Might as well. I have the time and I’m still not over this whole “seasonal allergies” thing, so…
A long time ago, it used to be a meme amongst libertarians and other anti-war types to wonder what would happen if war was declared… and nobody showed up.
Well, it looks like we’re about to find out.
The news these days vis-a-vis Trump is that he’s readying more sanctions against Syria, Iran and Russia.
More sanctions. Yeah. Wow. Could there be anything more dumb, or predicable, or pointless at this time than yet more sanctions against some people that the sitting US president just doesn’t like, personally?
Question- have sanctions EVER worked? Ever? On any country?
I ask because the Cuba sanctions didn’t do anything, and neither did the Iran sanctions, or the last round of sanctions against Syria and Russia. And of course the North Korean sanctions have done nothing, obviously.
Soooooooo… WTF, guys? More sanctions? Really? Why?
Why is this being done? The entire world at this point understands that US government sanctions do not work, and in fact typically backfire. Look at the last time we levied sanctions against Syria, Iran and Russia. What they did was just work together, to get around the sanctions we imposed. And, ultimately, they did quite well economically. In fact, you could say they prospered because of the sanctions- necessity is the mother of invention, after all. The sanctions failed, utterly and completely.
Look at Syria- Assad is as strong as ever. He’s winning the war. Russia just paid off the last of it’s foreign debts. And Iran is still there, strong as they’ve ever been in recent history. So… more sanctions, Trump? Really?
And who in their right mind has ever thought, in a million years, that sanctions were a good idea against Russia, of all countries? Sanctions are a way to economically isolate a nation, which… doesn’t work when the nation in question is by far the largest on Earth.
See- it doesn’t make logical sense. How is the US gong to impose sanctions against a nation that is twice it’s size, geographically? Russia has seven time zones! 7!!!!!!!!
If sanctions failed against North Korea and tiny little Cuba, what are the odds that they’ll work on Russia? Nil, right?
So, WTF is going on? And why are we even doing this, anyways?
To the oligarchs- guys, I can’t emphasize how much the world is over it, at this point. Nobody fucking cares.
God damn it, it really does seem as though it’s absolutely impossible to get the ruling families here to change, even one iota, in any direction at all. The overlords here in the United States are still acting as though this was the fucking 80’s, for some reason. Nothing has changed one bit in the 1% in literally 35 years at least. It’s like they’re stuck in some impossible time warp, far far away from the rest of humanity and it’s concerns, which is just baffling and frustrating as fucking hell at this point, because they never fucking change, ever.
It’s just baffling. Oligarchs- the public here is over it, too. I don’t care how many of the dumb terrorist “drills” you force everyone to watch. People are beyond tired of this “war” shit at this point.
When is this stuff going to end, guys? When, for fuck’s sake?
Look- the oligarchy here needs to get it’s head in the game, somehow. They need to start living in the real world, and the sooner they do the better off everyone will be.
And I know that I’ve said all of this stuff before, probably many times at this point, but holy fucking shit, it’s not like I have a choice in the matter, do I? If they refuse to change- than it’s not like anyone else here can change either, can they?
Look- just to close this thought out because I’m tired and want to go to bed; Putin absolutely looks like the sane one in this little conflict of ours. His sanity and reasonableness has been well established to the world at this point- see my earlier posts, here. It’s the US that looks desperate, and more than a little nuts right now. The war machine that we have just does not stop. It just keeps killing and killing endlessly, with no concern for international or domestic stability heeded.
This stuff needs to end, and soon.