One more thought, right before bed.
The Trump train of stupidity just keeps rolling on and on, with no end or solution in sight.
It’s just more of the same trash from the orange idiot and his peanut gallery of Goldman Sachs banksters. Internationally or domestically, it just never ends.
His other deal today was corporate tax cuts. He is supposedly wanting to cut the corporate tax rate to 15%, perhaps to enrich himself and his cronies. Who knows.
You know what that move will do to your base, Trump? It will damage and ultimately alienate it further. Is that what you want?
IDK. Perhaps it is.
You know what corporate CEOs are going to do with the money they save on taxes, Trump? I know you already know, of course, since you’re one of them, but I’ll tell you anyways: they’re going to just pocket the savings and move on.
My earlier point about Jeff Bezos stands tall here. Bezos already has something like 90 billion dollars in the bank. If Bezos and the rest of the corporate CEOs that stand to benefit most from this move were actually going to use the money from the tax cuts to hire people, they would have already done it by now.
The United States is awash in plutocrats like Bezos (and Trump) who see any opportunity to save money solely as a chance to enrich themselves. The futures of their own companies and employees mean nothing to them.
I do not think that this move is going to solve anything. Rather, what’s going to happen is this: the oligarchs are just going to pocket the savings from the tax cuts. But then, who’s going to pick up the slack? If the federal budget is not going to go down, then who will pay the taxes needed to keep the government afloat?
Well, I can tell you that it’s not going to be a billionaire. Any of them.
It’s going to be the rest of us: the working classes that make up the actual tax base in this country, since neither the overclass nor the orcs in the protected “underclass” ever pay taxes.
Look, I know that there are small and medium sized businesses out there that might benefit from this move. But my point remains. This move will not help Trump’s base much, at all.
Any business in America that “makes it” immediately turns on it’s employees.
That has been the deal, now, since the day Obama was inaugurated, at least. The trend amongst “public” companies these days is something called “stock buybacks” where the CEOs and other well connected people take corporate money and buy their own companies’ stock with it, to enrich themselves personally.
It used to be, a few generations ago, that companies would use profits and savings from tax cuts to hire people, invest in new equipment, research new possibilities for products, etc. But that was a looooooooooooong time ago.
I know that I’ve already discussed this, but it bears repeating. Bezos and his oligarch friends- the most important CEOs- will not use this money to do anything but enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else.
And all of this crap reminds me of all of that dumb, illogical nonsense that was coming out of DC about “trickle down economics” and other such hogwash back when I was a kid. It was wrong then, and it’s wrong now.
You want to do something for your base, Trump? End immigration. All of it. Now.
Remember- if you fail, you and your family will be amongst the first that get strung up.
Don’t forget this.