the worst income inequality in the world- and it’s staying there. It is not getting out of the pockets of the rich people. So, the economy outside of the world of the 1% has dried up, in the same way that blocked arteries and veins in a human being causes parts of the body to dry up and die for lack of nutrients. Except in this case it’s like every once of blood has become trapped in a person’s head, and is not getting out. Bad. Very very bad.
2) Infrastructure will not fix this. Trump’s much vaunted infrastructure projects will do nothing for the economy, at all. In no way are additional bridges and roads and stores and mines going to fix the problems I just described above.
3) What will work, and in fact the only thing that will work, is to force money out of the pockets of the wealthy and into others’ hands, for once. And this will eventually happen either voluntarily, or at gunpoint, or over the dead, decaying corpses of the rich. But in some way it will happen. Bet on it.
4) It is waaaay too late to start working on these issues. I can’t get over that part, because nobody else can, either. It’s toooooo late. It’s so late in the game at this point that effort is probably hopeless.
But, there it is. Yet again.
Let’s see if this does anything.
It probably won’t.